

  • 六年级下册英语Unit1知识点
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要学好 六年级英语 首先要把课本上的知识点熟练掌握,下面我为大家带来六年级下册英语Unit1知识点,欢迎大家学习!


1如何用形容词的最高级来描述事物课文应用:That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。



三者或三者以上比较,表示“之最”时,常用“the+形容词最高级”的结构表示,后跟表示比较范围的介词 短语 。

形容词的最高级前面如果有much,by far,nearly,almost等词语修饰,这些词语应放在定冠词the的前面。



2大家一起“比一比”1.课文应用:It’s taller tjan both of us together.它比我们俩加起来还高。

2.句型结构:A+be动词十形容词比较级( taller,stronger.)+than+B.

3.重点解析:此句型主要用于两者进行比较,课文 句子 中的taller是形容词的比较级形式。当我们需要对事物进行比较时,就会用到比较级。形容词的比较级是在形容词原形(即原级)的基础上变化而来的。








3询问对方身高的句型1.课文应用:How tall are you?你有多高?

2.句型结构:How tall are you?



How tall am I?我有多高?(“我”是第一人称)

How tall is helshe/Mary?他/她/玛丽有多高?(“他/她/玛丽”是第三人称单数)

How tall are they/Tom and Mike?他们/汤姆和迈克有多高?(“他们/汤姆和迈克”是第三人称复数)



  4你会描述身高吗?1.课文应用:I’m 1.65 metres.我身高1. 65米。
















2如何询问对方鞋子的尺码如何询问对方鞋子的尺码——What size are your shoes?

课文应用:What size are your shoes,Mike?迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?

Size 7. 7号。

句型结构:问句:What size are your shoes?


重点解析:what size意为“什么尺码”,用来询问衣物的尺码。



3“尺码”的学问课文应用:In China I wear size 38 shoes.在中国我穿38号的鞋。

句型结构:主语+wear(s) size+数字(+其他).



4询问重量的句型询问重量的句型——How heavy...?

课文应用:How heavy are you?你体重多少?

I’m 48 kilograms.我体重48千克。

句型结构:问句:How heavy+be动词十人/物?





六年级下册英语Unit1知识点相关 文章 :

1. 人教版六年级下册英语unit1 C部分课文翻译

2. 人教PEP版六年级下册知识点归纳

3. 六年级英语知识点归纳总结

4. 六年级英语知识点大总结

5. 六年级英语下册第二单元重点

6. 六年级英语下册第三单元知识点整理

7. 2019六年级英语知识点梳理

8. 人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册期中复习知识点

9. 人教版七年级下册英语unit 1-4知识点汇总

10. 新版pep六年级上册英语Unit1教案


  一、 单词

  dining hall 饭厅grass草坪 gym 体育馆ago 以前cycling 骑自行车运动go cycling去骑自行车 ice-skate滑冰 badminton 羽毛球 运动


  „years ago (几)年前 „months ago(几个)月前 last year 去年 last month上个月 play badminton 打羽毛球


  1.There was no library in my old school.我以前的学校里没有图书馆。

  2.Tell us about your school, please.请给我们讲讲您的学校吧!

  3.How do you know that?你是怎么知道的?

  4.There was no computer or Internet in my time.我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。

  5.Before,I was quiet. Now I am very active in class.我以前很安静。现在我在课堂上很活跃。

  6.I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well.我以前个子小,自行车骑得不好。

  7.Now I go cycling every day.现在我天天骑车。

  ( ) 1. A. bus B. car C. book

  ( ) 2. A. school B. bus C.car

  ( ) 3. A. red light B. red C. yellow light

  ( ) 4. A. go B. Canada C. English

  ( ) 5. A. stop B. go C. book

  二 英汉互译.(10分)

  1 on foot ________ 2 slow down ________

  3 see a film ________ 4 have a good time! ____________ 5 go to the supermarket___________


  ( ) 1.Usually I go to school on

  A. bike B. foot C. plane

  ( ) 2. _______ do you go to school?

  A. How B. Who C. Where

  ( ) 3. I’m going ____ 3 o’clock.

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( ) 6. Red means _______.

  A. go B. wait C. stop

  ( ) 7. ______ is the cinema, please?

  A. Where B. What C. When

  ( ) 9. The hospital is ______ the left.

  A. for B. in C. on

  ( ) 10. How can I ___the post office?

  A get to B get on C get off

  四、连词成句。 注意---句首字母大写,标点符号正确,书写工整。(20 分)

  1. do, how, to, you, go, school

  2. foot , I, come, on

  3. a, at, light, stop, red

  4. a, have ,good, time!

  5. are , you ,going, to, what, do ?


  A. What are you going to buy?

  B. Where are you going this evening?

  C. Is it far?

  D. When are you going there?

  E. How can you get there?


  B: I am going to the fruit stand this evening.


  B: I am going to buy some grapes.

  A: ________________________________________________?

  B: Yes, it’s far. The fruit stand is next to the pet shop.

  A: ________________________________________________?

  B: I can get there by the No.112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.

  A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you?

  B: Sure. Let’s go together.

  A: Thank you.

  六 对话 配对 (10分)

  Where are you from? Sure

  Can you help me? I’m from China.

  How do you go to school? I’m going to see a film.

  What are you going to do? You too.

  Have a good time! On foot.


  Hello! I’m Liu Ying. I’m going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I’m going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening I’m going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, I’m going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. I’m going to buy some story-books. After lunch, I’m going to play sports with Amy. In the evening, I’m going to watch TV and clean my room. How happy I am!

  ( ) 1. Liu Ying is going to __________ on Saturday.

  A. the bookstore B. the zoo C. the park

  ( ) 2. How is Liu Ying going to the Renmin Park?

  A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

  ( ) 3. -----What is Liu Ying going to do in the bookstore? -----She is going to ___________.

  A. buy a new CD B. buy a pen C. buy story–books

  ( ) 4. Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with __________.

  A. Tom B. Amy C. her sister

  ( ) 5. Liu Ying is going to clean her room on ___________.

  A. Saturday morning B. Saturday evening C. Sunday evening


  要求:.至少两句,提示(take a trip go to the supermarket visit my grandparents see a film)

  I’m Mike. I’m going to play football.我 是Mike,我打算去踢 足球 .




  1、go on a trip to spl 去某地旅行

  2、the capital (city) of our country 我们的首都

  3、“too + 形容词或副词 + to + 行为动词原型”——表示“太……而不能……”,

  4、be busy with/at sth 忙于干某事

  5、far (away) from spl 远离某地;

  6、shop ①、名词——商店:go to the shop;

  ②、动词——购物:go shopping / do some shopping .

  7、live in 居住在 8、work hard in/at 努力学习(工作)

  8、invite sb to do sth邀请某人干某事;invite sb to spl 邀请某人去某地

  9、want to do sth 想要干某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事(同would like)

  10、taik to/with 和某人交谈、和某人谈话

  talk about sth 谈论某事

  11、call 喊、打电话 call sb (on the telephone) 给某人打电话

  call sb from spl 从某地打电话给某人

  12、leave for 动身去某地

  13、stay with sb 和某人住在一起

  14、交通方式:①、by bus/bike/car/train/plane/sea /motor bike/boat/taxi

  ②、on a bus/bike/train/plane/smotor bike/boat

  ③、take a bus/bike/car/train/plane/ motor bike/boat/taxi

  ④、其它:in a car/ boat/taxi ; on foot ; ride a bike .

  15、may I……?肯定回答:Yes, you may /Yes,please /Yes,of course /Sure .

  否定回答:No, you may not /no,you can`t /No,you mustn`t .

  16、plan 名词——计划 : make a plan for sth 为某事制定计划;

  动词——计划:plan (for) sth为某事做计划 ;plan to do sth 计划干某事.

  17、need to do sth :需要去作某事;

  18、tell sb about/of sth :告诉某人关于某事.

  19、go back to spl 回到某地

  20、pack A with B : 把B打包放进A中 Xiao is packing her bag with her books .

  21、给某人写信:write to sb / write sb a letter / write a letter to sb ;

  22、a suit of clothes 一套衣服.

  23、a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 ; two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜 ;注意:pair短语在句中如果作主语,应根据pair的单复数决定谓语动词的单复数.

  24、Have a good trip ! 旅途愉快!


  1、argue with sb about sth 因某事和某人争论

  2、get on 上车 get off 下车

  3、be ready for sth 为某事做准备

  4、a ticket to Canada去加拿大的票

  5、in +某种语言——用某种语言 speak+某种语言——说某种语言

  6、pardon me 对不起、请重复一遍 =Excuse me

  7、have to(客观的必须) =must(主观上的必须) 必须、不得不、一定得

  8、look out of 从……向外看 out of sth 某物的外面

  9、here and there 到处、四处

  10、point to 指向 point at指着 point out 指出

  11、at the top of 在……的顶端 at the bottom of在……的底部

  12、try to do sth 努力、设法干某事

  13、be from spl = come from spl 来自某地

  14、of course / Sure / Ok 当然

  16、place of interest /the interesting place 名胜古迹

  17、enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事

  18、hope to do sth 希望干某事 hope+宾语从句 希望……

  19、It’s time for sth / It’s time to do sth / It’s time for sb to do sth 该干某事的时候了

  20、wait for sb/sth 等待某人、某物 wait for (sb) to do sth 等待(某人)干某事

  21、find out 查出、查明 fing sb doing sth 发现某人正在干某事

  22、feel+形容词 / be +形容词:感觉怎么样

  23、a bowl of /a bottle of /a glass of /a cup of / a can of pop 一碗 / 一瓶 / 一杯 / 一听汽水

  24、be quiet 安静 keep quiet 保持安静

  25、play a word game 玩一个单词游戏 play with sb 和某人一起玩

  play with sth 玩弄某物 如:Don’t play with fire ! 不要玩火!

  play +球类名词(不要the) play+the +乐器名词(必须要the)如:play the piano

  26、watch TV / a football match / a movie see a flim 看电影

  read the book / the newspaper

  27、show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物

  28、take care of = look after 照看、照料、照顾

  29、look for 寻找


  1、Let sb do sth 让某人干某事

  2、I speak good English = I speak English well .我英语讲得好.

  3、translate for sb 为某人翻译

  4、laugh at sth 嘲笑某人 fly a kite / fly kites 放风筝

  5、have fun 玩得高兴 have fun (in) doing sth 干某事玩得很开心

  6、make fun 开玩笑

  7、hurt one’s +身体部位 :hurt my nose / hurt my arm .

  8、Don’t be afraid . 不要害怕 Don’t worry . 不要担心

  9、be careful / look out 小心、当心

  10、worry about sth /sb be worried about sth /sb 担心某物 / 某人

  11、put …… on…… 把……放在……上 put……in…… 把 ……放进……里面put …… down……把……放在……下面

  12、take one’s picture 给某人照相 take a picture /take pictures照相

  13、用 with + 具体工具 如:She write a letter to her friends pen .

  by 通过某种方式 She sends messages to her friends postcard

  14、fall off 从……上掉下来

  15、help sb do sth / help sb with sth帮助某人干某事

  16、at the post office 在邮局

  17、break his tail 折断了他的尾巴

  18、at the traffic lights 在交通灯的地方

  19、There be + sb +动词ing 形式+地点(介词短语) 某处有某人正在干某事

  20、on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边

  21、on the postcard 在明信片上

  22、in the top、right corner of sth 在…的右上角

  23、go straight down …… 沿着……直走

  24、in an hour 一个小时以后

  25、write sb a letter / write a letter to sb / write to sb给某人写信

  26、a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子

  27、send sb sth /send sth to sb给某人寄(送)某物

  28、buy sb sth / buy sth for sb 给某人买某物

  29、be late for sth 干某事迟到

  30、turn left向左转 turn right向右转

  31、begin/start to do sth /begin/start doing sth 开始干某事

  32、a gift for sb 给某人的礼物

  33、a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的

  34、A man who has not climbed the Great Wall is a true man .

  35、see sb doing sth 看见某人正在干某事(动作正在进行)

  see sb do sth 看见某人干了某事(动作发生的过程)

  36、许多 many +可数名词 much+不可数名词 a lot of lots of

  37、一点、 a little +不可数名词

  一些a few +可数名词 some 用于肯定句 any用于否定句和疑问句

  38、put on 穿上、戴上 (穿的动作) wear 穿着、戴着 (穿的状态)

  39、turn on 打开 9、turn up 调大……

  turn off 关闭 turn down 调小……

  40、停止干某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事

  stop doing sth 停止正在干的事

  41、在……的前面 in front of 在(室外)没有局限空间的地方的前面


   六年级英语 下册有哪些知识点需要同学们学习和掌握的呢?我为六年级师生整理了六年级英语下册重要知识点,希望大家有所收获!


  一、 单词

  young— younger更年轻的 old -older更年长的 tall- taller更高的

  short-shorter更矮的 long-longer更长的 thin-thinner更瘦的

  heavy-heavier更重的 big-bigger更大的 small -smaller更小的

  strong -stronger更强壮的

  二、 句子

  1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。

  2. You’re older than me.你比我大。

  3. How tall are you? 你有多高? I’m 1.65 meters.我身高1.65米。

  4. What size are your shoes?你穿多大号的鞋。

  5. My shoes are size37.我穿37号的鞋。

  6. Your feet are bigger than mine.你的脚比我的大。

  7. How heavy are you?你有多重?

  8. I’m 48 kilograms.我体重48公斤。





  ⑴一般在词尾加er ;

  ⑵以字母e 结尾,加r ;nice---nicer

  ⑶以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er ;big--- bigger thin---- thinner

  ⑷以“辅音字母+y”结尾,先把y变i,再加er 。heavy----heavier

  3.不规则形容词比较级: good/well-better

  例句:(1).It’s taller than both of us together.它比我俩加起来还高。

  (2).Your feet are bigger than mine.你的脚比我的大。 (3).I’m heavier than you.我比你重。



  clean打扫 -- cleaned(clean 的过去式)打扫

  stay停留 -- stayed (stay的过去式)停留

  wash洗—— washed 洗 watch看 ——watched看 have患病 ——had 患病

  sleep 睡觉——slept睡觉 read读 ——read 读 see 看见——saw看见 last 上一个的 yesterday 昨天 before在„之前

  二、 短语

  clean my room 打扫我的房间 wash my clothes 洗衣服 stay at home 呆在家里 watch TV 看电视

  go boating 划船 read a book 读书 see a film 看电影 have a cold 感冒

  sleep 睡觉(过去式slept) climb a mountain 爬山 cooked dinner做饭 cook noodles 面条


  1. How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?

  2. It was good/fine/ok,thank you.很好,谢谢!

  3. What did you do last weekend?你上个周末干了什么?

  4.I stayed at home with your grandma.我和你奶奶呆在家里.(with和谁)

  5. Did you do anything else?你还做了其他什么事吗?

  6. Yes,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.是的,我扫了房间,还洗了衣服。

  7.I want to buy the new film magazine.我想买期新的电影杂志。

  8.Did you see a film?你看电影了吗?

  No,I didn’t .I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.没有,我感冒了。整个周末都呆在家里睡觉。(肯定回答Yes,I did.)

  四、 语法知识:




  ⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t)

  ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t)

  ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。


  (1) 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.


  如:Did Jim go home yesterday?


  如:What did you do yesterday? I read a book.



  go 去——went去 fish 钓鱼 ride骑-- rode 骑 hurt受伤-- hurt 受伤 eat 吃--ate 吃 take—took buy买-- bought

  go camping 野营 --went camping 野营 go fishing 去钓鱼--went fishing 去钓鱼 take pictures照相-- took pictures 照相 buy gifts 买礼物-- bought gifts 买礼物


  ride a horse 骑马 -- rode a horse 骑马

  ride a bike骑自行车-- rode a bike 骑自行车

  hurt my foot——hurt my foot 我的脚受伤

  eat fresh food--ate fresh food 吃新鲜食物 far from 远离 look like 看起来像


  1.What happened?怎么了?

  2.Are you right?你还好吧?

  3.I’m OK now.我现在没事了。

  4.Where did you go yesterday?昨天你去哪儿了?I went to a park.我去公园了。

  5.It looks like a mule.它看起来像头骡子。

  6.Did you go to Turpan? Yes,we did.你们去吐鲁番了吗?是的,去了。

  7.How did you go there?你们怎么去的?

  8.We went there by plane. 我们做飞机去。

  9.Sounds great.听上去不错。



  1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:clean-cleaned, cook-cooked ,stay-stayed,



  4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied cry-cried


  read--read, hurt--hurt, am/is--was, are--were, do--did, see--saw, sleep--slept,

  buy--bought, get--got, go--went, have--had, eat--ate, take--took, run--ran,

  sing--sang, make--made, drink--drank, ride--rode,come--came, give--gave

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  1. 询问名字:What’s your name? My name’s Wang Ling. I’m Charlie

  2. 询问年龄:How old are you? I’m twelve.

  How old is he? He is thirteen.

  3. 询问生日:When is your birthday? It’s March 12th.

  4. 询问职业:Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

  What do you do? I am a teacher.

  What does he do? He is a vet.

  5. 询问身高:How tall are you? I am 158 centimeters tall.

  6. 询问体重:How heavy are you? I weight 60 kilograms.

  7. 询问喜爱的颜色:Do you like red? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  Does he like red? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t..

  What color do you like? I like green.

  What color does he like? He likes blue.

  8. 询问喜爱的食品:What food do you like? I like chicken.

  9. 询问喜爱的学科:What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math.

  10. 询问喜爱的季节:What season do you like? I like spring.

  11. 询问喜爱的运动:What sport do you like? I like playing football.

  12. 询问喜爱的动物:What animal do you like? I like dogs.


  What chores do you have to do? I have to walk the dog.

  What chores does he have to do? He has to feed the fish.

  14. 询问更喜欢什么物品:Which sunglasses do you prefer?

  I prefer these.

  15. 询问身体状况:How are you today? I’m not well.

  What’s the matter? My leg hurts.

  16. 询问想要的、需要的:What do you want? I want a T-shirt.

  What do you need? I need flour, milk, eggs and butter.

  17. 询问物品拥有:Do you have a cap? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  Does he have a watch? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

  18. 询问经常在固定的时间做什么事情:

  What do you do on Sunday? I play tennis.

  What does he do on Monday? He goes to school.

  19. 询问经常在什么时间做这样的事情:

  When do you get up? I get up at 6:00.

  When does he get up? He gets up at 6:30.

  20. 询问现在正在做什么事情:What are you doing? I’m reading a book.

  What is he doing? He is singing.

  21. 询问将来的计划、活动安排:

  What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to ride a horse.

  What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping.

  What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going bowling.

  22. 询问活动的频率次数:How often do you play tennis? Twice a week.

  23. 询问所在的地点、方位: Where are you? I’m in front of the car.

  Where were you yesterday? I was at home.

  24. 询问过去时间内做了什么事情:

  What did you do yesterday? I went to school.

  25. 询问、质疑过去所做过的事情: Did you go to the park last night?

  Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

  26. 询问是谁: Who’s that? That’s Ann.

  Who’ he? He’s my father.

  Who was first? Ken was first.



  1.一般现在时:常与表示程度或频度的词连用,如:often(经常) , usually(通常,一般) , sometimes(有时) , always(总是,一直) , never(从不),表示经常性或习惯性的动作,表示现在的特征或状态,表示普遍真理。用动词原形表示,第三人称单数后,动词要在词尾加s(或es,或变y为i再加es)。如:I often get up at 7:00.

  He often gets up at 7:30.

  2.现在进行时:表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。用am / is / are 加 动词ing形式表示,如: What are you doing? I am reading a book. What is he doing? He is singing.

  3.一般将来时:常与表示将来的时间连用,如:tomorrow , next week , next year 等,表示将要发生的动作或情况。用 am/ is/ are 加 going to形式表示,如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to ride a horse. 用will 加动词原形表示,如:What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping. 用am/ is/ are 加动词ing 形式表示,如:What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going bowling.

  4.一般过去时:经常与表示过去的时间连用, 如: yesterday, last night等, 表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。动词要用动词的过去式。如:

  Who was first? Ken was first.

  Where were you yesterday? I was at home.

  What did you do yesterday? I went to school.


  1.单音节词:比较级加er, 最高级加est. 如:tall------taller-------- the tallest,

  He is taller than his brother. Tom is the tallest in his class.

  2.多音节词和部分双音节词:比较级加more, 最高级加 the most. 如:

  interesting---------more interesting---------the most interesting,

  Music is interesting subject. P.E. is more interesting than music..

  Science is the most interesting subject.


  1. 肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如:

  I’m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

  There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.

  2.否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:I’m not a student. She is not (isn’t) a doctor.

  He does not (doesn’t) work in a hospital. There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroom.

  He will not (won’t) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didn’t) watch TV yesterday evening.

  ☆注意 小结:否定句主要是在肯定句的基础上加上了否定词 “not”。有动词be的句子则“not”加在be后面,可缩写成“isn’t,aren’t”,但am not 一般都分开写。没有动词be的句子则要先在主要动词的前面加上一个助动词(do,does,did),然后在它后面加上“not”,你也可以把它们缩写在一起如“don’t , doesn’t , didn’t )。这三个助动词要根据人称和时态来选择,其中“does”只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而“did”只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用“did” 。


  如:Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

  Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

  Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

  Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

  Are you going to buy a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.)

  Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won’t).

  Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

  Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

  ☆注意 小结:一般疑问句是在肯定句的基础上,



  这三个助动词也要根据人称和时态来选择,其中“does”只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而“did”只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用“did” 。一般疑问句有个重要的原则就是问和答要一致,即问句里的第一个单词(助动词)和简略答句里的这个词是一致的。

  4.特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)开头引导的句子。此类句子应该问什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”来回答。如:

  What is this? It’s a computer.

  What does he do? He’s a doctor.

  Where are you going? I’m going to Beijing.

  Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike.

  Which season do you like best? Summer.

  When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.

  Whose skirt is this? It’s Amy’s.

  Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees.

  How are you? I’m fine. / I’m happy.

  How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.

  ☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问,如: how many(多少(数量)),

  how much(多少(钱)), how tall(多高), how long(多长), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)

  例句:How many pencils do you have? I have three pencils.

  How many girls can you see? I can see four girls.

  How many desks are there in your classroom? There are 51.

  ☆小结:how many 用来提问可数名词的数量,主要有以上三种句式搭配,

  How many + 名词复数 + do you have? 你有多少……?

  How many + 名词复数 + can you see? 你能看见多少……?



  pep六年级下册英语知识点:Unit 1


  tall ----- taller 高的----更高的 than 比

  short ----- shorter矮的/短的----更矮的/更短的 cm厘米

  long ------ longer 长的----更长的 meter 米

  strong------ stronger强壮的----更强壮的 ton 吨

  old ------ older 老的/旧的----更老的/更旧的 size号码

  young------ younger年轻的-----更年轻的 feet脚

  small------ smaller小的----更小的 think想

  big-----bigger 大的-----更大的 tail尾巴

  thin-----thinner 瘦的-----更瘦的 little小的

  fat-----fatter 胖的------更胖的 lobster 龙虾

  happy-----happier 开心的-----更开心的

  heavy-----heavier 重的------更重的

  funny-----funnier 滑稽的------更滑稽的

  wear穿 others even甚至 shark鲨鱼 deep深的

  seal海豹 killer whale虎鲸 sperm whale抹香鲸 squid 鱿鱼


  ⑴ 问年龄?身高?体重等

  How old are you? -- I’m _______ (years old).

  How tall are you? ----- I’m ______ cm tall.

  How heavy are you? ------- I’m ______ kg .

  ⑵ 问物品的情况?

  ① How large is your room? 你的房间有多大

  It’s __________ m2 (square meters.) 有_______ 平方米。

  ② How long is your bed? 你的床有多长

  It’s _________cm long. 有______厘米长。

  ③ How big are your feet? 你的脚有多长?

  I wear size ______. 我穿_______码的鞋。

  ⑶ 形容谁比谁更… …

  ① … be is ( even/much ) …er than …

  e.g. I am taller than you. 我比你高。

  I am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高100px .

  I am taller and stronger than your brother.我比你的弟弟更高更壮。

  Jack is even stronger than his father. Jack 甚至比他爸爸还壮。

  Zhang Peng and John are much younger than Mr.Green.张鹏和John 比Mr. Green 要年轻多了。


  1. Which monkey do you like? 你喜欢哪一只猴子?

  I like the yellow one. 我喜欢黄色的那只。

  2. I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我想那只小猴只有1000px 高。

  3. Its tail is about 38 cm long. 它的尾巴约有950px.

  4. A sperm whale is ____________ than a killer whale in its length.

  pep六年级下册英语知识点:Unit 2


  have a fever发烧? tired疲劳的

  have a cold感冒? excited兴奋得?

  have a sore throat喉咙痛? angry生气的?

  have a toothache牙痛? sad悲伤的?

  have a headache头痛? happy高兴得?

  hurt疼痛? bored无聊的 sore疼得? feel感觉? sick有病的? nose鼻子? know知道?

  worry担心? medicine药?drink喝? stay逗留?

  better更好的?soon立刻?不久? trip旅行?fail失败? pass传递?


  1?A?What’s the matter? 你怎么啦

  B: I have a toothache. 我牙痛。

  2?A: How do you feel ? 你感觉怎样

  B?I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。

  3?A?How does she/he feel? 她/他感觉如何

  B?She/ He is tired. 她/他累了。

  4?You look so happy. 你看起来如此高兴。

  5?A?I failed the math test. 我数学考试失败了。

  B?I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。

  6?How are you ? You look so excited. 你怎么了?你看起来很兴奋。

  7?If you have a fever ,you might have athe flu.


  8?Don’t worry! If you are sick,see the doctor.


  9?Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.


  10 Stay in bed for a few days. You will feel better soon.


  pep六年级下册英语知识点:Unit 3

  一 词汇

  watch ( watched ) 看 wash ( washed) 洗 clean ( cleaned ) 打扫

  play (played ) 玩 visit (visited)看望 do?did ?助动词/做

  cook (cooked ) 做饭 go( went ) 去 go swimming ( went swimming ) 去游泳

  read ( read ) 阅读 go fishing ( went fishing )去钓鱼

  go hiking ( went hiking ) 去郊游 study ( studied ) 学习

  fly ( flew ) 飞 return ( returned) 送回?归还

  swim (swam) 游泳 last 上一个 weekend 周末 to 朝

  向 park 公园 yesterday ( 昨天)

  二 句型

  1 询问在过去的某一个时间做了什么,借助助动词did


  —— What did you do yesterday/last weekend ?

  —— I did my homework .


  —— Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 当句子变为一般疑问句?动词应还原)

  —— Yes , I did ./No, I didn’t .


  No fishing here !此处禁止钓鱼

  No swimming here ! 此处禁止游泳

  No dogs pooing here! 此处禁止狗大便

  No dogs peeing here! 此处禁止狗小便

  三 语法

  当一个动作是在过去的某一个时间发生时动词则要用过去式?如句子中有yesterday, last week , last,weekend , last yesterday , last Sunday 等这样表示过去时间的词时就要用一般过去时态。


  1 一般动词在词尾加上ed 。如?work — worked , wash — washed play --- played

  2 以e 结尾的动词在词尾加上e . 如 ?use --- used live --- lived

  3 以辅音字母和y结尾的动词改y为i ,再加上ed . 如? study --- studied , empty--- emptied

  4 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词?双写最后的辅音字母?再加ed 如?stop –stopped

  5 不规则变化 。


  swim --- swam 游泳 fly --- flew 飞 run --- run 跑

  eat --- ate 吃 sleep --- slept 睡觉 have --- had 有

  buy --- bought买 take --- took 拿 teach ---taught 教

  go---went去 sing --- sang唱歌 do --- did 做

  read ---read 读书 sweep ---swept 打扫 make ---made制作

  set ---set do --- did做 get --- get得到?到达 draw --- drew画画

  drink --- drank喝 write --- wrote写 ride --- rode 骑

  put --- put 放 tell ---told告诉 send --- sent发送

  feel --- felt感觉 think --- thought想 meet --- met 见面


无一事不学,无一时不学,无一处不学,成功之路也。学习外语并不难,学习外语就像交朋友一样,朋友是越交越熟的,天天见面,朋友之间就亲密无间了。下面是我给大家整理的一些 六年级英语 的知识点,希望对大家有所帮助。











































小学六年级下册英语 毕业 考试知识点归纳:小学英语常用 短语

第一节 特殊疑问词

what 什么

where 哪里

who 谁

whose 谁的

when 什么时候

how 怎样

which 哪一个

what time 什么时候

what colour 什么颜色

what language 什么语言

what subject 什么科目

what class 什么班

what day 星期几

what date 日期

how many 多少

how much 多少钱

how often 多经常

how long 多长时间

how old 多大

how tall 多高

how heavy 多重

why 为什么

第二节 缩写词

I‘m = I am

It’s = it is

he‘s = he is

she’s = she is

you‘re = you are

they’re = they are

that‘s = that is

isn’t = is not

aren‘t = are not

don’t = do not

doesn‘t = does not

wasn’t = was not

weren‘t = were not

hasn’t = has not

haven‘t = have not

can’t = cannot

won‘t = will not

we’ll = we will

who‘s = who is

what’s = what is

let‘s = let us

here’s = here is

No. = number


with 是介词,但其意义颇多,一时难掌握。为帮助大家理清头绪,这里以教材中的 句子 为例,进行分类,并配以简单的解释

1. 带着,牵着…… (表动作特征)。如:Run with the kite like this.

2. 附加、附带着……(表事物特征)。如:

A glass of apple juice, two glasses of coke, two hamburgers with potato chips, rice and fish.

3. 和…… (某人)一起。

a. 跟某人一起(居住、吃、喝、玩、交谈……) 。如:

Now I am in China with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with our friends.

b. 跟go, come 连用,有 “加入”到某方的意思。如:Do you want to come with me?

4. 和play一起构成短语动词play

with 意为“玩耍……,玩弄……” 如: Two boys are playing with their yo-yos.

5. 与help 一起构成 help...with...句式,意为“帮助 (某人) 做 (某事)”。如:

On Monday and Wednesday, he helps his friends with their English.

6. 表示面部神情,有“含着……,带着……” 如:

“I‘m late for school,” said Sun Yang, with tears in his eyes.

7. 表示 “用……” 如:You play it with your feet. What do the farmers do with your machines?

8. 表示 “对……, 关于……”。如:What’s wrong with it? There‘s something wrong with my computer.

六年级英语知识点梳理相关 文章 :

★ 六年级英语知识点归纳总结

★ 1至六年级英语知识点梳理

★ 新人教版六年级英语知识点总结

★ 六年级关于英语语法知识点整理

★ 2019六年级英语知识点梳理

★ 六年级英语语法知识点汇总

★ 六年级英语语法知识点知识总结

★ 六年级英语知识点大总结

★ 小学六年级英语语法知识点汇总

★ 小学六年级英语学习方法和技巧大全





  clean打扫 -- cleaned(clean 的过去式)打扫

  stay停留 -- stayed (stay的过去式)停留

  wash洗—— washed 洗 watch看 ——watched看 have患病 ——had 患病

  sleep 睡觉——slept睡觉 read读 ——read 读 see 看见——saw看见 last 上一个的 yesterday 昨天 before在„之前


  clean my room 打扫我的房间 wash my clothes 洗衣服 stay at home 呆在家里 watch TV 看电视

  go boating 划船 read a book 读书 see a film 看电影 have a cold 感冒

  sleep 睡觉(过去式slept) climb a mountain 爬山 cooked dinner做饭 cook noodles 面条


  1. How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?

  2. It was good/fine/ok,thank you.很好,谢谢!

  3. What did you do last weekend?你上个周末干了什么?

  4.I stayed at home with your grandma.我和你奶奶呆在家里.(with和谁)

  5. Did you do anything else?你还做了其他什么事吗?

  6. Yes,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.是的,我扫了房间,还洗了衣服。

  7.I want to buy the new film magazine.我想买期新的电影杂志。

  8.Did you see a film?你看电影了吗?

  No,I didn’t .I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.没有,我感冒了。整个周末都呆在家里睡觉。(肯定回答Yes,I did.)

  四、 语法知识:




  ⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t)

  ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t)

  ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。


  (1) 否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.


  如:Did Jim go home yesterday?


  如:What did you do yesterday? I read a book.


  一、 单词

  young— younger更年轻的 old -older更年长的 tall- taller更高的

  short-shorter更矮的 long-longer更长的 thin-thinner更瘦的

  heavy-heavier更重的 big-bigger更大的 small -smaller更小的

  strong -stronger更强壮的


  1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。

  2. You’re older than me.你比我大。

  3. How tall are you? 你有多高? I’m 1.65 meters.我身高1.65米。

  4. What size are your shoes?你穿多大号的鞋。

  5. My shoes are size37.我穿37号的鞋。

  6. Your feet are bigger than mine.你的脚比我的大。

  7. How heavy are you?你有多重?

  8. I’m 48 kilograms.我体重48公斤。





  ⑴一般在词尾加er ;

  ⑵以字母e 结尾,加r ;nice---nicer

  ⑶以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er ;big--- bigger thin---- thinner

  ⑷以“辅音字母+y”结尾,先把y变i,再加er 。heavy----heavier

  3.不规则形容词比较级: good/well-better

  例句:(1).It’s taller than both of us together.它比我俩加起来还高。

  (2).Your feet are bigger than mine.你的脚比我的大。 (3).I’m heavier than you.我比你重。



  go 去——went去 fish 钓鱼 ride骑-- rode 骑 hurt受伤-- hurt 受伤 eat 吃--ate 吃 take—took buy买-- bought

  go camping 野营--went camping 野营 go fishing 去钓鱼--went fishing 去钓鱼 take pictures照相-- took pictures 照相 buy gifts 买礼物-- bought gifts 买礼物


  ride a horse 骑马 -- rode a horse 骑马

  ride a bike骑自行车-- rode a bike 骑自行车

  hurt my foot——hurt my foot 我的脚受伤

  eat fresh food--ate fresh food 吃新鲜食物 far from 远离 look like 看起来像


  1.What happened?怎么了?

  2.Are you right?你还好吧?

  3.I’m OK now.我现在没事了。

  4.Where did you go yesterday?昨天你去哪儿了?I went to a park.我去公园了。

  5.It looks like a mule.它看起来像头骡子。

  6.Did you go to Turpan? Yes,we did.你们去吐鲁番了吗?是的,去了。

  7.How did you go there?你们怎么去的?

  8.We went there by plane. 我们做飞机去。

  9.Sounds great.听上去不错。



  1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:clean-cleaned, cook-cooked ,stay-stayed,



  4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied cry-cried


  read--read, hurt--hurt, am/is--was, are--were, do--did, see--saw, sleep--slept,

  buy--bought, get--got, go--went, have--had, eat--ate, take--took, run--ran,



