

  • 3年级趣味英语题(含答案)
  • 冀教版小学三年级下册英语竞赛试题
  • 几道初中三年级英语的不定式的题目,求详细解答
  • 香港小学三年级英语试题
  • 三年级上册英语卷子


( )1、你想知道别人叫什么名字时应问:
A、What’ your name? B、Who’s there
( )2、当你和别人分别时,你应说: A、Gooedbye B、Thanank you
( )3、别人请你一起玩,你应说:A 、Hello B、 OK
( )4、今天是教师节,你应对老师说:
A、Thangk you teacher B、Happy teachers’day
( )5、当你向别人介绍自己的名字时,你应说:
A、My name is Wu yifang B、What’s your name
( )6、当你和Miss White 打招呼时,你应说:
A、Goodbye B、Hello Miss white
( )7、当别人对你说“how are you”时,你会怎么说?
A、fine thank you B、thank you
( )8、当你初次和别人见面,你想说“见到你很高兴!用英语怎么表达A、Nice to meet you too B、Nice to meet you
( )9、当你和别人要分别时说什么?
A、Good morning B、Good bye
( )10、当你想把朋友tom介绍给李明时,你该怎么说?
A、I am tom B、this is tom
( )11、七彩虹中没有的颜色是 A、Green B、Red C、White
( )12、什么东西属于你一个人专有,但是别人用的多,你自己用的少? A、eraser B、name C、pen
( )13、当别人问你“What’s your name”时,你应该说: A、My name is ……B、I’m a girl C、Good morning
( )14、你离开时说什么?A、Bye B、Great C、Fine
( )15、当别人对你说我们游戏吧,你应给说:
A、Right B、Great C、No
( )!6、当你想表达“我有一只钢笔”时,你应说:
A、I have a pen B、I have a pencil
( )17、当你想看一看别人的东西时,你应说:
A、May I a have a look at B、May I have a look ?
( )18、当你想给对方铅笔时,你应该说:
A、Here you are B、Here are you
( )19、当别人对你说“Thank you ”时,你应该说:
A、All right B、You are welcome
( )20、当对方对你说“May I have a look ”时,你应该说:
A、Sure B、Thank you
( )21、你想问对方多大了,用英语应说:
A、How are you B、How old are you
( )22、你想问对方来自哪里是说:
A、Where are you from B、What are you from
( )23当有人问你“How many fingers do you have”你应回答:A、Fine B、Ten
( )24、如果你建议大家一块吃蛋糕时,你应说:
A、Can you nave the birthday cake B、Let’s eat the birthday cake
( )25、如果你想表达“我是中国人时”,你应说:
A、I’m from china B、I’m from Chinese
( )26、在餐馆你想喝可乐,你应该说:
A、I like Coke B、Can I have some Coke
( )27、有人对你说“Have some cake”如果你不喜欢,你应该说
A、No ,thanks B、No,I don’t like
( )28、你想表达你也喜欢时应该说:
A、Me too B、I like too
( )29、在餐馆里,当服务员问你“What do you like?”时。你应该说
A、I do noodles B、I like noodles
1-5 AABBA 6-10 BABBB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 ABABA
21-25 BABBA 26-29 BAAB


一、 填入所缺字母,使之成为正确的单词(20分)
1、ch___pst__cks(筷子) 2、h__m__urger (汉堡包) 3、f__rk(叉)
4、fas___ foo__(快餐)5、knif___ (刀) 6、p__ople (人们)
7、ch__ps (薯条) 8、h___ ___d(困难的) 9、e__s__(容易的)
1、Chinese fast food 一幅刀叉
2、a knife and fork 中式快餐
3、English people 英国人
4、in England 说汉语
5、speak Chinese 在英国
( )1、Knife and fork is _____for Chinese people.
A: easy B: hard C: hungry
( )2、We____ a knife and a fork.
A: use B: do C: listen
( )3、Daming: What are you doing?
Amy: I’m____ hamburger .
A: eat B: make C: eating
( )4、I like chips. It’s_____ fast food.
A: Chinese B: English C: American
( )5、Lingling is eating noodles. She’s using______
A: chopsticks B: a knife and fork C: a fork
( )6、What is he_____? He is using a knife and fork.
A: doing B: making C: using
( )7、I write a letter ____ a pen.
A: on B: with C: in
( )8、For Chinese people, chopsticks are_____
A: easy B: hard C: use
A: hamburger B: rice C: chips D: noodles E: dumpling
Chinese fast food English fast food¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
( )1、apple A: rice B: noodles C: banana
( )2、dog A: plane B: egg C: cat
( )3、noodles A: knife B: rice C: fork
( )4、ruler A: pen B: duck C: bike
( )5、fork A: hamburger B: knife C: rice
1、He is singing. 2、Daming is eating noodles.
3、We eat with chopsticks 4、She is playing the flute.
Chinese have Chinese fast food. English have fast food. Chinese use chopsticks but English use a knife and a fork. Amy likes Chinese fast food. Now she is eating noodles with chopsticks. Daming likes English Fast food, but he doesn’t use a knife and fork. He often(经常的) eats hamburger and chips. Chinese people use chopsticks. It’s difficult(困难的) for English people.
( ) 1、Chinese people use___________
A: a knife and fork B: chopsticks
( ) 2、Daming likes_______ fast food.
A: Chinese B: English
( ) 3、Now Amy is eating______
A: noodles B: hamburger and chips
( ) 4、_____ doesn’t use a knife and fork.
A: Amy B: Daming
每年的9月10日这天,同学们应该对老师说一句( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!
每年的12月25日这天, 同学们应该互相说一句 ( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!
小明今天过生日,我们应该对小明说一句 ( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!
Spelling (填写下列单词的所缺字母)10×1
01.cr ss 穿越
02.tr ffic light 交通信号灯
03.w ter 水
04.v g table 蔬菜
05.sh e 鞋
06.What’s the w like in January? (天气)
07.What do you want? I want some b_________ (刷子)
08.We’ve got some p __ but we need some scissors. (纸)
09.This uniform is c ____ but it’s nice.(便宜)
10.This is the way I w ______ my face. (洗脸)
IV. Multiple choice (单项选择题) 20×1
1.Mother Duck is sitting _____ the nest.
A. at B. in C. on D. to
2.Can I have some water ?I’m _________.
A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. full
3.What are they doing? They are _________
A. smkeing B. smoking C. smoke D. smoken
4.What’s _______ like in January?
A. the weather B. weather C. it D. its
5.I want to paint. Can I have some_____________?
A. rice B. apples C. brushes D. uniforms
6._______ very cool in autumn.
A. it B. it’s C. It’s D. It
7.Our classroom is too hot. Don’t _______ the window, please!
A. open B. opening C. close D. closing
8.Let’s go to ______ park.
A. a B. the C. A D. The
9.Lucy ______ her lunch at 12 o’clock.
A. have B. having C. eat D. eats
10.Min and Mog go ____________ at nine o’clock at night.
A. out side B. outside C. Out side D. Outside
11.I _____ reading a book now.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
12.Do you need some ______ for dinner ?
A. milk B. milks C. Milk D. Milks
13.I’ve ______ some apples and grapes.
A. getting B. got C. gets D. get
14.______ you listen to English in the morning ? Yes, I do.
A. do B. Do C. does D. Does
15.The students in Yucai school can go home ______ Friday.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
16.Don’t play football ______ the classroom.
A. in B. on C. outside D. at
17.Here _____ a pair of scissors.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
18.The little girl’s name ________ Nina.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
19.There _______ many apples in the basket.
A. are B. is C. am D. have
20.The first day of a week is __________
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday.
V. Fill the blanks (根据课文填空) 10×1
1. Dear Helen,
My name is Kitty. I am your pen-friend. I have a brother. I l________ in Shanghai. The weather in Shanghai is nice. In spring it is s________, rainy, warm and w________. In summer ...
In autumn it is ... In winter it is c________, windy, cold and d________.
2. Min and Mog’s night
Min and Mog get up at seven o’clock in the e________. They eat t________dinner at half past seven. They eat some fish. Min and Mog g outside at nine o’clock at night. They c________
m________! Min and Mog go home at six o’clock in the m________. They w their faces. They go to bed.
VI. Make up sentences (连词成句,注意大小写 )5×2
1. he or is tired afraid(?)
2.you like this of pair do shoes.(?)
3.Sandy at nine bed to goes o’clock(.)
4.Helen’s mother does the dress like (?)
5.time what you do your dinner eat(?)
VII. Write ( 用所给词的适当形式填空) 10×1
1. Look. The birds are _______________ in the tree. (sing)
2. I can ________ in the pool. (swim)
3. She ____________ grapes and watermelon.(like)
4. Kitty doesn’t ____________ any brushes. (need)
5. Kitty is wearing _________ new uniform. (she)
VIII. Close. (完型填空) 10×1
A. 根据句意写单词
I _____ a teacher and my ________ is Wendy Young. I am from China and I ______ in Shanghai. I usually get ______ at six and ________ breakfast at six thirty. I go to _______ at seven. I like my ____________ very much because they are all the best in my eyes.
B. 用所给的词完成对话
number where telephone
A: Hello, what’s your name, please ?
B: Betty.
A: What’s your __________ ____________?
B: It’s 23885377
A: And ________ do you live ?
B: I live in 13 Beihai Street.
A: How old are you ?
B: I am eight years old.
IX. Reading ( 阅读) 10×1
1. Write “T’or “F”(判断对错,对的写T错的写F)
Tom: What a lovely day! Let’s go to the park and have a picnic.
Peter: Ok. That’s the supermarket. It’s nine o’clock in the morning, still early(还早). Let’s go and buy the things for the picnic.
Tom: Great! Do you like bread/
Peter: No, I like cakes. I want this big cake. And I’ve got some milk and some apples. What do you need?
Tom: I need a hot dog, two oranges and some sweets.
Peter; Oh! That’s enough(足够). Let’s go to the park.
Tom; Let’s.
( ) 1. Tom is ten and Peter is eleven.
( ) 2. They go to the park in the afternoon.
( ) 3. They buy things for picnic in the supermarket.
( ) 4. Peter wants the small cake.
( ) 5. Tom likes hot dogs.
2. Read and choose (阅读对话并选择正确答案)
Susan: Hi, I’m Susan. I’m ten years old. I’m in Garden City Primary School. New term starts on Thursday 1st September.
Mum: What have you got?
Susan: I’ve got a new uniform, some new shoes and some pencils.
Mum: Do you want some new books?
Susan: Yes, I want new books. I forgot (忘记) them.
Mum: Ok. Write a list: Things you need for school.
Susan: Yes. I need a new uniform, some new shoes, some pencils, some books, some felt pens, a long ruler and a small rubber.
Mum: Oh! You forgot a lot (许多). Let’s go and buy them.
Susan: Yes,Mum.
( ) 1. Susan is a .
A. pupil B. teacher C. doctor
( ) 2. She’s .
A. eight B. nine C. ten
( ) 3. New term starts on .
A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday
( )4. Susan has got .
A. a new uniform and some pencils B. some pencils and a ruler
C. some new shoes and a rubber
( )5. Susan hasn’t got .
A. a short ruler B. a big rubber C. new books
提高卷 满分20分
I. 语法知识 10 ×1
A. 按照要求写句子
1. Iwant some vegetables for dinner. ( 用my mother 替换I)
_________ __________ _________ some vegetables for dinner.
2. Min and Mog get up at seven o’clock in the evening. (就划线部分提问)
________ ________ _________ they get up?
1. Look! Some boys are ________________ in the pond. ( swim)
2. There _______ so many apples on the tree. (be)
3. Can Kitty ________ the piano ? (play )
4. Miss Yang _______ got some beautiful pictures in her hand. ( have)
II. 趣味英语 2×5
A. 动脑筋 找一找
同学们, 一天的天气有时变化很大,请你在表格中找出关于天气变化的单词,找的越多 得分越高呦!把答案写在横线上
B. 脑筋急转弯
1. Which letter is large body of water ?___________
2. What has four legs one back but can’t walk?_________
3. Tink and write.(填表格完成单词)
Ⅰ 听力:
A. B C A C B B. B B A B A
Ⅱ 语音:
A. D C B A D B. 1
Ⅲ 单词拼写:
1. o 2. a 3. a 4. e e 5. o 6. weather 7. brushes
8. paper 9. cheap 10. wash
Ⅳ 单选:
1—5 C A B A C 6—10 C C B D B 11—15 C A B B B 16—20 A B B A D
Ⅴ 课文填空:
1. Live, sunny, wet, cloudy, dry
2. evning, their, go chase morning wash

1. Is he tired or afraid ?
2. Do you like this pair of shoes ?
3. Sandy goes to bed at nine o’clock.
4. Does Helen’s mother like the dress ?
5. What time do you eat your dinner ?

1. singing 2. swim 3. likes 4. need 5. her

A. am name live up eat school students
B. telephone number where

1. F F T F T
2. A C B A C
Ⅰ 语法知识
A. 1. My mother wants 2. What time do
B. 1. swimming 2. are 3. play 4. has
Ⅱ 趣味英语
A. windy cloudy rainy sunny hot
B. 1. sea 2. chair/bench 3. at, arm, are, aunt, afraid, au


1、A like to do sth或like doing sth 故排除CD find 是一眼就能发现的,而find out是要经过调查研究思索后才能发现的
2、B A是被动语态,而歌手与唱歌是主动关系,D中的to是不定式符号,后应跟动词原形。题中要表达的意思是这位歌手被听到正在唱一首美妙的歌曲,所以应用进行时态,排除C,选B
3、D A、B的说法不对,故排除,decide to do sth 故排除C
4、reading 每天早上都能听到这个女孩读英语。听到的时候肯定是正在读,所以用进行时
5、to visit 解释one day是指将来的某一天,是还没有发生过的事情,所以用to visit
6、What it 、这个句型和What a beautiful gir she is.有些类似,但是girl是可数名词,而 weather是不可数名词,故把a 去掉。


一、 填入所缺字母,使之成为正确的单词(20分)
1、ch___pst__cks(筷子) 2、h__m__urger (汉堡包) 3、f__rk(叉)
4、fas___ foo__(快餐)5、knif___ (刀) 6、p__ople (人们)
7、ch__ps (薯条) 8、h___ ___d(困难的) 9、e__s__(容易的)
1、Chinese fast food 一幅刀叉
2、a knife and fork 中式快餐
3、English people 英国人
4、in England 说汉语
5、speak Chinese 在英国
( )1、Knife and fork is _____for Chinese people.
A: easy B: hard C: hungry
( )2、We____ a knife and a fork.
A: use B: do C: listen
( )3、Daming: What are you doing?
Amy: I’m____ hamburger .
A: eat B: make C: eating
( )4、I like chips. It’s_____ fast food.
A: Chinese B: English C: American
( )5、Lingling is eating noodles. She’s using______
A: chopsticks B: a knife and fork C: a fork
( )6、What is he_____? He is using a knife and fork.
A: doing B: making C: using
( )7、I write a letter ____ a pen.
A: on B: with C: in
( )8、For Chinese people, chopsticks are_____
A: easy B: hard C: use
A: hamburger B: rice C: chips D: noodles E: dumpling
Chinese fast food English fast food¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
( )1、apple A: rice B: noodles C: banana
( )2、dog A: plane B: egg C: cat
( )3、noodles A: knife B: rice C: fork
( )4、ruler A: pen B: duck C: bike
( )5、fork A: hamburger B: knife C: rice
1、He is singing. 2、Daming is eating noodles.
3、We eat with chopsticks 4、She is playing the flute.
Chinese have Chinese fast food. English have fast food. Chinese use chopsticks but English use a knife and a fork. Amy likes Chinese fast food. Now she is eating noodles with chopsticks. Daming likes English Fast food, but he doesn’t use a knife and fork. He often(经常的) eats hamburger and chips. Chinese people use chopsticks. It’s difficult(困难的) for English people.
( ) 1、Chinese people use___________
A: a knife and fork B: chopsticks
( ) 2、Daming likes_______ fast food.
A: Chinese B: English
( ) 3、Now Amy is eating______
A: noodles B: hamburger and chips
( ) 4、_____ doesn’t use a knife and fork.
A: Amy B: Daming
每年的9月10日这天,同学们应该对老师说一句( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!
每年的12月25日这天, 同学们应该互相说一句 ( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!
小明今天过生日,我们应该对小明说一句 ( )
A: Merry Christmas to you !
B: Happy Birthday to you !
C: Happy Teacher’s Day!


河北唐山南堡开发区教育局 王向飞
birthday really great eight pink
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. Me, too. B. Show me the red flower. C. Good afternoon.
( )2. A. Happy Teachers’ Day! B. I’m OK. C. Thank you.
( )3. A. Thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. You’re welcome.
( )4. A. Have some tea. B. No, thanks. C. I like tea.
( )5. A. I like orange. B. Thanks. C. I don’t like it.
( ) 1. balloons
( ) 2. hamburger
( ) 3. rabbit
( ) 4. bear
( ) 5. eraser
( )1. The girl has a ______.
A. doll B. ball
( )2. Can I have some _______?
A. Coke B. water
( )3. Look at the_______. It’s funny.
A. mouse B. squirrel
( )4. He can throw the _______.
A. boat B. plane
( )5. How many candles can you see?
A. seven B. eight
( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.
( ) 2. May I have a look? B. Me too!
( ) 3. What’s your name? C. Sure. Here you are
( ) 4. Happy birthday! D. I’m 9.
( ) 5. I have a bag. E. Thank you.
( ) You’re welcome.
( ) OK. Here you are.
( ) Have some juice!
( ) Thank you.
( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______
例:(C) A. three B. four C. tea D. nine
( ) 1. A. bread B. milk C. ball D. coffee
( ) 2. A. boat B. kite C. plane D. car
( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. purple D. paint
( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear
( ) 5. A. crayon B. sharpener C. pencil D. brown
( )1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______
A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers’ Day!
( )2.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______
A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.
( )3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______
A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You’re welcome!
( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________
A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!
( )5. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:________
A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks.



