

  • 翻译,中翻英~
  • 妄自菲薄的英文解释
  • properly和probably有什么区别
  • the-application-may-have-been-installed-improperly是什么意思
  • fail to use computers improperly不应该是肯定的吗
  • 妄自菲薄 英语怎么说
  • 一道高中英语题
  • unsuitably 和 improperly 的区别
  • 妄自菲薄的英文怎么说


Plastic with the hazard
Plastic bag recycling low-value, now mostly recovered and into the environment, its two main hazards to the environment, or “visual pollution“ and “potentially harmful.“
Visual pollution is scattered in the environment of the waste plastic products on the cityscape, landscape damage. In large cities, tourist areas, water, railway next to the scattered people of waste plastics to the adverse visual stimuli affect the city, the overall beauty of scenic spots. But also damages the image of our country and people. We call this situation as “visual pollution.“ Visual pollution is the “white pollution“ in the most prominent hazards. In our cities, tourist areas, water, roads and railways on both sides of the existence of different levels of waste plastic waste visual pollution, the waste plastic scattered on the ground or hung in the branches with the wind flying, or floating in the water, environmental pollution, spread of disease, people expressed strong opinions.
Potential hazard is the plastic waste into the natural environment brought about difficulty in long-term degradation of the deep environmental problems. Plastic structural stability of the natural microorganisms can not easily be destroyed in a natural medium to long term does not. This means that waste plastics recycling waste, if not, will become pollutants in the environment section of the permanent presence is not cumulative. Hazards in the environment are the following:
Affect the industrial and agricultural production. Mixed plastic waste accumulating in the soil will affect the crops absorb nutrients and water, leading to crop failures; floating in the Yangtze River in the plastic products has caused great difficulties to access to water, causing the pump for taking the time and plug, to cause industrial production and hydropower huge losses. If Hydroelectric Station, every day because of floating plastic garbage clean-up, loss of power shut down 200000KW.H. After the completion of the Three Gorges hydropower station in the future, such as plastic waste pollution continue to water it on the power loss, would be disastrous;
Threat to the survival of animals. Abandoned on land or water in the waste plastic products, animal as food ingestion, leading to animal death. In the zoo, pastoral, rural, sea, such cases are not uncommon;
With the landfill of waste plastics will not only take up a lot of land, and occupied the land long-term recovery without affecting the sustainable use of land. Waste into the garbage in the recycling of plastic products is difficult, if its landfill, 200 years is not degraded, will result in long-term occupation of large tracts of land, increasing pressure on land resources. Not only our generation to be surrounded by garbage, but also future generations would lose their living space;
Affected the utilization of garbage. Garbage mixed with plastic does not apply to composting, sorting out waste from the garbage in plastic, in turn, increases the cost of composting. Contaminated waste plastics can not guarantee the quality due to its use value is low;
Improperly discarded plastic garbage environmental health departments to increase strength and pressure; plastic waste is still very easy to carry bacteria and spread disease.
Against women and baby Plastic Products
According to the latest issue of the United States “Environment Watch“ magazine, a widely found in plastic toys, bottles, plastic cosmetics and other consumer goods in synthetic chemicals ----- phthalates may damage reproductive male organs, affect the child’s sexual characteristics, reproductive system and even cause cancer. Almost simultaneously, a published in the “endocrine issue,“ the paper noted that BPA is also a commonly used plastic products in the chemical substances that may lead to women suffering from breast cancer.
Both studies show a large plastic damage
In the first study, researchers conducted in pregnant women urine samples, which were measured at the level of phthalates contained in, and the data of infants born with their own physiological comparison. The results showed that the higher the concentration of phthalate in urine of mothers, their babies born more likely to be short penis, cryptorchidism and hypospadias and other reproductive and developmental abnormalities. University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Professor Shana Si million is the host of this research, published in the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences sponsored the Monthly “Environment Watch“ magazine.
The team pointed out that with the earlier animal experiments is similar to phthalates can interfere with maternal testosterone during pregnancy (a male hormone) secretion, resulting in “phthalate syndrome“, resulting in gave birth to male rats reduced sperm mobility or sperm death, and a tendency to feminization. The study also shows that humans may be more susceptible than mice against this substance.


improperly belittle oneself
underestimate oen’s own capabilities

You should not deprecate your own worth
Don’t belittle yourself unduly

总有人不如你。(不宜妄自菲薄)——伊索There is always someone worse off than you. —— Aesop










properly speaking 确切地说 ;properly terminated 正确终端

properly posed problem 适定问题 ;properly include 真包含 

abandon probably 可能放弃 ;absorb probably 适当地吸收

enable probably 大概能做到 ;face probably 适当地面对 

fall probably 可能要垮台 ;lack probably 可能缺乏 



2、probably主要修饰谓语动词,在句子里如果有一个助动词和一个主要动词,probably应紧跟在助动词之后; 如果有两个以上助动词, probably放在第一个助动词之后。

句子里如果没有助动词, probably通常放在动词之前。如果主要动词是be, probably应紧跟在be之后。probably有时还可放在句首。




1、He has disposed of the rubbish properly.


2、The heater in my car doesn’t work properly.


3、I’m learning German, but I still can’t speak it properly.


4、The allegations were never properly investigated.


5、I’ll be probably free then.



well 很好地 ;accordingly 因此 ;right 正确的

decent 相当好的 ;correctly 正确地 ;appropriately 适当地

by the book 按规则 ;suitably 适当地 ;accurately 准确地

decently 正派地 ;the right way 正确的方法 ;in good order 整齐 

likely ;perhaps ;possibly


improperly 不正确地 



fail to use computers improperly不应该是肯定的吗

这句话是否定意思。因为前边用了fail,失败的意思,所以这句话是否定的含义。翻译过来是 没能正确的使用电脑。望采纳。

妄自菲薄 英语怎么说

Antonyms : 妄自尊大 夜郎自大 自命不凡
Synonyms : 自暴自弃 自轻自贱 自惭形秽
1. belittle oneself; be unduly humble
不可骄傲自满,也不可妄自菲薄。 : Be neither conceited nor excessively humble. 你不要妄自菲薄,其实你还是很有发展前途的。



  1. with  你要如何处理你的旧手机

  2. safety  安全方面的问题

  3. improperly, 处理不当才会有安全问题

  4. practical,   practical ways切实可行的办法

  5. that 这里是定语从句,做的是主语

  6. taking,suggest doing sth固定结构

  7. the

  8. accesses 由于整篇文章用的是一般现在时,所以这里也是一样

  9. choose

  10. to reset

unsuitably 和 improperly 的区别

unsuitably 和 improperly 无区别,二者都可以用同一个句型来替换。
2. 不合适地;不适当地;不得体地
英音 ;
1. 不诚实地;不正当地;不道德地
2. 不合适地;不适当地;不得体地
3. 错误地;不正确地


口语上可以说: Don’t be hesitated,be more self confidence! 文字形容: 某人妄自菲薄:The man looses self confidence and be hesitated.



