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- 权力的游戏的史塔克家族兴衰的背景背景
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- HI 你好,请问能提供下冰与火之歌中英文对照版么 非常感谢
- 权力的游戏的史塔克家族兴衰的背景是怎样的
When Fiona’s father and King of Far Far Away passes away, the clumsy Shrek becomes the immediate successor of the throne. However, Shrek decides to find the legitimate heir Artie in a distant kingdom with his friends Donkey and Puss in Boots to be able return to his beloved house in the swamp with the pregnant Fiona. Meanwhile, the envious and ambitious Prince Charming joins the villains of the fairytales plotting a coup d’état to become the new king.
作者: Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
When the King of Far, Far Away ’croaks’, it is up to Shrek, Donkey and Puss in Boots go off to bring back the next heir to the throne, Artie. Whilst Shrek and his crew are gone, Prince Charming brings together all evil fairy tale creatures in an attempt to take over as the new king.
作者: Film_Fan
Robinhood ( Robin Hood) A heroic figure of the chivalrous stealing type in the British popular legend, he enlivens Britain between 1160 and 1247 according to legend, it is called the rank of nobility of Dunbar Ding of Chinese.
From middle period of the 12th century, begin to be spreading folkly about Robinhood’s folk rhyme and legend.
In the 14th century, the story about Robinhood comes out as the literary works for the first time.
After this, there is writer’s material of regarding this as constantly, write out a lot of immensely popular works.
Among them, Howard of American writer Paul “ Robinhood in promise exploration story, man of fort“ what we are relatively known well on whom one year publish.
This works are different from our plot and personage known very well in the past, have shown a brand-new one, more vivid and more plump Robinhood to us, chance to offer a contrast to us and read.
Have referred to him too in “ Scottish annals “ of Scottish historian Walton.
The 15th century later, Robinhood became a widely known personage gradually.
The literary works about Robinhood kept at present can trace back to the 14th century, William bright Land’s long poem is the earliest works among them “ about making its presence felt of the farmer Pearce “.
Robinhood and Wood with summer is as the base camp, ,etc., Dr.eye: rob the rich and help the poor, renovates ruthless and tyrannical Luther graceful noble, government official when unite little John, warm, and use the wealth obtained for succouring poor common people, reflect British people resist the spirit of feudal oppression in Middle Ages.
In the legend of Britain, Robinhood’s name is extremely loud
The story about him is not the historical facts, but the heroes usually all overstate or make up.
His legend has many kinds of statements, roughly says when famous Crusades fights east in the 12- 1st century, king Richard of England is captured, stay domestic prince John seizes the chance to usurp the power, refuse to redeem king Richard.
And seize the chance to convert loyally in the manor of king Richard’s Robinhood’s house too long in Nottinghamshire that act in collusion with each other with him, attempt to have finger in his sweetheart Marian even more.
Robinhood is forced to shelter from into Sherwood forest, regards this as the base, the leader supports agriculture the people’s insurrectionary army robs the rich and help the poor everywhere, succeed in redeeming king Richard finally, have crushed the conspiracy of such people as prince John,etc..
Robinhood is the most outstanding exactly the archery is superb.
Up to now, there is a term that has been named “ RobinHood “ in the archery match ,Mean “ hit another arrow that has already hit the bull’s-eye, and divide the arrow body into twoing “ ,This is just portrayal to Robinhood’s consummate arrow skill.
It is about A.D. 1190 to have and say too, Richard Wang of British lion’s heart leads the British army to participate in the Crusades to fight east, Robinhood goes along with an army and moves ahead too.
But look on as the war is over, when Robinhood returns to the hometown from the battle field, find one’s own manor and property have already been confiscated with the unwarranted charge by the public security officer of Nottinghamshire
At this moment, Britain is being solicitted through lion heart Wang Dong but prince John that seizes the chance to manipulate power rules, his extorting excessive taxes and levies lets the people suffer unspeakably.
For this reason, Robinhood gather gangs of brigands, rely on one’s own wisdom and bravery, lead everybody to rob the rich and help the poor, oppose the tyranny of the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler.
The legendary hero of Robinhood is not only in Britain, but also widely known by the people in a lot of countries of the west, a widely known legendary hero of westerners, his story often appears on the film and television screen too.
Remembering that there is an English song and was sung by Canadian singer Brian and Adams, “ all is for you “ ( Every thing I Do, I Do ItFor You) .
The song famous film “ chivalrous to steal Robinhood “ theme song that Costner star in, Kevin of movie star.
Robinhood’s story happens in Nottingham of Britain.
Nottingham is an old city with legendry.
Nottingham is one of the cities with the longest history of Britain too, the 6th century, the ancient vessel dose is stupid Saxon settles down here, is invaded by the other nationality in the 9th century, the rule for Norman in the 11th century.
About 700 years ago, in wide Sherwood forest to the north of Nottingham, there are a gang of brigands robing the rich and help the poor headed by Robinhood, start an uprising, resist oppression, Norman of people.
It seems to be that this legendary figure offered around Robinhood in all beauty spots in Nottingham.
This is Robinhood’s hillock, there is Robinhood’s spring, cave, Robinhood’s arrow has been hit here,etc.
he most convincing statement is that Robinhood was born in the sixties of the 12th century, concentrated on Richard all one’s life (on the throne in 1189- 119 years) mainly in its activity To king John (1199- In place in 1216) During this time.
At that time, the runaway convict how to let to offend against the severe law hid in the forest.
Can imagine, it is easy to draw a brave and loyal and righteous team there.
It is said Robinhood dies November 18, 1247
Talk about Robinhood, must say that is full of forest of legends, Sherwood forest ( SherwoodForest) ,The occupation of land was very wide for a time in the past on this stretch of forest, today but opened up, the cities and towns and village are distributed during that time.
By Nottingham city 30 northwards, have first Edwin ask then the village is Sherwood in the center of the forest by the village, can appreciate the looks of dawdling of the forest in Middle Ages here
Still there are exhibition halls in the centre, specially explain Robinhood’s story.
There is an enormous oak near the centre, it plays a role too in the legend.
Dr.eye: It is said, Robinhood and his partners meet by chance under this tree
True or false, the own answer on the comment card by the tree.
Originally, the life-span of this oak is over 800 years, weigh up to 32 tons.
Got on this picture tree from centre about 2 kilometers, was joined by a footpath.
However, make no trouble out of nothing.
Walk in Zhong Lin, heart will gush out those romantic stories in the past frequently.
Except the forest, there are the worlds of history, legend and art, the castle of Nottingham ( NottinghamCastle) ,In 1068, king William ordered to build the castle in this place.
It is said that has met the sandstone and rock stratum while excavating and protecting the river of the will, the project is very arduous.
Having reached early years for the 13th century, king John drafts that rebuilds the plan of the castle.
It is said he is a cruel ruler, therefore become Robinhood’s foe.
At that time, this castle became the centre of politics, finance, army too.
After the 17th century, Cassel count buy castle, build up the residence at the mountain in rock.
In 1875, here can be repaired again, being regarded as the largest museum in the locality is opening to the outside world, until today.
Robinhood’s story spreads wide just like the Water Margin story of China.
he exhibit here is rich and varied, very interesting.
In addition, the castle gate was built in 1255, renovated in this century, the inside becomes Robinhood exhibition room.
Meet the eye on every side fresh and green garden mount the castle, come to Cassel museum.
The brothers’ librarianships facilitated their scholarship, and although overworked, underpaid, and repeatedly passed over for preferment, their remarkable output—Altdänische Heldenlieder, Balladen und Märchen (Ancient Danish Hero Songs, Lays, and Tales, 1811); Children’s and Household Tales (1812, 1815); Altdeutsche Wälder (Old German Forests, 1813, 1815, 1816); and Irische Elfenmärchen (Irish Folktales, 1826), among many other publications—resulted in nation‐wide recognition, with honorary doctorates from Marburg (1819), Berlin (1828), and Breslau (1829). In 1825 Wilhelm married Dorothea Wild, a union that produced four children and a hospitable domestic sphere which Jacob shared to the end of his days.
史塔克家族(House Stark)是北境最古老、最显赫也是最重要的家族,他们的历史可以追溯到“筑城者”布兰登(Bran the Builder)——一名英雄纪元(Age of Heroes)时期的传奇人物,他是临冬城的建立者,还和巨人族一起协助建立了绝境长城以防御异鬼的入侵。在“筑城者”布兰登之后长达几千年中,史塔克家族都是北境之王。在降服王托伦·史塔克向征服者伊耿投降后,北境成为坦格利安家族统治之下的七大王国之一,史塔克家族被封为北境守护,世袭此职。
但在北境,史塔克家族也并非安枕无忧。恐怖堡(Dreadfort)的波顿家族(House Bolton)一直是其最大的敌手,多个史塔克王都曾丧生在他们手里,直到大约1000年前才被击败臣服。史塔克家族同时也是镇守绝境长城的守夜人军团后方唯一的支援力量,曾经多次发兵对抗野人领袖的塞外之王(King beyond the Wall)的入侵,同时也进行执法治安抓捕守夜人的逃兵以及镇压海盗或流窜犯。在古代时,史塔克家族也曾经与谷地的艾林家族争夺三姐妹群岛,并通过武力与联姻吞并了颈泽地区,在一定程度上维持了整个北境的独立性。史塔克家族中最后一位北境之王是托伦·史塔克(Torrhen Stark),他在征服战争末期向“征服者”伊耿一世屈膝臣服。从那时起,史塔克家族就成为铁王座指派世袭的北境守护。
至瑞卡德·史塔克公爵掌权时,在学士维里斯·佛花(Walys Flowers)的献策下,他积极扩大史塔克家族在颈泽以南的影响力,并将女儿莱安娜·史塔克许配给风暴地拜拉席恩家族的世子劳勃·拜拉席恩,长子布兰登·史塔克与河间地徒利家族的凯特琳·徒利订立婚约,并将次子艾德·史塔克送至谷地当琼恩·艾林公爵的养子。在赫伦堡比武大会后,莱安娜据称被太子雷加·坦格利安绑架,正在迎亲路上的布兰登一怒之下赶往君临城扬言要杀死雷加,结果被“疯王”伊里斯·坦格利安二世以叛国罪逮捕。不久,前来为儿子答罪的瑞卡德公爵与长子一起被“疯王”谋杀。“疯王”随后命令艾林公爵交出劳勃与艾德的人头,视如二人己出的琼恩·艾林忍无可忍便起兵反叛。史塔克家族在艾德的带领下挥兵南下,并通过和艾林公爵一起迎娶徒利姐妹使得北境、河间、谷地结成了政治同盟,在推翻坦格利安家族的战争中发挥了举足轻重的作用。篡夺者战争结束后,拥有坦格利安血统的劳勃即位铁王座成为了七大王国的国王,艾德被封为北境守护,并参与平息了铁群岛的葛雷乔伊叛乱,之后他安心治理北境,无心参与七国事务。
在《冰与火之歌》小说故事开始时,史塔克家族成员除了的现任领主艾德以外,还包括他的夫人凯特琳·徒利、他们的五个子女罗柏·史塔克、珊莎·史塔克、艾莉亚·史塔克、布兰·史塔克、瑞肯·史塔克,以及私生子琼恩·雪诺和艾德的弟弟——守夜人的首席游骑兵班扬·史塔克。重要家臣包括养子/质子席恩·葛雷乔伊、管家鲁温学士(Maester Luwen)、教头罗德利克·凯索爵士(Ser Rodrik Cassel)和保姆茉丹修女(Septa Mordane)等人。北境在艾德的治理下安居乐业,但是随着君临城的事态变化,这种平静很快被打破。
vincent cassel最近的电影
《巨塔杀机 Eastern Promises 》 (2007) ...Kirill
《 Minor 》 (2007) ...
《 Ennemi public n° 1, L’ 》 (2007) ...Jacques Mesrine
《死亡人偶/撒旦魔王 Sheitan 》 (2006) ...producer
《死亡人偶/撒旦魔王 Sheitan 》 (2006) ...Joseph
《 Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero 》 (2006) ...Himself (archive footage)
《绝地威龙/越轨追击/玩火/出轨 Derailed 》 (2005) ...LaRoche
《12罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情12瞒徒/十二罗汉 Ocean’s Twelve 》 (2004) ...François Toulour
《秘密雇员 Agents secrets 》 (2004) ...Brisseau
《蓝莓/穆哈亚 Blueberry 》 (2004) ...Mike S. Blueberry
《 Clefs de bagnole, Les 》 (2003) ...Un comédien qui refuse de tourner avec Laurent (DVD bonus material) (uncredited)
《罪孽的代价 The Reckoning 》 (2003) ...Lord De Guise
《 Patrick Dewaere, l’enfant du siècle 》 (2003) ...Himself
《不可逆转 Irréversible 》 (2002) ...Marcus
《不可逆转 Irréversible 》 (2002)
《 Barbichette, La 》 (2002) ...Vinz
《生日女郎/惊婚记 Birthday Girl 》 (2001) ...Alexei
《怪物史瑞克/史瑞克/史力加/怪物史莱克 Shrek 》 (2001) ...singer: “Merry Men“
《怪物史瑞克/史瑞克/史力加/怪物史莱克 Shrek 》 (2001) ...Monsieur Hood (voice)
《狼族盟约 Pacte des loups, Le 》 (2001) ...Jean-François de Morangias
《唇语惊魂 Sur mes lèvres 》 (2001) ...Paul
《 Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party 》 (2001) ...Monsieur Robin Hood (singing voice)
《 Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party 》 (2001) ...singer: “YMCA“
《 Pacte des loups - Les coulisses du tournage, Le 》 (2001) ...Himself
《暗流/赤色追缉令 Rivières pourpres, Les 》 (2000) ...Max Kerkerian
《圣女贞德 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc 》 (1999) ...Gilles de Rais
《狗仔大饭店 Guest House Paradiso 》 (1999) ...Gino Bolognese
《 Méditerranées 》 (1999) ...Pitou
《伊莉莎白 Elizabeth 》 (1998) ...Duc d’Anjou
《太保密码 Dobermann 》 (1997) ...Yann Le Pentrec aka Dobermann
《非常公寓 Appartement, L’ 》 (1996) ...Max
《怒火青春 Haine, La 》 (1995) ...Vinz
《总统的秘密情人 Jefferson in Paris 》 (1995) ...Camille Desmoulins
《 Adultère, mode d’emploi 》 (1995) ...Bruno
《冰原战士 Blood of the Hunter 》 (1995) ...Pastamoo
《牛奶巧克力 Métisse 》 (1993) ...Max
HI 你好,请问能提供下冰与火之歌中英文对照版么 非常感谢
人物按家族分 按辈分排 同辈中排名不分先后
“”中为绰号昵称什么的 ()中是其它家族名 但由于人丁稀少就不另外分了
英文 中文
House Stark 史塔克家族
Rickard 瑞卡德
Lord Eddard “Ned“ 艾德 “奈德”
Benjen 班扬
Lyanna 莱安娜
Brandon 布兰登
Catelyn (Tully) 凯特琳 (徒利)
“Wylla“ “薇拉”
Robb 罗柏
Sansa 珊莎
Arya 艾莉亚
Bran--Brandon 布兰——布兰登
Rickon 瑞肯
Jon Snow 琼恩·雪诺
Master Luwin 鲁温学士
Ser Rodrik Cassel 罗德利克·凯索爵士
Jory Cassel 乔里·凯索
Septa Mordane 茉丹修女
Osha 欧莎
Hodor 阿多
Nymeria 娜梅莉亚
Lady 淑女
Grey Wind 灰风
Shaggydog 毛毛狗
Ghost 白灵
Summer 夏天
House Lannister 兰尼斯特家族
Lord Tywin 泰温
Kevan 凯冯
Queen Cersei 瑟曦
Tyrion “Imp“ 提利昂 “小恶魔“
Ser Jaime “Kingslayer“ 詹姆爵士 “弑君者”
Lancel 蓝赛尔
Gregor (Clegane) “the Mountain“ 格雷果·(克里冈) “魔山“
Bronn 波隆
Shae 雪伊
House Baratheon 拜拉席恩家族
Robert 劳勃
Renly 蓝礼
Stannis 史坦尼斯
Myrcella 弥赛菈
Joffery 乔佛里
Tommen 托曼
Margaery (Tyrell) 玛格丽·(提利尔)
Loras (Tyrell) “Knight of Flowers“ 洛拉斯·(提利尔)爵士 “百花骑士”
Brienne 布蕾妮
Melisandre 梅丽珊卓
Davos Seaworth 戴佛斯·席渥斯
Matthos Seaworth 马索斯·席渥斯
Salladhor Saan 萨拉多·桑恩
Grand Master Pycelle 派席尔大学士
Sandor (Clegane) “the Hound“ 桑铎·(克里冈) “猎狗“
Lord Petyr Baelish “Littlefinger“ 培提尔·贝里席 “小指头”
Varys 瓦利斯
Ser Barristan Selmy 巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士
Ser Ilyn Payne 伊林·派恩爵士
Janos Slynt 杰诺斯·史林特
Beric Dondarrion 贝里·唐德利恩
House Targaryen 坦格利安家族
Maester Aemon 伊蒙学士
Aerys “Mad King“ 伊利斯“疯王”
Prince Rhaegar 雷加
Prince Viserys 韦赛里斯
Princess Deanerys/Khaleesi 丹妮莉丝/卡丽熙
Khal Drogo 卡奥·卓戈
Magister Illyrio Mopatis 伊利里欧总督
Ser Jorah Mormont 乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士
Irri 伊丽
Greyjoy 葛雷乔伊家族
Balon 巴隆
Theon 席恩
Yara 雅拉
House Arynn 艾林家族
Jon 琼恩
Lysa (Tully) 莱莎
Robin 罗宾
Mord 莫德
House Frey 佛雷家族
Walder 瓦德
The Night’s Watch 守夜人
Lord Commander Mormont 莫尔蒙总司令
Ser Alliser Thorne 艾里沙·索恩爵士
Maester Aemon (Targaryen) 伊蒙学士
Yoren 尤伦
Benjen (Stark) 班扬
Jon Snow (Stark) 琼恩·雪诺
Samwell (Tarly) 山姆威尔(塔利)
Dolorous Edd 悲伤的艾迪
Grenn 格伦
Pyp 派普
Rast 雷斯特
Others 其它
Gendry 詹德利
jaqen h’ghar 贾昆·赫加尔
Talisa 塔丽莎 Craster 卡斯特
Gilly 吉莉
Mance Rayder “King beyong the Wall“ 曼斯·雷德 “境外之王“
Syrio Forel 西里欧·佛瑞尔
Xaro Xhoan Daxos 札罗·赞旺·达棱斯
First Men 先民
Andals 安达尔人
Valyria 瓦雷利亚人
Dothraki 多斯拉克人
White Walker 异鬼
史塔克家族(House Stark)是北境最古老、最显赫也是最重要的家族,他们的历史可以追溯到“筑城者”布兰登(Bran the Builder)——一名英雄纪元(Age of Heroes)时期的传奇人物,他是临冬城的建立者,还和巨人族一起协助建立了绝境长城以防御异鬼的入侵。
但在北境,史塔克家族也并非安枕无忧。恐怖堡(Dreadfort)的波顿家族(House Bolton)一直是其最大的敌手,多个史塔克王都曾丧生在他们手里,直到大约1000年前才被击败臣服。史塔克家族同时也是镇守绝境长城的守夜人军团后方唯一的支援力量,曾经多次发兵对抗野人领袖的塞外之王(King beyond the Wall)的入侵,同时也进行执法治安抓捕守夜人的逃兵以及镇压海盗或流窜犯。
在古代时,史塔克家族也曾经与谷地的艾林家族争夺三姐妹群岛,并通过武力与联姻吞并了颈泽地区,在一定程度上维持了整个北境的独立性。史塔克家族中最后一位北境之王是托伦·史塔克(Torrhen Stark),他在征服战争末期向“征服者”伊耿一世屈膝臣服。从那时起,史塔克家族就成为铁王座指派世袭的北境守护。
《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第七季,是《权力的游戏》系列电视剧的第七季,由马克·米罗、杰雷米·波德斯瓦、马特·沙克曼、艾伦·泰勒执导,苏菲·特纳、麦茜·威廉姆斯、伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特、艾米莉亚·克拉克、基特·哈灵顿等主演,于2017年7月16日在美国HBO电视网首播。2018年1月,获得美国摄影师协会奖非商业台电视剧集类提名。