- Aristotle的英文全名
- 亚里士多德的资料
- 亚里士多德 怎么读
- Aristotle英文简介
- aristotle医学什么意思中文
Aristotle就是他的全名(full name)。当时古希腊并没有姓和名的区分。关于这个问题,你可以从下面的这段话得到解释:
As far as i’m aware, he only had the one name, Aristotle. he was also called Aristotle (the Stagirite). The name Aristotle means the “the best purpose“ in Greek, derived from the Greek word “aristos“ (the best) and “telos“ (aim).
The use of last names wasn’t really used in Aristotles time and names were not used the way they are now. The custom of family names apparently didn’t start until Venetian families began to hand down their second name from father to son in the 11th century. the growing population, travel and and expansion in general resulted in more need for differentiation beyond a first name.. Before the 11th century, surnames represented names of a clans or tribes and ppl then got their last names based on things like region or trade (if you were a blacksmith then your last name would be something to that effect).
公元前342年,亚里士多德回到马其顿,担任13岁的王子亚历山大的教师;这位王子就是后来的亚历山大大帝。他负责教王子达三年之久。 公元前335年,亚历山大登上王位之后,亚里士多德返回雅典,开办了自己的学校,一住就是12年;与此同时,亚历山大大帝正忙于对外军事扩张。看来亚历山大并不想从老师那里得到什么劝导,相反为老师提供了大量钱财,以便让他继续从事科学研究。科学家依靠国家财力进行科学研究,这是历史上的第一次,也是其后数世纪中所没有出现过的情况。 虽然如此,亚里士多德朝夕陪伴亚历山大也是很危险的。亚里士多德反对亚历山大的独裁统治方式。亚历山大以背叛罪处决亚里士多德的侄子时,简直就像也杀死了亚里士多德。亚里士多德与亚历山大关系密切,因而激起雅典人的义愤。公元前323年,亚历山大大帝驾崩,反马其顿的运动再次兴起,义军占领了雅典。亚里士多德自感无能为力,遂想起76年前苏格拉底的命运,借口说不给雅典人反对哲学罪的机会,逃离了该城。在避难地隐居几个月之后,于公元前322年逝世,享年62岁。
亚里士多德 怎么读
在希腊语中 Ἀριστοτέλης 读作Aristotélēs
Aristotle’s father was Nicomachus, a doctor who lived near Macedon, in the north of Greece. So unlike Socrates and Plato, Aristotle was not originally from Athens. He was not from a rich family like Plato, though his father was not poor either.
When Aristotle was a young man, about 350 BC, he went to study at Plato’s Academy. Plato was already pretty old then. Aristotle did very well at the Academy. But he never got to be among its leaders, and when Plato died, Aristotle was not chosen to lead the Academy after him. Soon afterwards, Aristotle left Athens and went to Macedon to be the tutor of the young prince Alexander, who grew up to be Alexander the Great. As far as we can tell, Alexander was not at all interested in learning anything from Aristotle, but they did become friends.
When Alexander grew up and became king, Aristotle went back to Athens and opened his own school there, the Lyceum (lie-SAY-um), in competition with Plato’s Academy. Both schools were successful for hundreds of years.
Aristotle was more interested in science than Socrates or Plato, maybe because his father was a doctor. He wanted to use Socrates’ logical methods to figure out how the real world worked; therefore Aristotle is really the father of today’s scientific method. Aristotle was especially interested in biology, in classifying plants and animals in a way that would make sense. This is part of the Greek impulse to make order out of chaos: to take the chaotic natural world and impose a man-made order on it. When Alexander was travelling all over Western Asia, he had his messengers bring strange plants back to Aristotle for his studies. Aristotle also made efforts to create order in peoples’ governments. He created a classification system of monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies, democracies and republics which we still use today.
When Alexander died in 323 BC, though, there were revolts against Macedonian rule in Athens. People accused Aristotle of being secretly on the side of the Macedonians (and maybe he was; he was certainly, like Plato, no democrat). He left town quickly, and spent the last years of his life back in the north again where he had been born.