辩论干货 I 春季赛Sample Pro Case新鲜出炉,让我看看谁还没开始准备!_塑料_禁令_这份

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温馨提醒哦~ 赛季初期竞争不会过于激烈哦,大家可以快快开始报名啦!

众所周知,塑料污染是一个日益严重的环境问题,世界各地的政府正在采取行动来解决这个问题。 我们将讨论这种禁令的潜在好处和弊端,包括它对环境、经济和社会的影响。此外,我们还将研究该市在实施和执行该禁令时可能面临的挑战,以及克服这些挑战的策略。

于是乎,今天WSDA君为大家带来的是新鲜出炉的关于禁止塑料的 Sample Pro Case(正方参考辩论稿)。

这份Pro Case阐述,禁止所有的一次性塑料制品是利大于弊的。Case里强调,陆上废物管理系统的管理不善是造成约80%的塑料废物漏入海洋的原因,扩大废物管理并不是可行的解决方案。





因此,这份Pro Case的结论是,禁止使用一次性塑料是解决塑料污染问题的最有效方法。

**Sample cases are intended as an example for constructive writing. Use this as a rubric for the structure of a typical PF case. DO NOT use this as a guide for debate strategy, a representation of the meta, or (God forbid) a substitute for writing your own cases.


We affirmthe resolution: Resolved: On balance, banning all single-use plastics is more beneficial than harmful


Mis-managed land-based waste management systems account for about 80% of plastic waste leaking into oceans

With the majority of this mismanagement occurring in developing countries, expanding waste management is wishful thinking given budgetary restrictions. The only solution is to greatly limit demand for plastic.

Contention 1: Plastic Bans Work

The simple truth is that when a plastic ban is enacted with a heavy penalty for those that do not comply, the market will adjust away from plastic all along the supply chain from producer to retailer to consumers.

Case Study: Africa

the African continent now leads the world in bag regulations, with 34 countries adopting taxes or bans. Extreme measures against plastic pollution appear to be effective. The heavy penalties associated with the plastic bag ban are a strong incentive for people to comply with the law. Since taking effect in 2017, positive results from the ban have been documented. For example, obstruction of waterways has decreased, and fishermen have fewer bags caught in their nets.

Link: Prefer our case studies

20 coastal countries are responsible for 83% of the land-based plastic which ends up in the ocean. However, 19 out of these 20 countries are developing countries in Asia, South America and Africa

With African nations being representative of states undergoing rapid growth, it is clear that our studies pertain to the bigger picture.

Contention 2: Plastic Pollution is an Impact

Contention Multiplier

According to Xanthos 2017(Xanthos, D., & Walker, T. R. (2017). International policies to reduce plastic marine pollution from single-use plastics (plastic bags and microbeads): A review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 118(1-2), 17–26. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.02.048)

Microplastics in the marine environment can travel vast distances floating in seawater, or sediment to the seabed Large plastic items, such as discarded fishing rope and nets, can cause entanglement of invertebrates, birds, mammals, and turtles Microbeads are commonly white or opaque in colour, and research has found microbeads to be commonly mistaken for plankton by many surface feeding fish species. Ingestion of plastics by aquatic organisms is one of the major deleterious environmental impacts in the marine environment Persistent organic pollutants sorbed onto microplastics can accumulate at concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than in ambient seawater A growing concern related to microplastics is that they can also enter the human food chain through ingestion of fish, shellfish and filter feeders causing potential human health


The link between plastic and all facets of human society, means that all squo problems are multiplied if pollution is not dealt with NOW

Two layers of impact

A. Fishing

the number of malnourished people in the world will increase from 678 million in 2018 to 841 million in 2030 if current trends continue. Fish provide 17% of the animal protein consumed globally and are rich in micronutrients, essential fatty acids and protein essential for cognitive development and maternal and childhood health, especially for communities in developing countries where fish may be the only source of key nutrients.

B. Economy

Xanthos 2017Again(Xanthos, D., & Walker, T. R. (2017). International policies to reduce plastic marine pollution from single-use plastics (plastic bags and microbeads): A review. Marine Pollution

Thus, We Affirm






