设计有范丨郑雅娟 x MHD建筑设计 / 千万级 · 尊润墅王_空间_别墅_光影










"Perfect in the body" is a very high requirement put forward by designers. The sense of space and scale must be built around the atmosphere of the design context. The color of picking the empty roof, the color of wood and white, and the soft whisper are both the carrier and the expression. The boundary sense of the hidden building satisfies the function and has the beauty of structure.


With the help of the growth and spread of outdoor plants, the space breath flow is formed. The internal and external combination guides the sense of body order out, immerses in the secret atmosphere that seems to open but not close, feels the depth that will be stepped on, enjoys the space, structure and symbiotic relationship, and returns to tranquility in the blend.


With the combination of light and shadow techniques and the elimination of complicated design techniques, the water bar runs through the whole building. While emphasizing the relationship between the inside and outside, it returns to the contemporary context, and conveys the beautiful life philosophy and aesthetics in nature through the visual art form in the space.


Create a home, witness from steel and cement to create a unique ideal environment, and design to hold the romantic feelings of a good life. The charm of the space will be re-planned in an orderly logical moving line. The vertical and downward polyhedral decoration of the ceiling will bring more spiritual dimensions from the aesthetic sense, convey the level and artistic sense of the space, and refine the more pure artistic taste.


When the emotions of space overlap at a critical point and form a "state", the whole space will present an integrated and continuous mental state, which is both a carrier and an expression. Under the intertwined traces of life, in the ritual sense of one vegetable and one food, one family is better than prose.


People are connected with the light and shadow of nature, fireworks and gas are adjacent to nature. This trivial poetry has never been "far away".


Change the angle of view, pick up the steps and go down to the reception hall on the negative floor. The mood is heavy and metaphorical. The selection of space materials and colors is consistent with the quiet tone. The materials are spread from the outside to the inside, and the depth is calm into a lake. The temperature becomes a visual resource that can be captured.

天地方圆间,给自己寻找一个宁静的空间,斟酌落笔或摆酒烹茶皆是仪式,都市性格和自然情绪在这个生活实验场域有机溶合。随着光、影、人的变化,不同的故事也在叙述着......让空间在时间的维度里,自然、 诗意地生长。

Between heaven and earth, find a quiet space for yourself. It is a ritual to consider writing or putting wine and tea. Urban character and natural emotion are organically integrated in this experimental field of life. With the changes of light, shadow and people, different stories are also being narrated Let space grow naturally and poetically in the dimension of time.


The natural lighting is introduced into the corridor in an extremely abundant state, and the fine light and shadow penetrate the soul of the space. The clouds are rolling and the flowers and leaves are spreading, which are stored in the beautiful landscape, and build the dual comfort of sense and spirit.


Life is ordinary, rarely interesting, and design is also. Customized unique space, tailored to create a unique and exclusive style for each family member. The master bedroom is luxurious and spacious, the elderly room is simple and elegant, the children room is pure and comfortable, the pink is soft, the white is pure, and the blue is free, making different definitions for the space quality.


(Master bedroom) The generous and spacious pattern makes the home atmosphere more intimate. Through the combination and distribution of leather and fabric, and through the partition of blocks, Hermes orange, white and black are skillfully integrated, presenting a high, delicate and elegant temperament, and revealing the calm space of style life.


(Elders' room) The space is bright and spacious. The elegant and soothing tone, ink painting, slowly spreading the poetic traces of time, makes the whole space infinitely malleable, low-key and soft without losing details, rendering the introverted space emotion.


(Boys' room) It contains children's imaginations and liveliness. The memories of childhood are the most precious for growth. One side of the world should be quiet and dynamic, and build a dream world for children to live in.


(Girls' room) The pink color full of children's interest symbolizes colorful childhood, and the colors can be freely stored here. The use of large areas of warm wood breaks the monotonous pattern, and shows frankness and nature, like building a warm and private small castle for the residents.








Different light and shadow floating;


Bring softness and relaxation;


Feel the bursts of fragrance from the nose tip.


Each part of the family has its own internal voice, internal color and internal pulse, links spiritual resonance, touches the emotional anchor of the residents, and everything is growing silently and surging. This kind of growth, as well as the new vitality constantly generated in the flow, is also the vitality of this era and this city.

▼关于项目 :

项目类型 / Type | 双拼 · 奢墅

项目位置 / Location | 中国 · 福建

项目面积 / Area | 800㎡

全案设计 / Design | 郑雅娟





父亲摄影家,母亲考古家,文化厅背景成长。主案别墅设计师 风格擅长手法:结构室内化,对空间进行结构设计,而非表面装饰设计。满足基础功能动线,深挖客户对房屋的精神诉求并将其艺术隐化表现。希望生活艺术化,艺术生活化 将别墅庭院室外景致融入室内,擅长光影运用,敬畏人与自然。赴日本游学期间,探索空间本源的核心意义。2021年作品获亚太设计空间艺术大师,刊登中国谷德室内建筑网。





