- 淄博颜神医院
- 怎么打好篮球
As a basketball player, I think I could share some advice with you. Thanks to the translation from my Chinese friends.
Practice is key. During season we train every day for 4-6 hours during the morning. I usually do another 1-2 of shooting in the afternoon. Basically it consist on physical workout (functional, core and light weights), cardio on the court.
The best workouts I’ve done are the ones that combine basketball and intellectual skills. Like shooting from one side or another depending on a number or the color of the light, or bouncing drills while doing simple math problems. These exercises keep you focused on something while making the basketball drills more mechanic.
Another advice, you can practice at home, on your way to school or anywhere. Seeing what you are good at and work on it, but try harder to see what you are weak at, and work harder on that.
作为一名篮球球员,我十分愿意给你分享一些我训练提高的心得体会。感谢 @聚星动力 的朋友们帮我翻译。
我接受过最好的训练方法是那些将篮球和智力结合在一起的训练。比如根据数字和灯光的颜色来决定投篮位置的训练,或者边做一些简单的数学题边练习弹跳 。这些训练在锻炼你专注力的同时能够提高你的篮球技术。