wreck与injured_spoil_torn 的区别?《torn》 中文歌词_动词_纠结_形容词

历史故事本文相关内容:torn 动词 纠结 形容词


  • wreck与injured,spoil,torn 的区别
  • 《torn》 中文歌词
  • torn歌词
  • wreck与injured,spoil,torn 的区别
  • I am torn什么意思啊
  • cracked和torn的区别
  • Sabina Krovakova的《Torn》 歌词
  • torn币安会下架吗
  • torn是什么意思
  • 纠结的英文

wreck与injured,spoil,torn 的区别

wreck 是名词 一般指 飞机 汽车 火车或者其他机械受到严重损伤
injured为形容词 形容被伤害的,多指人和其他生物.有时候也表示某种材料被伤害.
spoil可用作动词或者名词 名词时候是战利品,奖品或者被抢夺偷来的物品,或者糟践这个动作.的意思,动词使用时的意思是 对某种东西有坏影响,损坏或毁了这些东西.由于防止太长时间使某种东西衰退或者损坏.还有溺爱孩子的意思.

《torn》 中文歌词

歌手:natalie imbruglia
natalie imbruglia - torn
i thought i saw a man brought 2 life.我以为找到了生命中的男人。
he was warm.他是如此的温煦
he came around like he was dignified.他在我身边时是如此有品位。
he showed me what it was 2 cry.他使我了解到什么是哭泣。
well u couldn’t b that man i adored.于是你就不配当我仰慕的对象。
u don’t seem 2 know,你不明白
seem 2 care what ur heart is 4.也不在乎,你的心到底在想什么。
but i don’t know him anymore.可我不再了解他。
there’s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。
my conversation has run dry.我已无话可说。
that’s what’s going on.这就是现在的情况。
nothing’s fine,i’m torn.没有好心情,我的心被伤透了。
i’m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。
i’m cold i’m shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。
i’m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。
u’re a little late,i’m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。
so i guess the fortune teller’s right.所以我想先知是对的。
should have seen just.现在的情况就是这样。
what was there not some holy light.没有几个好夜晚。
to crawl beneath my veins now.我心里只有你,但现在。
i don’t care,i have no luck.我不在乎,算我倒霉。
i don’t miss it all that much.不再想那么多。
there’s just so many things.有太多事情。
that i can’t touch,i’m torn.我无能为力,我伤透了心。
i’m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。
i’m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。
i’m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。
u’re a little late,i’m already torn.torn.你来迟了,我已伤透了心。
there’s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。
my inspiration has run dry.我已无话可说。
that’s what’s going on.现在就是这样。
nothings right,i’m torn.什么都不对,我伤透了心。
i’m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。
i’m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。
i’m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。
i’m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。
i’m cold i’m ashamed.我又冷又惭愧。
bound and broken on the floor.在地板上翻来滚去。
u’re a little late,i’m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。


歌手:Natalie Imbruglia 专辑:Grammy1999
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
Sung By “Natalie Imbruglia“
I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldn’t be that man I adored
You don’t seem to know, don’t seem to care what your heart is for
But I don’t know him anymore
There’s nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That’s whats going on, nothing’s fine I’m torn
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You’re a little late, I’m already torn
So I guess the fortune teller’s right
Should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
To crawl beneath my veins and now
I don’t care, I have no luck, I don’t miss it all that much
There’s just so many things that I can’t touch, I’m torn
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You’re a little late, I’m already torn. Torn.
There’s nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That’s what’s going on, nothings right, I’m torn
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel
I’m cold and I’m ashamed bound and broken on the floor
You’re a little late, I’m already torn.
The End.

wreck与injured,spoil,torn 的区别

wreck 是名词 一般指 飞机 汽车 火车或者其他机械受到严重损伤
injured为形容词 形容被伤害的, 多指人和其他生物。 有时候也表示某种材料被伤害。
spoil可用作动词或者名词 名词时候是战利品,奖品或者被抢夺偷来的物品,或者糟践这个动作。的意思,动词使用时的意思是 对某种东西有坏影响, 损坏或毁了这些东西。由于防止太长时间使某种东西衰退或者损坏。还有溺爱孩子的意思。
torn是tear的过去式用作动词或者名字, 可以是流泪的意思,也可以是撕裂某种东西的意思。强调撕和拉这些动作。

I am torn什么意思啊

torn 是tear的过去分词,字面意思是“撕裂,撕碎”。就像人撕成了两半,不知道该往那边去,不正是纠结带来的挣扎感吗?
I’m torn because I don’t know which one to choose.
In my mind, I was torn because I had been working a lot lately and hadn’t seen my girlfriend for a while.



Sabina Krovakova的《Torn》 歌词

歌手:Sabina Krovakova
I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
You couldn’t be that man that I adore
You don’t seem to know, seem to care,
what your heart is for
But I don’t know him anymore
There’s nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That’s what’s going on
But nothing’s fineI’m torn
I’m all out of faith
This is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You’re a little late
I’m already torn
So I guess the fortune teller’s right
Should have seen just what was there and not some holy light
To crawl beneath my veinsAnd now
I don’t careI have no luck
I don’t miss it all that muchThere’s just so many things
That I can’t touch I’m tornI’m all out of faith
This is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You’re a little late
I’m already torn ooooo, torn, ooooo
There’s nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That’s what’s going on
But nothing’s right I’m tornI’m all out of faith
This is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
I’m all out of faith
This is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
You’re a little late


加密货币交易所币安在其官方推特账户上宣布,将暂停在Tron网络上的存款和取款。 根据公告,暂停将是暂时的。TRON 现在是去中心化金融(DeFi)协议的第三大区块链,仅次于以太坊和 BSC。




根据《柯林斯英汉双解大词典 》:

Torn is the past participle of . (tear)的过去分词。

ADJ If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose, and so you feel anxious or troubled. 犹豫的。


1、I’ve torn a ligament.


2、Torn muscles retract, and lose strength, structure, and tightness.


3、She was unable to tear her eyes away from him.


4、Someone has torn a page out of this book.


5、The memory brought a tear to her eye.





1. 对于某事很纠结,过分在意某事,可以说成“fixate on sth”

2. 在二者之间不知如何选择所产生的“纠结”,可以说成“torn between”在两种事物之间难以取舍。

“Torn”的原型为“tear”(撕裂),torn between意为(在二者之间)难以取舍,即“纠结”。

3. 如果可选择的两者之间都是不好的,英语中有一个固定习语“to be caught between a rock and a hard place”

4. 如果一个人犹犹豫豫,磨磨唧唧,可以用“indecisive”,



