

  • 谁有《歌舞青春》的演员表
  • 歌舞青春全部主演的名字
  • 世界第一部歌舞剧
  • 歌舞青春的演员表
  • 电影<歌舞人生>,有人知道这部电影吗
  • 歌舞青春2中,主角的英文名是什么
  • 《歌舞青春3》英文简介
  • 歌舞青春4里的角色名


扎克·埃夫隆 饰 Troy Bolton(特洛伊·伯顿)
凡妮莎·哈金斯 饰 Gabriella Montez(盖比瑞拉·曼提斯)   
Ashley Tisdale 饰 Sharpay Evans(夏培·伊万斯)   
Lucas Grabeel 饰Ryan Evans(雷恩·伊万斯)   
Corbin Bleu饰 Chad Danforth (查德·丹佛)   
Monique Coleman 饰 Taylor McKessie(泰勒·米凯西)   
Olesya Rulin 饰 Kellsi(凯尔丝·尼尔森)
Bart Johnson、Malinda Money、Alison Reed、Alyson Reed、Ryne Sanborn、Andrew Seeley、Chris Warren Jr   
扎克·埃夫隆歌曲代唱者:Drew Seeley
主演:扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰 特洛伊·博尔顿 Troy bolton
瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 饰 盖比瑞拉·蒙兹 Gabriella Montez   
阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 饰 莎培·伊万斯 Sharpay Evans   
卢卡斯·盖比尔 Lucas Grabeel 饰 瑞恩·伊万斯 Ryan Evans   
科宾·布鲁 Corbin Bleu 饰 查德·丹佛斯 Chad Denforth   
莫妮卡·科尔曼 Monique Coleman 饰 泰勒·麦凯西 Taylor McKessie   
奥莱斯雅·鲁林 Olesya Rulin 饰 凯西·尼尔森 Kelsi Nielsen   
Jemma McKenzie-Brown 饰 Tiara Gold(Sharpay的助手)   
Matt Prokop 饰 Jimmy Zara(Rocketman)


扎克·埃夫隆 饰 Troy Bolton(特洛伊·伯顿) 凡妮莎·哈金斯 饰 Gabriella Montez(盖比瑞拉·曼提斯) Ashley Tisdale 饰 Sharpey Evans(夏培·伊万斯) Lucas Grabeel 饰Ryan Evans(雷恩·伊万斯) Corbin Bleu 饰 Chad Danforth (查德·丹佛) Monique Coleman 饰 Taylor McKessie(泰勒·米凯西) Olesya Rulin 饰 Kellsi(凯尔丝·尼尔森)


歌舞剧(opera)是将音乐(声乐与器乐)、戏剧(剧本与表演)、文学(诗歌)、舞蹈(民间舞与芭蕾)、舞台美术等融为一体的综合性艺术,通常由咏叹调、宣叙调、重唱、合唱、序曲、间奏曲、舞蹈场面等组成(有时也用说白和朗诵)。 起源本段  早在古希腊的戏剧中,就有合唱队的伴唱,有些朗诵甚至也以歌唱的形式出现;中世纪以宗教故事为题材,宣扬宗教观点的神迹剧等亦香火缭绕,持续不断。但真正称得上“音乐的戏剧”的近代西洋歌剧,却是16世纪末、17世纪初,随着文艺复兴时期音乐文化的世俗化而应运产生的。
  一般认为欧洲歌舞剧产生于16世纪末。西方公认的第一部歌剧,是在人文主义影响下,企图恢复古希腊戏剧精神而产生的《达佛涅》(另译《达芙妮》),编剧o.里努奇尼,作曲j.佩里与j.科尔西,1597年(一说完成于1594年)于佛罗伦萨g.巴尔迪伯爵的宫廷内演出,由于此剧原稿失传等原因,也有人把1600年为庆祝亨利四世婚仪而写的《优丽狄茜》做为最早的一部西洋歌剧。由于公众对歌剧的欢迎,1637年威尼斯创设了世界上第一座歌剧院。 发展本段  17世纪末,在罗马影响最大的是以亚�6�1斯卡拉蒂为代表的那不勒斯歌剧乐派。该乐派在剧中不用合唱及芭蕾场面,而高度发展了被后世称为“美声”的独唱技术。当这种“唯唱工为重”的作风走向极端时,歌剧原有的戏剧性表现力和思想内涵几乎丧失殆尽。于是到18世纪20年代,遂有取材于日常生活、剧情诙谐、音乐质朴的喜歌剧体裁的兴起。意大利喜歌剧的第一部典范之作是帕戈莱西的《女佣作主妇》(1733年首演),该剧原是一部正歌剧的幕间剧,1752年在巴黎上演时,曾遭到保守派的诋毁,因而掀起了歌剧史上著名的“喜歌剧论战”。出于卢梭手笔的法国第一部喜歌剧《乡村占卜师》就是在这场论战和这部歌剧的启示下诞生的。


  角色 演员
  特洛伊·伯顿 扎克·埃夫隆
  盖比瑞拉·曼提斯 凡妮莎·哈金斯
  夏培·伊万斯 Ashley Tisdale
  雷恩·伊万斯 Lucas Grabeel
  查德·丹佛 Corbin Bleu
  泰勒·米凯西 Monique Coleman
  凯尔丝·尼尔森 Olesya Rulin
  扎克·埃夫隆饰演特洛伊·伯顿   凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯饰演盖比瑞拉·蒙兹   阿什丽·提斯代尔饰演夏培·艾文斯   Lucas Grabeel(卢卡斯·盖比尔)饰演莱恩·艾文斯
  主演:扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron饰 特洛伊·博尔顿 Troy bolton《歌舞青春3》剧照
  瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens饰 盖比瑞拉·蒙兹 Gabriella Montez   阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale饰 莎培·伊万斯 Sharpay Evans   卢卡斯·盖比尔 Lucas Grabeel饰 瑞恩·伊万斯 Ryan Evans   科宾·布鲁 Corbin Bleu饰 查德·丹佛斯 Chad Denforth   莫妮卡·科尔曼 Monique Coleman饰 泰勒·麦凯西 Taylor McKessie   奥莱斯雅·鲁林 Olesya Rulin饰 凯西·尼尔森 Kelsi Nielsen   JemmaMcKenzie-Brown 饰 Tiara Gold(Sharpay的助手)   Matt Prokop 饰 Jimmy Zara(Rocketman)
  最新演员表   马特·普罗考普   阿什丽·提斯代尔Ashley Tisdale ....Sharpay Evans (rumored)   Jason Abustan ....Ricky Ortiz (rumored)   Bart Johnson ....Coach Jack Bolton (rumored)   Matt Prokop   Bart Johnson   简玛·麦肯兹-布朗   贾斯汀·马丁


(英语High School意为“高中”,英语只有“大学University”而没有“高校”的说法)
英文名称:High School Musical
电影导演:肯尼·奥特加 Kenny Ortega
电影演员:扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron、凡妮莎·哈金斯Vannessa Anne Huges、阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale、Corbin Bleu、Monique Coleman、Lucas Grabeel、Olesya Rulin
Bart Johnson、Malinda Money、Alison Reed、Alyson Reed、Ryne Sanborn、Andrew Seeley、Chris Warren Jr
长度:98 Mins
扎克·埃夫隆 饰 Troy Bolton
凡妮莎·哈金斯 饰 Gabriella Montez
Ashley Tisdale 饰 Sharpay Evans
Lucas Grabeel 饰Ryan Evans
Corbin Bleu 饰 Chad
Monique Coleman 饰 Taylor
Olesya Rulin 饰 Kellsi
Kenneth Ortega 执导/于犹他州的盐湖城拍摄
两位主角 Troy 及 Gabriella 分别由 Zac Efron 及 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 演出,主角们的好友 Chad 及 Taylor 则分别由 Corbin Bleu 及 Monique Coleman 担任,Sharpay 一角由在迪士尼影集【the suite life of zack and cody】中扮演 Maddie Fitzpatrick 的 Ashley Tisdale 饰演,其他演员包括 Lucas Grabeel 、Alyson Reed 、Bart Johnson 、Chris Warren Jr. …。几位年轻演员都因为演出本片而炙手可热,本片所引起的风潮可见一斑!
故事主角Troy Bolton是个篮球天才,自小以篮球为目标,他的父亲兼教练,指引着他。Gabriella Montez 则是难得的理科奇才,又有“爱因斯坦”的称号,而且她取得了不少惊人的成绩而且心地善良。他们两人本是两个不同世界的人,在圣诞假期的一个卡拉OK比赛中,将重唱发挥的淋漓尽致。假期结束后,他们更发觉由于Gabriella的妈妈调换了工作环境,Gabriella和Troy就读于同一学校!学校音乐剧角色的选拔也即将开始,于是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算参加试音,希望成为学校最新音乐剧的男女主角。由于篮球比赛和学术比赛渐渐逼近,这都关系到学校的荣誉。为了能让Troy一心投入篮球比赛,让Gabriella认真准备学术全能比赛,篮球队成员和学术社成员联合起来劝阻他们退出音乐剧的选拔。Gabriella 新认识的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息后均表示不赞成,Chad 不希望见到自己的篮球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 则担心自己带领的学术比赛队伍将失去一个重要的队员。一向都是学校音乐剧主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦担心自己在学校的地位将受动摇千方百计地策划计谋阻止他们参加角色选拔。虽然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 并没有因此而放弃,反而更积极追寻自己的梦想,亦影响到其他同学向别人展示一些他们一直隐藏起来的才华!后来,队友们体会到了扼杀朋友的梦想是残忍的,于是重新给予他们鼓励和帮助,Troy的父亲也清楚地了解到儿子的倔强和梦想,于是对他说:“只要你快乐就好!”这给了Troy很大的动力,Gabriella也开始有了信心。
Sharpay 和 Ryan 将音乐剧选拔赛时间恶意更改,使篮球赛、学术全能比赛和音乐剧选拔赛同时举行。出乎意料的是,队友们信誓旦旦地向他们保证一定会让他们参加比赛,并设计了策略使篮球赛的计分器发生故障,学术比赛中化学物品产生毒气从而让两项比赛暂停。当 Troy 和 Gabriella 赶到剧场,音乐剧选拔已经结束,在两人和钢琴家的恳求下,他们终于获准参赛,所有的队友都到场为他们鼓励。
Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人惊叹的水平,最终获得了冠军。在篮球赛和学术比赛中他们因为勇气再次获胜。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 认识到自己的错误并真诚祝贺他们, Gabriella 和 Troy 原谅了他们并和他们成为朋友,对未来充满了信心和期待。


Troy Bolton特洛伊(柴克艾佛朗Zac Efron)
Sharpay夏碧(艾希莉Ashley Tisdale)
Gabby凯碧(薇妮Vanessa Hudgens)
Chad 查德(柯宾布鲁Corbin Bleu)


High School Musical 3: Senior Year is a musical film released to cinemas in 2008. It is the third installment in Disney’s High School Musical film franchise. Its theatrical release in the United States began on October 24, 2008. Kenny Ortega returned as director and choreographer, as did all six primary actors.This latest sequel follows high school seniors Troy and Gabriella as they are faced with the challenging prospect of being separated after graduating from high school. Joined by the rest of their East High Wildcat friends, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes, and fears about the future.In spite of receiving mixed reviews, in its first three days of release, High School Musical 3: Senior Year grossed $42 million in North America and an additional $40 million overseas, setting a new record for the largest opening weekend for a musical film.Plot 剧情Team captain Troy rallies the team’s spirit. (“Now or Never“). They win their last game at East High, thanks to the winning shot from their newest team member Jimmie “The Rocket“ Zara. Later, at Troy’s after-match party at his house, Troy and Gabriella are seen thinking about their future and wishing that their last few months at East High would not end (“Right Here, Right Now“).Sharpay meets Tiara Gold, a British exchange student whom she hires to be her personal assistant. When drama teacher Ms. Darbus notices that there were so few sign-ups for the spring musical, Sharpay suggests she could do a one-woman show. This alarms Kelsi, who is writing the show, so she immediately signs up everyone in their homeroom for it instead. This results in Ms. Darbus announcing they will create a play about their final days at East High, called Senior Year. In addition, she reveals that Sharpay, Ryan, Kelsi, and Troy have all been considered for a scholarship at Juilliard School, but only one of them is to be chosen. Troy is confused, because he did not apply to Juilliard. Sharpay becomes desperate to win the scholarship, and knowing that Kelsi will give the best songs to Troy and Gabriella in the musical, she gets Ryan to try to persuade Kelsi to give them a song, by predicting her (and Ryan’s) future (“I Want It All“).The next day, Gabriella and Troy meet on the rooftop and she teaches him how to waltz (“Can I Have This Dance?“). Chad then asks Taylor to go to prom with him with a cheesy pick-up line. She initially refuses due to his lack of enthusiasm, but later agrees when Chad proves he can put in some effort and asks again in front of everyone in the school. The group rehearses for the musical, a scene about their prom night (“A Night To Remember“). The next day Ryan walks in on Kelsi composing (“Just Wanna Be With You“) in the music room and performs it with her, and then he asks her to prom halfway through. While Troy and Chad reminisce about their past when thier childhood(“The Boys Are Back“), Sharpay and Tiara discover that Gabriella has a chance to go to college early to Stanford. Sharpay later convinces Troy that he is the only thing keeping Gabriella from her dream (“Right Here, Right Now (Reprise)“). Troy talks to Gabriella about this over pizza, and after sharing an awkward goodnight, Gabriella sings (“Walk Away“) and leaves for college the next day.Troy’s dad, Jack, talks to him about his academic future, which he expects will be in the University of Albuquerque. This assumption makes Troy become angry and confused, and he runs away, storming around East High bewildered (“Scream“) until he finally screams at the top of his lungs in the theatre. Ms. Darbus has been there all this time watching and reveals that she sent in his application for Juilliard, as she knew how comfortable he was on stage and how much he liked it. Troy takes no offense and thinks about the advice given to him. Troy later gets a call from Gabriella saying that although she loves him, she will not return to Albuquerque, as she is too used to being away from him and all her friends. However, on the day of the prom, Troy visits Gabriella at Stanford University and convinces her to return, as everyone is not the same without her (“Can I Have This Dance? (Reprise)“)and share a kiss together during the song. Back at East High, Jimmie receives a text from Troy to tell him to cover for him onstage because he is going to be late. The Juilliard representatives are there, and watch as the show seems to go well (“Senior Year Spring Musical“).During the opening number, Kelsi and Ryan debut. While during the second number, Chad, Jason, Zeke and Martha debut, Ryan does his number with the many chorus girls; Jimmie then performs with Sharpay and embarrasses her. Troy and Gabriella appear during the second half of the show and sing their duet together. Tiara then betrays Sharpay and tells her how she is going to take over next year in the drama department. Sharpay finally learns how it feels to be humiliated, but does not wish to go down. While Tiara performs, Sharpay immediately crashes her performance and upstages her.Ms. Darbus reveals that both Kelsi and Ryan have won the Juilliard scholarship (“We’re All in This Together (Graduation Mix)“). Taylor will go to Yale University; Sharpay will go to University of Albuquerque and along with that, she will also assist Ms. Darbus in running the drama department in the fall (so that Tiara does not get to take over the Drama Department). Troy decides to go to the University of California, Berkeley, where he can play basketball, study drama, and be close to Gabriella. After learning about Troy’s decision, Chad runs offstage and into the school gym. There he and Troy work things out and learn that their college’s basketball teams will play each other the upcoming fall. Chad decides to attend Albuquerque (U of A).At the graduation ceremony, Troy gives the class speech. Throwing their caps in the air, the graduates form a giant wildcat before breaking out into song and dance (“High School Musical“). The six stars walk down the field where a curtain closes off the graduation ceremony and turns into a stage. The six stars do their signature jump, and then the camera does a close-up of each actor. They take their final bow as the curtain closes.Cast 演员 Zac Efron as Troy Bolton Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez Vanessa Hudgens, who plays Gabriella Montez, at the Melbourne premiere of High School Musical 3: Senior Year which was both critically, and commercially successful.Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth Lucas Grabeel as Ryan Evans Monique Coleman as Taylor McKessie Olesya Rulin as Kelsi Nielsen Chris Warren, Jr. as Zeke Baylor Ryne Sanborn as Jason Cross Kaycee Stroh as Martha Cox Alyson Reed as Ms. Darbus Bart Johnson as Coach Jack Bolton Jemma McKenzie-Brown as Tiara Gold Matt Prokop as Jimmie “The Rocket-Man“ Zara Justin Martin as Donnie Dion Leslie Wing Pomeroy as Mrs. Lucille Bolton Socorro Herrera as Mrs. Montez Robert Curtis Brown as Mr. Vance Evans Kevin Katz as Jackson Cartwright Jessica Tuck as Mrs. Darby Evans David Reivers as Charlie Danforth Yolanda Wood as Mrs. Danforth Joey Miyashima as Principal Matsui Musical numbers SongLead SingersSceneNotes“Now or Never“Troy, Gabriella, Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Jason and MarthaEast High gymThe championship game“Right Here, Right Now“Troy and GabriellaTroy’s TreehouseAfter-party at bolton residence“I Want It All“Sharpay and Ryan with Tiara and other studentsEast High cafeteriaSharpay’s dream sequence“Can I Have This Dance?“Troy and GabriellaRooftop garden of East HighGabriella teaches Troy the waltz“A Night To Remember“Troy, Chad, Gabriella, Jason, Zeke, Taylor, Martha, Kelsi, Sharpay, RyanEast High AuditoriumRehearsal for musical number“Just Wanna Be With You“Ryan and Kelsi; Troy and GabriellaEast High Auditorium And Music RoomA declaration of love in the music room“The Boys Are Back“Troy and ChadRiley’s Auto Salvage JunkyardTroy and Chad’s dream sequence“Right Here, Right Now“ (Reprise)Troy and GabriellaGabriella’s house/Troy’s houseDeleted scene“Walk Away“GabriellaGabriella’s houseGabriella’s move to Stanford University“Scream“TroyThroughout East HighTroy’s decision to stay in theatre and basketball“Can I Have This Dance?“ (Reprise)Troy and GabriellaStanford UniversityTroy convinces Gabriella to move back“Senior Year Spring Musical“Kelsi, Ryan, Sharpay, Troy, Gabriella, Jimmie & TiaraEast High Auditorium (The Spring Musical performance)Featuring: Last Chance, Now or Never(Reprise), I Want it All(Reprise),
Just Wanna be with You(Reprise), A Night to Remember(Reprise)“We’re All In This Together
(Graduation Mix)“Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, TaylorEast High auditorium/graduation ceremonyA reprise from the first installment“High School Musical“Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, TaylorEast High graduation ceremonyFinale希望帮到你啦,如满意望采纳耶~


Zac Efron ...... Troy Bolton
Vanessa Anne Hudgens ...... Gabriella MontezVanessa Hudgens
Ashley Tisdale ...... Sharpay Evans
Lucas Grabeel ...... Ryan Evans
Corbin Bleu ...... Chad Danforth
Monique Coleman ...... Taylor McKessie
Bart Johnson ...... Coach Jack Bolton
Alyson Reed ...... Ms. Darbus
Olesya Rulin ...... Kelsi Nielsen
Chris Warren Jr. ...... Zeke Baylor
Ryne Sanborn ...... Jason Cross
Kaycee Stroh ...... Martha Cox
Matt Prokop ...... Jimmie Zara
Justin Martin ...... Donny Dion
Jemma McKenzie-Brown ...... Tiara Gold
Leslie Wing ...... Mrs. BoltonLeslie Wing Pomeroy)
Socorro Herrera ...... Mrs. Montez
David Reivers ...... Mr. Danforth
Yolanda Wood ...... Mrs. Danforth
Robert Curtis-Brown ...... Mr. Evans
Jessica Tuck ...... Mrs. Evans
Joey Miyashima ...... Principal Matsui
Stan Ellsworth ...... Mr. Riley
Dave Fox ...... Coach Kellogg
Jeremy Banks ...... Stagehand
Tara Starling ...... Ms. Juilliard
Manly Ortega ...... Sharpay’sBoiManly ’Little Pickles’ Ortega)
Ben Naccarato ...... Teacher
Bayli Baker ...... Dancer (uncredited)
Deuandra T. Brown ...... Student (uncredited)
Shawn Carter ...... Dancer (uncredited)
Beau Dunn ...... Student (uncredited)
Max Ehrich ...... Dancer (uncredited)
Joe Manuel Gallegos Jr. ...... Graduationdancer (uncredited)
Gavin Hetherington ...... Student / Dancer (uncredited)
Toiya Leatherwood ...... Student / dancer (uncredited)
Tia Robinson ...... Dancer (uncredited)



