

  • 雨果名言英文
  • 求雨果名言外语和英文原文:“要么成为夏多布里昂,要么一事无成” 谢谢!
  • 雨果名言英文翻译 急!!
  • 雨果的名言
  • 名人名言英语译文
  • 雨果名言:人的面孔常常反映他的内心世界,以为思想没有色彩,那是错误的求英文翻译
  • 雨果的中英文经典语录
  • 名言警句带翻译


英文Is the world’s most spacious ocean, broader than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the human mind. 日文より、海、空であり、空よりも広い世界で最も広々とした海を、より広范なさは人间の心です。 韩文�0�1�9�9�1�5�9�9 �6�9�8�3�3�3�7�9, �6�9�8�3�1�5�9�9 �9�1 �8�4�3�1 �1�7�7�1�2�3�1�9 �7�5�3�2 �8�4�3�1 �0�1�9�9, �8�4�3�1�3�7�7�5 �3�7�7�9�3�5 �0�3�3�3�3�0�9�1�9�9. 德语Ist der weltweit die meisten gro�0�8en Ozean, breiter als das Meer ist der Himmel, und breiter als der Himmel ist der menschliche Geist. 法语L’océan est le plus spacieux au monde, plus large que l’océan est le ciel, et plus large que le ciel est l’esprit humain 葡萄牙语Oceano é mais espa�0�4osa do mundo, mais vasto do que o oceano é o céu, e mais amplo do que o céu é a mente humana. 阿拉伯语�1�1�1�4 �1�5�1�7�1�3�1�9 �1�7�1�2�1�8 �1�9�1�8�1�7�1�9�1�8�1�9 �1�5�1�1�1�4�1�5�1�1 �1�9�1�8�1�9�1�5�1�4�1�5�1�9�1�2 �1�2 �1�2�1�5�1�2�1�1�1�7 �1�9�1�0 �1�9�1�8�1�9�1�5�1�4�1�5�1�9�1�2 �1�2�1�9�1�8�1�1�1�9�1�9�1�3 �1�2�1�2�1�5�1�2�1�1�1�7 �1�9�1�0 �1�9�1�8�1�1�1�9�1�9�1�3 �1�1�1�2 �1�9�1�8�1�7�1�6�1�8 �1�9�1�8�1�0�1�2�1�9�1�4.

求雨果名言外语和英文原文:“要么成为夏多布里昂,要么一事无成” 谢谢!

:“要么成为夏多布里昂,要么一无所成!”(« Je veux être Chateaubriand ou rien ! »)。

雨果名言英文翻译 急!!

It’s the matter afford people to survive,but it’s the dream that make people live.


  1、 The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .( Victor Hugo , French novelist )
  生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。( 法国小说家 雨果. V .)
  2 、“生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进了。生活既然没有目的,精力也就枯竭了。”
  Life is like to travel,ideal is its route,without which,one has to stop.If life has no aim,energy will be exhausted.
  even if you have copied a genious, you still lack his uniqe spirit, this is why he is a genious. so let’s praise the great men and do not copy them. let’s come up with different ideas. if we succeed, that will be good, but if we fail, what will that matter?
  4.Better a frank denial than unwillig compliance. V Hugo, French writer
  勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。 法国作家 雨果.V.
  5.I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me .Jack London, American writer 
  音乐要用心灵去听,用头脑去感觉。 法国作家 雨果 V


1、让自己的内心藏着一条巨龙,既是一种苦刑,也是一种乐趣。——雨果  Let oneself heart hiding a dragon, is a kind of torture, is also a kind of fun。

2、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。——爱因斯坦  The value of a person, should see him what contribution, should not look at what he achieved。

3、倘使要使别人咸动,首先要自己感动。——米勒  If want to make others salty, first moved to yourself。

4、在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。——马克思  In there is no royal road to science, only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits。

5、你的心灵常常是战场。在这个战场上,你的理性与判断和你的热情与嗜欲开战。——纪伯伦  Your heart is often the battlefield。 In the battlefield, your reason and judgment, and your enthusia *** and uprightness。

6、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。——司汤达  A person as long as strongly unremitting pursuit, he can achieve a goal。

7、在太阳之下没有新东西。——拜伦  There is nothing new under the sun。

8、畏惧错误就是毁灭进步。——怀特黑德  Fear of error is the destruction of progress。

9、能容小人,是大人;能处薄德,是厚德。——史搢臣  Can let person, is an *** ; DE BoDe can place, is thick。

10、知足的人永不会穷;不知足的人永不会富。——爱弥儿  Happy people will never be poor; The discontent of the people will never be rich。

11、浪费时间是所有支出中最奢侈及最昂贵的。——富兰克林  A waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses。

12、人生太短,要干的事太多,我要争分夺秒。——爱迪生  Life is too short, to do too much, I want to race against time。

13、对于一个艺术家来说,如果能够打破常规,完全自由进行创作,其成绩往往会是惊人的。——卓别林  For an artist, if you can break free from conventions, pletely free to pose, the result is often surprising。

14、放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他。——莎士比亚  Abandoning time person, time also will give up him。

15、无论你怎样地表示愤怒,都不要做出任何无法挽回的事来。——培根  No matter how you angry, don’t make any irreparable。

16、对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。——惠特曼  The people don’t respect, the first is to own don’t respect。

17、当我们责备他人时,通常意在间接夸奖自己。——布拉基  When we blame others, usually intended to praise yourself indirectly。

18、挑战让生命充满乐趣;克服挑战让生命充满意义。——乔舒亚?J?马里恩  Challenges make life full of fun; To overe the challenges make life full of meaning。

19、能充实心灵的东西,乃是闪烁着星星的苍穹,以及我内心的道德律。——康德  Can enrich the mind, but the inkling stars in the firmament, and the moral law inside of me。

20、如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那末你也将失去群星了。——泰戈尔  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars。

21、做一件事,无论大小,倘无恒心,是很不好的。——鲁迅  Do one thing, no matter size, if no perseverance, is very bad。

22、生命多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。——裴多菲  How much life time calculation, the value of life by contribution calculation。

23、最有学问和最有见识的人总是很谨慎的。——卢梭  Knowledge and most the most knowledgeable people are always very cautious。

24、我没有什么才能,不过喜欢寻根究底地追求问题罢了。——爱因斯坦  I don’t have any talent, but continue to pursue the matter。

25、一个人只要热爱自己的祖国,有一颗爱国之心,就什么事情都能解决。什么苦楚,什么冤屈都受得了。——冰心  A person as long as the love of their motherland, have a patriotic heart, it can solve everything。 What pain, what injustice stand。

26、如果我比笛卡尔看得远些,那是因为我站在巨人们的肩上的缘故。——牛顿  If I watch farther than Descartes, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants。

27、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。——乔?贝利  Have a strong will, is equivalent to giving your feet a pair of wings。

28、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。——塞涅卡  If one does not know where he headed for the head, then any wind is favorable。

29、懒惰是世界最大的奢侈。——米尔顿  Laziness is one of the world’s biggest luxury。

30、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。——米南德  Who will, who has experienced hardships can achieve any goal。

31、天才免不了有障碍,因为障碍会创造天才。——罗曼?罗兰  Obstacles are inevitable to the talents, for obstacles can create geniuses。

32、在创造家的事业中,每一步都要三思而后行,而不是盲目地瞎碰。——米丘林  Each step in the creation of the house of career, all want to think ice before you do, rather than blindly blind touch。

33、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。——萧楚女  Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, is always bright。

34、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。——弗兰克林  Do you love life? So don’t waste time, because that’s the stuff life is made of time。

35、战术之为物,一言以蔽之是若干世纪以来的军事经验的积累。——戴吉伯  Tactics for content, in a word is the accumulation of several centuries of military experience。

36、和平是人类最崇高的理想。——歌德  Peace is the most noble human ideal。

37、小事不忍耐,必招大灾难。——莎士比亚  Things don’t patience, will recruit catastrophe。

38、昨天只是今天的回忆,明天只是今天的梦。——吉卜龄  Yesterday is today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream。

39、风浪常利于有才干的航海者。——吉本  Waves often favors the talented voyager。

40、假使你希望别人保守你的秘密,你应该首先自己保守秘密。——辛尼加  If you want others to keep your secret, you should first of all you keep a secret。

41、要成就一件大事业,必须从小事做起。——列宁  To make a big career, we must start *** all。

42、凡事需尽力而为,半途而废者永无成就。——莎士比亚  Always need to do your best, your never achievement。

43、不等待机会所送礼物的人,就是征服了命运。——阿诺德  Don’t wait for the opportunity to the gift, fate is conquered。

44、如果事先缺乏周密的准备,机遇也会毫无用处。——托克维尔  If a lack of careful preparation, the opportunity will be useless。

45、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。——袁枚  The world is difficult if you put your heart into it。 The world is easy, careless people。

46、流行是一种无法忍受的丑陋。所以每半年都要更换流行一次。——王尔德  Fashion is a kind of can’t stand the ugly。 So to replace popular once every six months。

47、生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是在于接受,也不是在于争取。——巴金  Is the meaning of life is to give, give, is not accepted, also is not fighting for。

48、发明家全靠一股了不起的信心支持,才有勇气在不可知的天地中前进。——巴而扎克  Inventors on a great confidence to support all, didn’t have the courage to move forward in the unknown world。


Face is often an index of his inner world, thought thought does not have color, that’s not right.



  Knowledge is the life journey of food.


  Met snakes, have to strangle it.


  Caution is much more powerful than bold.


  Life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower.


  Where there is thought, there is power.


  It’s progress, people ought to be phenomenon.


  Has not been heard not the silence of the reason.


  The chance is undisciplined.


  Aging starts from the eye.


  Have you in, have no in exile.

  Life is a flower, and love is the honey.


  Pain is always keep beside the joy.


  Where there is shadow, there is light.


  Progress is the goal; Ideal is the standard.


  Meditation is labor, think is to act.


  Human is a tyrant, that is ignorance.


  Nothing more than money can corrode the heart.


  Do people easily, the upright do is difficult.


  The beginning of piety, bring a good end.


  Not born beauty! Beauty is only the love of beauty.


  He is fair in love and acting as she is a piece of infatuation.


  What is conscience? Is the pointer to the unknown world.


  Each tomb, is a novel.


  We the people have their own idol.


  Should believe that he is the victor of life.


  The greatest person, also is the most can bear it.


  No storm, the sails is merely a piece of rag.


  A battle, there is always a storm intervention.


  Books, guide me walk in other people’s soul.

  Every monument, is a novel.


  On the last stage of science, in the imagination.


  People walk at night, eyes always staring at the lights.


  Flowers bodes fruits, young girl dreams of love.


  Each teach a child, reducing a scum.


  A beggar, I don’t know where to beg for love.


  The trunk is always the same, when the leaves fall when raw.


  Any outstanding win total how much is a bold fruit.


  The real strong, is the kind of person who have self-control.


  Loneliness can make the person capable, can also make a person clumsy.


  The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.


  The most unbearable thing, often is the suffering of love.


  Music expresses something beyond narration but have to say.


  Compassion is a kind of more advanced law.


  All major events, the consequences are often hard to predict.


  There are so a kind of escape, just like in pursuit.


  The day belongs to all people, why only darkness for me?


  Grace is the ideal form, dynamic capacity check is ideal.


  Love is the folly, but is the wisdom of god.


  Death is the greatest equality and the equality of freedom.


  Pride is all heroes will be hurt.

   文化 ,不应将其提炼精制,而应使其纯化。

  Refined culture, should not be refined, and should make its purification.


  Burning cannot not interrupt flying, it’s just fairy mythology.


  Grander than the sea is the day, grander than the sky is the conscience.


  There is only one way to refuse to tomorrow, that is die.


  Nightmare is a continuation of the disappointment, his dream at night, daytime fantasies.


  Love and loved, that’s enough. Don’t make other desires.


  My presence is noble, but my behavior is democracy.


  Only creature in this world, neither the good, it doesn’t matter.


  Books are friends, although there is no passion, but very loyal.


  Since the night from the throne, let the light from the grave!


  There are a lot of lovely woman, but there is no perfect women.


  Falls in the fullest the happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
雨果的中英文经典语录相关 文章 :

1. 雨果的励志名言

2. 曼德拉语录中英文精选

3. 名人名言中英对照

4. 雨果经典爱情名言

5. 英语经典名言带翻译

6. 雨果爱情经典语录分享

7. 雨果名言名句

8. 霸气英文励志句子


1、人生是花,而爱是花蜜。——雨果  Life is a flower, and love is the honey.

2、夫建大事者,不忌小怨。——范晔  Built with great, don’t avoid is *** all.

3、人生一世,草木一秋。——冯梦龙  Life is a life time, plant an autumn.

4、将相本无主,男儿当自强。——汪洙  There is no main group, man be striving to improve.

5、生活的价值在于创造。——高尔基  The value of life is to create.

6、书是人类进步的阶梯。——高尔基  Books are the ladder of human progress.

7、身体健康者常年轻。——马尔夫特  Good health is always young.

8、敢于冲撞命运才是天才。——雨果  Dare to collision fate is a genius.

9、人生苦短,宇宙无限。——洪应明  Life is short, the universe is infinite.

10、得人者兴,失人者崩。——司马迁  DeRenZhe xing, ShiRenZhe collapse.

11、人是寻求意义的动物。——柏拉图  People are seeking meaning animals.

12、壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。——歌德  Ambition and enthusia *** is great auxiliary ji.

13、国家之本,在于人民。——孙中山  Of the countries, is to the people.

14、真理是时间的女儿。——达?芬奇  Truth is the daughter of time.

15、灾难是真理的第一程。——爱默生  The disaster is the first leg of the truth.

16、积财千万,无过读书。——颜之推  Accumulate wealth must, without reading.

17、容忍是最大的智慧。——莎士比亚  Tolerance is the greatest wisdom.

18、择才不求备,任物不过涯。——元镇  Choose to not ready, but your career.

19、泛舟沧海,立马昆仑。——周恩来  Boating on the sea, kunlun immediately.

20、不守时间就是没有道德。——蒙森  Don’t keep time is no morality.

21、挚友如异体同心。——亚里士多德  1 friend such as concentric.

22、食为人天,农为正本。——李世民  Eat a day, as the original.

23、时间是衡量事业的标准。——培根  Time is a measure of enterprise.

24、真理常常藏在事物的深底。——席勒  The truth often hidden in the deep bottom of things.

25、言极则怒,怒极说危。——吕不韦  Said it is anger, anger extremely dangerous.

26、静以修身,俭以养德。——诸葛亮  Static with cultivate one’s morality, waste to virtue.

27、胜利属于坚韧不拔的人。——英国  Victory belongs to perseverance.

28、母鸡的理想不过是把糠。——民谚  The hen’s ideal is but the chaff he will burn.

29、近贤则聪;近愚则聩。——皮日休  Nearly hen chung; Almost a fool is mind-blowing.

30、真理是智慧的太阳。——沅韦纳戈  The truth of wisdom is to the sun.

31、生而为英,死而为灵。——欧阳修  English, born to die for the spirit.

32、慷慨丈夫志,可以耀锋?——孟郊  Generous hu *** and, can yao feng?

33、光景不待人,须叟发成丝。——李白  Time and tide wait for no man, you must barbary hair into thin shreds.

34、使人高贵的是人的品格。——劳伦斯  Makes a man noble is the person’s character.

35、治国经邦,人才为急。——孙中山  By the state, talent for urgent.

36、宽则得众,信则人任焉。——苏辙  Those who believe the wide waters, ren.

37、当取不取,过后莫悔。——施耐庵  When take not take, don’t regret afterwards.

38、得士者强,失士则亡。——东方朔  Loss and strong, and the dead.

39、时间是检验真理的尺度。——佚名  Time is the yardstick of truth.

40、学问欲博,而行已欲敦。——魏征  Learning desire, it has been to London.

41、善于捕捉机会者为俊杰。——歌德  Good at capturing opportunities for junjie.

42、苦难是人生的老师。——巴尔扎克  Suffering is the teacher of life.

43、智慧只能在真理中发现。——歌德  Wisdom can only found in truth.

44、人无忠信,不可立于世。——程颐  A man without the faithful, and not in the world. 

45、进步是目的;理想是标准。——雨果  Progress is the goal; Ideal is the standard.

46、我姓钱,但我不爱钱。——钱学森  My name is money, but I do not love money.

47、懒惰等于将一个人活埋。——泰勒  Laziness is equal to a man buried alive.

48、道德中最大的秘密是爱。——雪莱  The biggest secret in moral is love.

49、机不可失,时不再来。——张九龄  Opportunity knocks but once.

50、通过苦难,走向欢乐。——贝多芬  Through the suffering, to joy.

51、人若有志,万事可为。——斯迈尔斯  If a man interested in, everything can be.

52、事以密成,语以泄败。——韩非子  Up on dense language to drain.

53、劳动是创套幸福的天使。——宋琦  Labor is a happy angel.

54、青年一般地是无思虑的。——霍默  Young people in general is without thinking.

55、自信是英雄的本质。——美爱默生  Self-trust is the essence of heroi *** .

56、人生在勤,勤则不匮。——贾思勰  Life in attendance, diligent or not.

57、青年的主要任务是学习。——朱德  Youth is the main task of the study.

58、坚持真理的人是伟大的。——雨果  Stick to the truth of the people is great.

59、最浪费不起的是时间。——丁肇中  Is the most can’t afford to waste time.

60、长年积累,偶然得之.——周恩来  Accumulating, accidentally。

61、爱情不过是一种疯。——莎士比亚  Love is a kind of crazy.

62、梦境总是现实的反面。——伟格利  The dream is always the opposite of reality.

63、人以自是,反以相诽。——吕不韦  A person with naturally, anti-israeli Fei.

64、朋友是生活中的阳光。——易卜生  A friend is the sunshine of life.

65、自信是成功的第一步。——爱迪生  Confidence in yourself is the first step to success.

66、爱情从爱情中来。——拉布吕耶尔  Love from love.

67、酒杯里竟能蹦出友谊来。——盖伊  Glass has a friendship can jump out.



