1. 改变句子结构原句:The chart shows the percentage of people who use different modes of transportation to go to work.改写:Different modes of transportation used to go to work are presented in the chart, with the percentage of people using each mode.
2. 使用同义词替换原句:The table illustrates the number of students who passed the exam in each subject.改写:The table demonstrates the amount of students who succeeded in each subject of the test.
3. 引用数据原句:The graph displays the changes in the number of tourists visiting the city over a period of five years.改写:According to the graph, the number of tourists visiting the city has fluctuated over the past five years.
4. 添加背景信息原句:The diagram shows the process of how a plant grows from a seed.改写:As depicted in the diagram, the growth process of a plant from a seed is illustrated step by step.
1. 题目类型和任务要求:简要介绍题目类型和任务要求,例如是图表题还是流程图题,需要描述什么内容等。
2. 图表概述:简要概括图表的主要特点和趋势,例如数据的变化趋势、最高值和最低值等。
3. 重点说明:指出图表中最重要的信息或趋势,以及需要注意的细节。
4. 预测趋势:根据图表的趋势和数据,预测未来可能的发展趋势。
下面是一个范例:The chart below shows the percentage of people who use bicycles as a mode of transportation in three different cities in 2010 and 2015.The bar chart compares the proportion of people who use bicycles as a means of transport in three different cities in 2010 and 2015. Overall, it is clear that the percentage of people who use bicycles increased in all three cities over the five-year period. However, there were significant differences in the extent of the increase between the cities. The most notable trend was observed in City A, where the percentage of bicycle users more than doubled from 10% in 2010 to 25% in 2015. In contrast, the increase in City B was relatively modest, rising from 15% to 18%. City C had the highest percentage of bicycle users in both years, but the increase was the smallest, from 30% to 35%. It is worth noting that the data only covers two years, so it is difficult to predict the future trend.