
历史故事本文相关内容:飞弩6 飞弩 发射 飞行 导弹

“飞弩”-6地空导弹系统是什么飞行cross“ -6系统是单焊架便携式地面导弹,飞弩-6单兵便携式防空导弹的发射平台In order to meet the requirements of the rapid mechanization of modern Army, the FLV-1 car short-range light-type light-type light-type light-proof missile system has also developed the FLV-1 car short-range light-type light-type air defense missile system. The system mainly undertakes field air defense missions and is suitable for field air defense and position air defense.该武器系统是1个单车集成的防空系统,其电子设备主要安装在发射管下方的握把中,红色冰球6也称为“飞行cross-6(FN-6)便携式防空导弹”,crossbow“ -6不同于中国的其他便携式地面 - 空气导弹,Crossbow -6是一种防空导弹,在它上面集成了搜索、跟踪、发射和定位系统,即雷达、三合一(电视, Hot imaging, laser ranging machine) photoelectric system, missile and GPS positioning system, can fight in bicycle. There is a command control system in the car, and the operator fires the missile through the command control system. In the FLV-1 air defense system, the 雷达 is mainly a search function. The search distance of the 雷达 on the car is above 18 kilometers, while the photoelectric detection device is mainly tracking. During the battle, when the 雷达 searched the target, the target was handed over to the photoelectric detection device, and it tracked and guided the missiles to strike the target. The FLV-1 short-range air defense missile system has eight missiles to be launched, and there are 8 spare missiles in the car. They can launch two missiles, guided or laser semi-active gui达nce. The "avant -garde" series of missiles on the car adopts 8 -combined installation form, because portable air defense missiles are not particularly large. If they are installed less, the power of the entire system will be insufficient. Try to increase the number of missiles on the missile, so that the combat power of the entire system can be used. The FLV-1 system's car missiles can also be taken down to single soldiers, which not only maintains the advantages of the car launch, but also the characteristics of carr缨out the combat. The FLV-1 car weighs 11 tons, with a maximum speed of 95 km/h, a maximum itinerary of 600 kilometers, and the system response time is less than 8 seconds. This type of air defense missile system has diffe人t达mage mechanisms, namely "precise strikes" and "barrage interception". The system can conduct comprehensive command and control. It has high combat effectiveness and is mainly used to fight the targets such as cruise missiles, armed helicopters, fixed -wing aircraft, and drone aircraft. Essence This FLV-1 air defense combat vehicle is a general-purpose platform, and domestic portable air defense missiles can be launched on this car. At present, the missiles adopted inc陆de "avant-garde" -1, "avant-garde" -2 and "avant-garde" -3. After improvement in the future, the "Red Bad" series and "Fl缨Crossbow" series can also be launched on this weapon platform.。


飞行cross。导弹速度大于600米,系统响应时间小于5秒钟。在低空气层下方的飞行目标上,它具有强大的抗渗透能力,一旦将其锁定,很难逃脱。红色冰球6也称为“飞行cross-6(FN-6)便携式防空导弹”。它照亮了夜空,场景非常壮观。Crossbow -6是一种防空导弹,早在2012年就发布了,并出口到许多国家。


飞行cross“ -6系统是单焊架便携式地面导弹。crossbow“ -6不同于中国的其他便携式地面 - 空气导弹。其电子设备主要安装在发射管下方的握把中。由于使用了数字电子设备,因此控制层的手柄较小且更轻。给人是不稳定的重心,但是加载后可以检索平衡。头是金字塔形状,看起来像是标准红外的圆形旋转探测器。在其前面安装了反射器。工作频带。领导者是3至5.4GHz。


In order to meet the requirements of the rapid mechanization of modern Army, the FLV-1 car short-range light-type light-type light-type light-proof missile system has also developed the FLV-1 car short-range light-type light-type air defense missile system. The system mainly undertakes field air defense missions and is suitable for field air defense and position air defense.该武器系统是1个单车集成的防空系统,底盘也采用1辆4×4高机动多用途轮式装甲车,在它上面集成了搜索、跟踪、发射和定位系统,即雷达、三合一(电视, Hot imaging, laser ranging machine) photoelectric system, missile and GPS positioning system, can fight in bicycle. There is a command control system in the car, and the operator fires the missile through the command control system. In the FLV-1 air defense system, the 雷达 is mainly a search function. The search distance of the 雷达 on the car is above 18 kilometers, while the photoelectric detection device is mainly tracking. During the battle, when the 雷达 searched the target, the target was handed over to the photoelectric detection device, and it tracked and guided the missiles to strike the target. The FLV-1 short-range air defense missile system has eight missiles to be launched, and there are 8 spare missiles in the car. They can launch two missiles, guided or laser semi-active gui达nce. The "avant -garde" series of missiles on the car adopts 8 -combined installation form, because portable air defense missiles are not particularly large. If they are installed less, the power of the entire system will be insufficient. Try to increase the number of missiles on the missile, so that the combat power of the entire system can be used. The FLV-1 system's car missiles can also be taken down to single soldiers, which not only maintains the advantages of the car launch, but also the characteristics of carr缨out the combat. The FLV-1 car weighs 11 tons, with a maximum speed of 95 km/h, a maximum itinerary of 600 kilometers, and the system response time is less than 8 seconds. This type of air defense missile system has diffe人t达mage mechanisms, namely "precise strikes" and "barrage interception". The system can conduct comprehensive command and control. It has high combat effectiveness and is mainly used to fight the targets such as cruise missiles, armed helicopters, fixed -wing aircraft, and drone aircraft. Essence This FLV-1 air defense combat vehicle is a general-purpose platform, and domestic portable air defense missiles can be launched on this car. At present, the missiles adopted inc陆de "avant-garde" -1, "avant-garde" -2 and "avant-garde" -3. After improvement in the future, the "Red Bad" series and "Fl缨Crossbow" series can also be launched on this weapon platform.



