朱梓骁(小朱,1986年8月13日-),出生于辽宁省沈阳市,毕业于沈阳工业大学,中国内地男演员、主持人。 2009年,在内地青春校园偶像剧《一起来看流星雨》中饰演上官瑞谦一角崭露头角,2010年继续主演续集《一起又看流星雨》,该剧多次获得内地收视冠军,2016年首次尝试担任制作人并主演网络剧《我的真芯男友》。2020年10月3日,主演的电影《人鱼缚》定档在腾讯视频上映,在剧中饰演柳梦白。
Born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, Zhu Zixiao is an actor and host in mainland China
Zhu Zixiao (Xiao Zhu, born August 13, 1986), born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, graduated from Shenyang University of Technology, is an actor and host in mainland China. In 2009, in the mainland youth campus idol drama “together to see the meteor shower” in the role of Shangguan Ruiqian came to a head, in 2010 continue to star in the sequel “together to see the meteor shower”, the drama repeatedly won the mainland ratings champion, 2016 first attempt as a producer and starred in the network drama “my true core boyfriend”. On October 3, 2020, she starred in the movie “Mermaid”, which was released on Tencent Video. She played Liu Mengbai in the movie.