【Voice of Youth—北京北京】多抓鱼循环环保商店amp; 再探冬奥场馆_场馆_北京_外国语学院





Today what I would like to introduce to you is Duo Zhua Yu recycle shop. Duo Zhua Yu, established in 2017 in Beijing, is a durable goods recycling store. Here, you can sell your unused clothing, books, or electronics, which will be sterilized and refurbished by the authorities and put in a recycling store for those who need it to take it home. At the same time, you can also find the items you need here, so that this item can have its new value. Not only does it have an offline store, but it also has a Wechat mini program and a website that allows users to price items they want to sell online and then book a delivery to pick them up for free. The name Duo Zhua Yu comes from the French phrase “Déjà vu,” which means “seem to have met before”. With the improvement of people's knowledge, more and more people are willing to contribute to the cause of environmental protection. Duo Zhua Yu provides such a platform, so that more goods can be used reasonably. As the brand philosophy says: A really good thing is worth buying twice.






Recently, Winter Olympics legacies, especially those competition venues, have been open to the public. People come to these venues, enjoy the happiness brought by the ice and snow, and have a good time with family. The success of Winter Olympics makes all these venues an excellent choice for leisure and entertainment. Some volunteers also come back to where they worked during Beijing 2022. Wearing their special uniforms, with the memories coming back to their mind, they find the venues so evocative. They are also very excited that more people can come to share their happiness with the openness of these venues.

图片来源:新华网 新闻晨报



