georgemichael(George Michael有哪些经典老歌)_专辑_歌词_歌手
- George Michael有哪些经典老歌
- George Michael的《Fastlove》 歌词
- George Michael的《Free》 歌词
- George Michael 怎么读
- George Michael的《Fantasy》 歌词
- George Michael的《Outside》 歌词
- George Michael的《Older》 歌词
- george michael last christmas在哪张专辑
George Michael有哪些经典老歌
1998年,George Michael 推出了一张名为《Ladies & Gentlemen》(男男女女)的双唱片精选,其中收录了自 Wham! 起的他的历年佳作。两张唱片的风格截然不同。CD(Ⅰ)是 George 为纪念他去世的母亲 Lesley 而作的,题为“For Heart“(为了心灵),里面清一色的都是慢歌;CD(Ⅱ)是一张以舞曲音乐为主的快歌专辑,题为“For Feet“(为了双脚)。听这套专辑,无异于打开 George 的日记本,看看他以往的星路历程。
听其中的“Fantasy“(神奇)和“Careless Whisper“(无心快语),就会令人想到 Wham!(威猛)的时代。当时在英国有个名叫 Georgios Panayiotous 的高中生,与同校同学 Andrew Ridgely 同样都是钟情于音乐的人,他们组建了一支两人乐队定名为 Wham!(可能是他们认为这个名字能代表听众的激情大叫)。 两个小伙子为了能在流行歌坛上抢占一块小小的地盘几乎踏破了所有唱片公司的门槛。经过一番努力后,Wham! 的首张专辑《Fantasy》推出,这张专辑在英国真的很走红。Georgios 在此时也更名为 George Michael。他与 Andrew 二人开始以“坏孩子”的形象风靡歌坛。
但真正的“威猛狂潮”却始于1984年的专辑《Make It Big》(搞搞大)推出之际。“Everything She Wants“(她想要的一切)和“Careless Whisper“成为传世经典。这使得 Wham! 这个名字在流行音乐史上被永远的镌刻下来。“Careless Whisper“后来被 George 做了一个个人演唱版本,这也是最先流入中国大陆的欧美流行歌曲之一。对于中国最老的欧美歌迷而言,这首歌曲几乎是他们共同的“启蒙教材”。其中还有一首名为“Wake Me Up, Before You Go Go“(在你走前将我唤醒)的歌曾令无数少女为之痴狂。而 Wham! 也因他们放浪的言行成为众矢之的。Andrew 曾因“不尊重妇女”的恶名而被朝鲜民主主义共和国拒绝入境。George 后来对于当时 Wham! 的评价是“太孩子气与傲慢”,Wham! 当时的乐风由于 George Michael 和 Andrew 的心浮气躁不免有华而不实之嫌。对外界而言,他们仅仅是一个青春偶像组合。
1986年, Wham! 推出了《The Final》(最终)。之后,在 George 筹备完首张个人专辑《Faith》(信念)之时,Andrew 悄然退出了歌坛,Wham! 就此解散,George 走上了单飞之路。
此时我们不妨听听《Ladies & Gentlemen》中的“Father Figure“(父亲的形象)和“One More Try“(再来一次)。这两首歌在《Faith》专辑中占有很重的份量。《Faith》同时登上英美两地排行榜的首位。这张唱片一踏上美国的大地,便创下了连续12周荣膺全美第一的佳绩,这对于一个英籍歌手来讲是很不寻常的。其中的“Kissing A Fool“(亲吻傻瓜),浓浓的爵士风味衬出黑白老电影的魅力,在 Gegrge 的磁性歌喉演绎下分外妖娆。这张专辑奠定了 George Michael 的音乐风格,他的疯克浪潮成为了当日的主流。George 一下子成了国际巨星。
但此时 Andrew 的退出给了他一记闷棍。本来他还打算着大干一场,力图超过当时的两大超级明星 Michael Jackson 和 Madonna,但这一来他的士气骤然低落。本来他还计划在《Faith》之后紧跟着再推出一张专辑,但 Andrew 的退出令有关此专辑的所有构想在一夜之间付诸东流,这张没有完成的专辑就是后来的《Older》(成熟)。这可能是 George 走向成熟的第一步,失落感往往是令男人清醒的良药。随后《Faith》在美国的迅速退热令他学会了在面对今日疯狂、明日冷淡的歌迷时必须要保持一颗平常心,大多数明星只是一夜之间灿烂辉煌,也许一到天亮,星星就会坠地变成普通的石头。
接下来该听的应是“Praying For Time“(祷告世纪)、“Heal The Pain“(治愈创伤)和“Waiting For That Day“(等待那一天)。以上这些歌曲出自 George 的1989年专辑《Listen Without Prejudice Vol.1》(听无偏见第1辑)。如果说《Faith》是一部激情之作,那么《Listen Without Prejudice Vol.1》则更趋近于一部理性之作,尽管 George 本人不看好这张唱片,但笔者倒是很喜欢它。较以往而言,这一次疯克的成分有所减少。很多听众都很中意于这张专辑的歌词,无论是悲天悯人的“Praying For Time“还是亲切动人的“Heal The Pain“,其歌词都写的细腻传神。无意之中,George Michael 一下子将自己提高到了关心国计民生及人类命运的高度。
此时,突然崛起的 Mariah Carey 对 George 构成了威胁,他(她)们同是 Sony CBS 公司的歌手。George 因觉得 Sony 公司为大力扶植 Mariah 而忽略了对他新专辑的宣传工作,故单方面要求解除与 Sony 公司的和约,双方不得不对簿公堂。终审判决于1999年7月下达,George 与 Sony 公司解除了和约,同时要向 Sony 付出3百万英镑的代价。脱离了 Sony 后的 George 加盟 EMI 旗下的 Virgin 公司。
“Jesus To A Child“(面对孩子的耶稣)是《Ladies & Gentlemen》的第一首曲子。其忧郁凄美的氛围令人窒息。它有着一段复杂的个人情感突变的创作背景,但因过多牵涉 George 的个人隐私,此处不便多费笔墨。
“You Have Been Loved“(你曾被爱过)和“Fastlove“(闪电之爱)是下面选择的曲目。它们出自 George 的96年专辑《Older》。听上去这象是他为过去恋人谱写的优美的安魂曲。与以往专辑不同的是,《Older》处处透着一股沧桑失落感。其中“You Have Been Loved“是 George 最动听的歌曲之一。在完成《Older》之后,George 彻底摆脱了恋人之死给他带来的阴影。《Older》一直保持着良好的销售情况,知道其推出的两个月后,Spice Girls 激起了汹涌的“辣妹风潮”,对此,George 只能苦笑作罢。
1998年4月,George Michael 因在洛杉矶的威尔乔治纪念公园向一名警探做出不端行为而遭逮捕。事后他竟为逮捕他的这位警探写了一首名为“A Moment With You“(与你共度的时光)的歌。这首歌同样也出现在 CD(I)“For Heart“之中。
现在听完这些歌之后,大体上你应对 George Michael 有一个总体的了解。有天赋、重感情、放任自己,这似乎是很多明星都具备的“素质”。有人将 George Michael 视为流行音乐的神明,有人将他视为洪水猛兽。但就事实而言,George Michael 应是一个脆弱的天才,一个披着神明外衣的男孩。最后,我们不妨再听一下他与 Elton John 合唱的“Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me“(别让日落于我),但愿“Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On George“。
George Michael的《Fastlove》 歌词
歌手:George Michael
专辑:Pure... Pop
looking for some education
made my way into the night
all that bullshit conversation
well baby can’t you read the signs
I won’t bore you with the details baby
I don’t even want to waste your time
let’s just say that maybe
you could help to ease my mind
baby, I ain’t Mr. Right
but if you’re looking for fastlove
if that’s love in your eyes
it’s more than enough
had some bad luck
so fastlove is all that I’ve got on my mind
what’s there to think about baby?
looking for some affirmation
made my way into the night
my friends got their ladies
they’re all having babies
but I just want to have some fun
I win’t bore you with the details baby
gonna get there in your own sweet time
let’s just say that maybe
you could help to ease my mind
baby, I ain’t Mr. Right
what’s there to think about baby?
get yourself some lessons in love
in the absence of security
I made my way into the night
stupid cupid keeps on calling me
but I see nothing in his eyes
I miss my baby
I miss my baby, tonight
so why don’t we make a little room
in my BMW babe
searching for some peace of mind
I help you find it
I do believe that we are practicing
the same religion
you really ought to get up now
looking for some affirmation?
George Michael的《Free》 歌词
歌手:George Michael
Gavin Degraw - Free
I’m a poor, I’m a rich
I’m a mountain, I’m a ditch
I’m a dagger in the shield
I’m impatient, I’m a yield
And I wanna be free
Wind in my hair
Salt on my skin
Sun in the air
I have to feel loved
Holding on me
I’ll give you everything that you would ever need
I’m the fight and the dance
I’m the heartbreaking romance
The feather and the stone
I feel crowded and alone
And I wanna be free
Wind in my hair
Salt on my skin
Sun in the air
I have to feel loved
Holding on me
I’ll give you everything that you would ever need
And every once in a while
I want to sit back and enjoy the view
I’m feeling my senses
The one in my life has been surrounded by fences
But I found some that I could see through
I could see through
And I wanna be free
Wind in my hair
Salt on my skin
Sun in the air
I have to feel loved
Holding on me
I’ll give you everything that you would ever need
Everything that you would ever need
Everything that you would ever need
George Michael 怎么读
乔治 麦克尔
然后把George Michael输入。
George Michael的《Fantasy》 歌词
歌手:George Michael
专辑:The Best Of George Michael
Artist: George Michael
Title: Fantasy
One day you say you love me
The next you tell me you don’t
One day you say you will
And the next you tell me you won’t
Hey little baby
There ain’t much point in hanging around (Yea).
One day you make me feel like your love is in my hands
One day you say you’ll stay
The next you’re changing your plans
Hey little baby
Ain’t much point in hanging around (Yea).
Cause’ if you ain’t got time for me I’ll find another Fantasy.
It is kind of funny that you think that
I am the boy to make you cry
I can make you happy
If only for a while
Little baby I can give you all the loving that your heart desires
If you ain’t got time for me I’ll find another Fantasy.
It could be the price of love
Could the price of hate
What am I guilty of
Why do you make me wait
So long I don’t know your intentions.
Look to the sky’s above
I am in the hands of fate
Push till it gets to shove
I have got to know for heavens sake
Is this love or invention
Baby can’t you see I’ll find another Fantasy.
You hang around with people who are sure to make you cry
I can make you happy if only for a while
Little baby oh, oh little baby
I can give you all the lovin’ that your heart desires
If you ain’t got time for me I’ll find another Fantasy.
You take someone’s heart
And you kick it around
Keep on picking it up
So you can watch it come down
I don’t know what I am suppose to do
Why I wait for you to make up your mind
Would you please be so kind
When you know what to do I’ll be in the the next room
But if you make it to late I may be in the next day
George Michael的《Outside》 歌词
歌手:George Michael
专辑:Pure... 90s
George Michael - Outside
BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul
I think I’m done with the sofa
I think I’m done with the hall
I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby
let’s go outside (let’s go outside)
in the sunshine
I know you want to, but you can’t say yes
Let’s go outside
in the moonshine
take me to the places that I love best
So my angel she says, don’t you worry
’bout the things they’re saying, yeah
got no friends in high places
and the game that you gave away
wasn’t worth playing
let’s go outside
in the sunshine
I know you want to, but you can’t say yes
let’s go outside
in the meantime
take me to the places that I love best
and yes I’ve been bad
doctor won’t you do with me what you can
you see I think about it all the time
twenty four seven
you say you want it, you got it
I never really said it before
there s nothing here but flesh and bone
there’s nothing more nothing more
there’s nothing more
back to nature, just human nature
getting on back to
I think I m done with the sofa
I think I m done with the hall
I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby
let’s go outside
in the sunshine
I know you want to, but you can’t say yes
let’s go outside
in the moonshine
take me to the places that I love best
and yes I’ve been bad
doctor won’t you do with me what you can
you see I think about it all the time
I’d service the community
(but I already have you see!)
I never really said it before
there’s nothing here but flesh and bone
there’s nothing more, nothing more
there’s nothing more
let’s go outside
dancing on the D-train baby
when the moon is high
and the grass is jumpin’
come on, just keep on funkin’
keep on funkin’, just keep on funkin’
George Michael的《Older》 歌词
歌手:George Michael
专辑:Jesus To A Child
I should have known
it seemed too easy
you were there
and I was breathing blue
strange baby
don’t you think I’m looking older?
but something good has happened to me
change is a stranger
you have yet to know
well you’re out of time
I’m letting go
you’ll be fine
well that much I know
you’re out of time
I’m letting go
I’m not the man you want
I should have known
it seemed so easy
you were there
I thought I needed you
baby don’t you think I’m looking older?
but something good has happened to me
change is a stranger
who never seems to show
so you’re out of time
I’m letting go
you’ll be fine
or maybe you won’t
you’re out of time
I’m letting go
I’m not the man that you want
I never should have looked back in your direction
I know that
just the same old fights again, baby
these are wasted days without affection
I’m not that foolish anymore
so you’re out of time
I’m letting go
you’ll be fine
well that much I know
you’re out of time
I’m letting go
I’m not the man that you want
george michael last christmas在哪张专辑
George Michael的歌曲《Last Christmas》收录在专辑《Twenty Five》中。
歌曲专辑:《Twenty Five》,歌曲演唱:George Michael (乔治·迈克尔),作词:George Michael,语种: 英语,流派:Pop,唱片公司:索尼音乐,发行时间:2012-01-30。
George Michael,英国音乐家、创作型歌手、唱片制作人、演员。他的专辑《Twenty Five》收录的歌曲有《Last Christmas》、《Everything She Wants》、《Faith》、《Outside》等。
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me
It's been a year
It doesn't surprise me
I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying I love you
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Oh oh baby
Crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god I thought you were
Someone to rely on
I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face of a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
A face of a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
I'll give it to someone
I'll give it to someone special
以上内容参考 QQ音乐-Last Christmas