

  • 初中英语常用短语大全
  • 初中英语必备基础短语归纳
  • 初中英语短语大全带例句
  • 初中英语单词短语总汇
  • 初中英语常见的短语及意思
  • 初中学生英语短语及例句
  • 初中英语短语常考大全
  • 初中英语词组短语大全


  初中英语课本里,各个单元一定都有常用的 英语 短语 。下面是我给大家整理了初中英语核心短语,供大家参阅!
  1. all day (long) 一整天;一天到睌

  2. all kinds of 各种各样的

  3. different kinds of 不同种类的

  4. all night (long) 整晚,彻夜

  5. all one’s life 一生;终生

  6. all over 到处;结束

  7. all over the world= all the world over全世界

  8. all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了

  9. all the same 仍然

  10. all the time 一直;始终;老是

  11. all by oneself 单独,独自

  12. and so on 等等

  13. appear 出现,呈现

  14. arrive at 到达某地(小地点)

  15. arrive in 到达某地(大地点)

  16. as „as 像„„一样

  17. as usual 照常

  18. as „as one can 尽量

  19. as „as possible 尽量

  20. as long as 长达„.

  21. as soon as 一„„就„„

  22. as well as 也

  23. as a result 结果,因此,由于

  24. ask for 请求,向(某人)要(某物)

  25. as soon as one canas soon as possible 尽早,尽快
  1. at breakfast(table, school, work) 早餐时

  2. at first 起先;开始的时候

  3. at home 在家里

  4. at last(finally, in the end)最后/终于

  5. at least 至少;起码

  6. at midnight 在半夜

  7. at night 在夜里

  8. at noon 在正午

  9. at once 立刻;马上

  10. arrive at(in) 到达

  11. at school 在学校上课

  12. at sea 在大海上

  13. at the front / back of 在„„的前部 / 后边

  14. at the head of 在„„的前面,在„„的排头/前列

  15. at the age of 在„岁时

  16. at the beginning of „起初,开始

  17. at the end of „ 结束时/末尾(终点)

  18. at the door 在门口

  19. at the moment 此刻;正当那时

  20. at the same time 同时

  21. at this time of (the ) day 在这个时候

  22. at this time of (the) year 在(一年中)这个时节里

  23. at times 偶尔;有时

  24. at weekends 在周末

  25. at work 在工作
  1. in/on the wall 在墙上

  2. in/to the north 在……北部,在……以北

  3. in time 正好,及时

  4. in a few years’ time 几年后

  5. in ten minutes 十分钟后(与将来时态连用)

  6. in the tree 在树上(非树本身)=on the tree

  7. in the wall 在墙上(凹进去)

  8. in the open air 在露天

  9. in the past 在过去

  10. in the sun 在阳光下

  11. in the sky 在空中

  12. a number of 若干的;许多的

  13. a pair of shoes (gloves, glasses, socks, scissors, trousers ) 对;一副

  14. a piece of 一块(张,片,只)

  15. a type of 一种型号的„„

  16. a sleeping baby 正睡的孩子

  17. a shop assistant 售货员,店员

  18. a waste of time 浪费时间

  19. another way of saying sth. 某物的另一种说法

  20. after a while 过了一会儿

  21. after breakfast 早饭后

  22. after class / school 下课后 / 放学后

  23. again and again 再三地,反复地

  24. agree with sb. 同意(某提议)

  25. agree with 与(人,想法)意见一致




1.at the party 在聚会上

2.in a low voice低声的

3.give sb sth or give sth to sb 给某人某物

4.enjoy oneseIf 玩很高兴

5.have a party 聚会

6.make friends with sb 和某人交朋友

7.each other相互

8.think of 认为

9.a lot of 许多

10.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

11.do morning exercise 做早操

12.a good rest 好好休息

13. go for a walk 去散步

14.lie in bed 躺在床上

15.plenty of 大量的

16.catch a cold 感冒

17.have a rest 休息

18.three times a day 一天三次

19.have a fever发烧

20.take the medicine吃药


1.be all right 身体好了

2.one…the other 一个,另一个

3.be on 演出

4.be over结束

5.yesterday evening 昨天晚上

6.It’s good (bad) for… 对…有好处(坏处)

7.once a week 每周一次

8.be air, by plane 乘飞机

9.by sea, by ship 乘船

10.a few 几个,—些

11.put down 放下

12.go camping 去野营

13.hold on 稍等

14.have a good time 玩得高兴

15.at this moment 现在

16.a telephone booth 电话亭

17.have to 不得不

18.send sb.sth., send sten. to sb.送给某人某物

19. pay for 付款

20.in the middle 在中间




  1) all the year round 一年到头

  例:Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

  She is happy all the year round.

  2) work as 从事...(工作)

  例:In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  I have work as a student for nine years.

  3) have a day/night off 腾出......(时间)放松

  例:He has not had a night off for two months, but he still feels happy.

  She never has had a day off since I met her.

  4) pour...into... 向...(某处)倾倒...(某物)

  例:The factory was pouring waste water into the river.

  I poured the coke into the big bottle an hour ago.

  5) write...about… 写......关于....(某事)

  例:I wrote a essay about English yesterday.

  She is writing sth. about her hobby.

  6) whenever..., you... 不管什么时候,你.....

  例:Whenever she begin speaking, you must listen to her carefully. Whenever I need help, you don’t help me.

  7) as soon as 一...就....

  例:I’ll call you as soon as I reached Shanghai.

  As soon as he was out of the room he turned back and knocked at the door again.

  8) It’s one’s duty to do... 这是某人的责任去做某事

  例:It’s our duty to study well.

  It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.

  It’s one’s way to do... 这是某人去做...(某事)方法 例:It’s her way to have dinner. It’s my way to sleep.


  1)Have you got...? 你有......吗?

  例:Have you got a red pencil? Have you got any books about biology?

  2)Why don’t you do......? 你为什麽不......(做事)?

  例:Why don’t you do the homework? Why don’t you eat the lunch?

  3)like doing/to do 喜欢做.../干.../...

  例:I like playing basketball. She likes sleeping.

  Do you like to fly a kite? He likes to go on a trip.

  4)make sb. happy 使(人)高兴

  例:Jim makes Mrs. Zheng very happy. She makes her friend happy. make sb. do sth. 使人作某事

  例:The boss makes workers work. Mrs. Zhang made students do the homework.

  make sb. sth. 为某人制作......(物)

  例:Mother makes her son model. I made him a birthday card. sb. is made to do 某人被迫去做某事

  例:I am made to do my homework. She is made to go home.

  5) give sb. sth 给(某人)......(东西) 例:Please give an apple. I gave his a glass of juice. give sth. to sb. 给某人.......(东西)

  例:Please give this ruler to Jim. Jim gave a cup of coffee to me.

  6) ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事

  例:Mother asked me to buy something.

  Jim asks me not to play with his computer.

  7) encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事

  例:They think of other way to encourage prople to return books. They encourage people to plant trees.

  8) I guess that 我猜想......

  例:I guess that somebody else has borrowed it.

  I guess that Jim has gone home..


  1) be afraid that 害怕......

  例:I’m afraid that I can’t help you. He is afraid that his money is lost. show sb. wh- to do 展示给某人......

  例:They show him how to cook.

  She show her sister how to make the bed.

  know wh- to do 知道......

  例:He knows how to use the computer. I know what to do next. teach sb. wh- to do 教某人做某事

  例:I teach my brother how to swim. She taught her student what to do. tell sb. wh- to do 告诉某人去做某事

  例:She tells Jim how to search on the Internet.

  Mother tells me how to use the fax.

  2) be famous for 因......而著名

  例: New York is famous for its tall buildings.

  Beijing is famous for its long history and places of intrest.

  3) not..., either 不...也不...

  例:She isn’t a student, either is Jim.

  I don’t like singing, either does Jim.

  4) No matter wh- , you... 无论...你...

  例:No matter how cold it is, he takes a walk in the morning.

  No matter who telephones, say I’m out.

  5) What’s the difference between...and...?(在两者)之间有什么差别? 例:What’s the difference between pen and ball-pen?

  What’s the difference between Chinese and English?

  There is a difference between...and...这有......(差别)在两者之间 例:There is a difference between cup and bottle.

  There is a difference between cap and hat.

  6) leave for 动身去…,向…出发

  例:We leave for Shanghai tomorrow.

  Do you know when he will leave for Japan?

  7) set off 出发

  例:Jim set off at 6:02 in the morning. I set off home to school.

  8) go on doing 继续做某事

  例:Jim hurt his leg, but he went on running.

  He nodded, smiled, and went on reading a novel.





  1. key to +名词 表示:某物的钥匙或某题的答案

  2. key to… anser to … key 可以是答题或钥匙

  3. laugh at… 取笑……

  4. learn by oneslfe 自学

  5. learn from sb 向某人学习

  6. learn to do sth 学做某事

  7. let sb do sth 让某人做某事

  8. Let sb down 让某人失望 eg : We shouldn’t let our farents down 我们不应该让我们的父母失望

  9. live from :离某地远

  10. live in +大地方 /at +小地方 居住在某地

  11. look after = take care of 照顾 照看

  12. lose one’s way 谁 迷 路

  13. make a decision to do sth 决定做某事

  14. make friends with sb 和谁成为朋友 eg : I want to make friends with you make it early 把时间定的早一点

  15. make on exhibition of oneself 让某人出洋相

  16. make sb /n +n 使什么成为什么 eg : I made her my step moller I made you my wife

  17. make sb /sth +adj 使某人(某物)怎么样 eg : You must made your bed clean make sb /sth adj 使某人/某物怎么样

  18. make sb do sth 让某人做某事

  19. make up be made up of (被动语态)由……组成

  20. make…difference to…

  21. mind sb to do mind one’s doing 介意……做什么

  22. most +名 most of +代

  23. much too +形容词

  24. must be 一定

  25. need +名词

  26. need sb do sth 需要某人做某事

  27. go fish 钓鱼 go swimming 游泳

  28. go on to do 去做下一件事 go on doing 继续做这件事

  29. go out away from远离 go out of 从….离开

  30. go to school 上学(用于专业的)go to the school 去学校(不一定是上学)


  1. good way to 好方法

  2. hate to do 讨厌没做过的事 hate doing 讨厌做过的事

  3. have a party for sb 举办谁的晚会

  4. have a talk 听报告 谈一谈

  5. have been doing 现在完成进行时

  6. have been to …( 地方)……去过某过地方

  7. have gone to …(地方) 去了某地还没回来

  8. have fun +doing 玩得高兴

  9. have sth to do 有什么事要做

  10. have to do sth 必须做某事

  11. have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth 做什么事情有麻烦

  12. have…time +doing

  13. have…(时间)…off 放……假 hear sb +do/doing 听见某人做某事/正在做某事 help a lot 很大用处

  14. help sb with sth \one’s sth 帮助某人某事(某方面)

  15. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

  16. hope to do sth 希望做某事

  17. How about(+doing) = What about(+doing)

  18. how do you like = what do you think of 你对什么的看法

  19. if : 是否=wether

  20. eg: I don’t know if (wether) I should go to the party 我不知道我是否应该去参加晚会

  21. He don’t know if (wether) we will arrive on time tomorrow morning 他不知道我们明天早上是否能准时到达

  22. if :如果,假如(全部接一般时态)+条件语态从句

  23. eg: I’ll go to LuZhou if it does’t rain 假如明天不下雨,我就去泸州

  24. If they change the plan they will let me know 假如他们要改变计划,他们会让我知道的

  25. I’ll go to England ,if I have enough money next year 如果我明年由足够的钱,我就要去英国 in one’s opinion = sb think 某人认为

  26. in some ways 在某些方面

  27. in the end = finally(adv) 最后

  28. in the north of… 什么在什么的北方 (north 北 sowth 南 west 西 east 东 ) in the sun 在太阳下

  29. increase 增加eg : They’ve increased the prece of petrol by % 他们把石油价增加了%

  30. instead of +(名 ) 代替eg: I’d like an apple instead of a pear 我想要苹果,而不要梨子


  1. introduce sb to sb 介绍某人给某人 introduce oneself 自我介绍

  2. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事

  3. It takes sb sometime to do sth 做某人花掉某人多少时间eg : It took me minutes to do my homework It takes me half an hour to cook

  4. It’s +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事怎么样eg : I’m sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station我十分道歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站

  5. by the end of 到……为止

  6. call sb sth eg : We call him old wang

  7. catch up with sb 赶上某人

  8. chat with sb 和某人闲谈 take sb to + 地点 带某人去某地

  9. come in 进

  10. come over to 过来

  11. come up with 提出 eg: Can you come up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗?

  12. communicate with sb 和某人交流

  13. consider + doing 考虑做什么 eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州?

  14. dance to 随着……跳舞

  15. decide to do sth 决定做某事

  16. do a survey of 做某方面的调查

  17. do better in 在……方面做得更好

  18. do wrong 做错

  19. Don’t forget to do sth 不要忘了做某事

  20. Don’t mind +doing /从句 /名词 不要介意……

  21. each +名(单)每一个…eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书 end up +doing

  22. enjoy +doing喜欢

  23. escape from 从……逃跑

  24. expect to do sth 期待做某事

  25. fall down 摔下来 fall off 从哪摔下来

  26. fall in love with sb /sth 爱上什么

  27. far from 离某地远

  28. find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样

  29. find sb/sth +adj 发现什么怎么样 eg : I find the book interesting

  30. finish 完成+doing(名词)



   crowd / group / team

  Ⅰ. group “小组、团体”,与 team 是同义词。指因任何目的或原因而聚集在一起所形成的群体。搭配范围较广;

  team 指工作、行为或游戏时在一起的群体,尤指体育比赛的“队”, 搭配范围较窄。如:

  ①a study group 学习小组; a discussion group 讨论小组

  ②a basketball team 篮球队 a medical team 医疗队

  Ⅱ. group 指“人群”时,与crowd同义。group 所指人数可多可少,但常指“较小”的人群, 且表示有组织有秩序的一群人;


  by oneself/ for oneself/ to oneself/ of oneself


  Ⅰ.by oneself“单独地;独立地”(=without help, alone).如:

  Did you do this by yourself or did someone help you?


  Ⅱ. “本身;本身的性质”如:

  ①Diamond is hard in itself. 钻石本来是硬的。

  Ⅲ.for oneself “为自己(的利益而做某事);独自地(与by oneself 同义)”。如:

  ②He has built a house for himself. 他为自己建造了一幢房子。

  ③You must find it out for yourself. 你必须自己把它找出来。

  Ⅳ.of oneself “自然而然地;自动地”为不及物动词。如:

  ④The fire died of oneself. 火自己熄灭了。

  Ⅴ.to oneself“默默地”“暗自”,常与talk , say, think等动词连用。如;

  ⑤He said to himself that there was something wrong. 他想这其中有毛病。

  :say to oneself “在心里想”,talk/ speak to oneself“自言自语”两者不可混淆。

   another/ other/ more

  Ⅰ. 名词前表示具有增加意义的“还、再”,一般用 more 和 another. more放在数词之后,而 another 放在数词之前;有时也可以用 other, 但other具有“不同”之意。保留它本意“别的”。如:

  ① one more thing, one other thing, another thing都表示“还有一件事”之意,如:

  ② I want three more / other books. = I want another three books.我还要三本书。

  ③ I stayed there three more days. = I stayed there another three days.

  我在那儿又呆了三天。(这里不用other, 因day与day没有不同之意。

  ④ We need three more / another three hands to do the job.

  我们还需要三个人做这项工作。 (这里不用other , 因不强调人与人的’不同。)

  ⑤ He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people.

  他与别的许多人一块在绿色长城上工作。( other 没有增加之意,表除自己以外的别的人。)

  another/ the other/ other/ others/ the others

  Ⅰ. another 指不定数目中的“另一个、又一个” (三个以上)用来代替或修饰可数名词。如:

  I don’t think the coat is good enough. Can you show me another?

  Ⅱ. other 泛指“另外的”修饰复数名词。如:

  We study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects.

  Ⅲ. others 泛指“另外的人或物”, 但不指其余的人或物的全部。如:

  Some like swimming, others like boating.

  Ⅳ. the other 指两个中的“另一个”如:

  He has two sons, one is in Shanghai, the other is in Beijing.

  Ⅴ. the others 特指某一范围内的“其余全部的人或物”如:

  There are thirty books on the bookshelf. Five are mine, the others are my father’s.

   edge / side

  Ⅰ.edge侧重于指很窄的 “边缘”, 如刀刃或沿边的一部分.如:

  Put some salt on the edge of your plate. 在你的盘子边上放些盐.

  Ⅱ.side “边, 旁边” 有时与edge同义,有时指 “(东西的)侧面”, “(一个)方面”, “(身体的)侧边”,如:

  among/ between/ in the middle of

  Ⅰ. among “在……之中/中间” 指三者或三者以上。通常表某个范围。如:

  ① Someone is wrong among us. 我们中间有人错了。

  ② There is a small village among the mountains. 大山之间有座小村庄。

  Ⅱ. between “在…之间”指在二者之间,有时与and 连用。如:

  ① There is a river between us. 在我们两人之间有一条河。

  ② I’m standing between a house and a big tree. 我站在一座房子和一棵大树中间。

  Ⅲ. in the middle of “在……中间”指在某事物中间,强调事物的两端的中间。如:

  There is a bus stop in the middle of the road. 在这条公路中间有个车站。




  1) The...,the... 越...越...

  例:The more you did, the more you learn. The more trees, the better.

  2) forget to do 忘记做某事

  例:She forgot to take the book when she left for home.

  She forget to play computer last Sunday.

  3) I’d like to do 我想做某事

  例:I’d like to eat a hundred hamburgers.

  I’d like to play computer all the day.

  4) at rest 静止的

  例:The machine is at rest.

  5) litter... about 乱丢

  例:She litters waste paper about anywhere.

  I don’t litter the thing what it is waste about.

  36) take away 拿走

  例:She takes it away. I took the apple away yesterday.

  7) stop doing 停止做某事

  例:You must stop talking at once. I will stop playing in one hour. stop ... from doing... 阻止某人做某事

  例:I stop my brother from playing computer. They stop me from talking.

  8) Could I......? 我能做......(某事)

  例:Could I sleep now? Could I play computer?

  9) right now 现在

  例:We haven’t got any books about math right now.

  She is sleeping right now.

  10) speak to sb. about sth. 对...(某人)说...关于...(某事) 例:I speak to my friend about computer games.

  He speaks to his son about English.


  1)Have you got...? 你有......吗?

  例:Have you got a red pencil? Have you got any books about biology?

  2)Why don’t you do......? 你为什麽不......(做事)?

  例:Why don’t you do the homework? Why don’t you eat the lunch?

  3)like doing/to do 喜欢做.../干.../...

  例:I like playing basketball. She likes sleeping.

  Do you like to fly a kite? He likes to go on a trip.

  4)make sb. happy 使(人)高兴

  例:Jim makes Mrs. Zheng very happy. She makes her friend happy. make sb. do sth. 使人作某事

  例:The boss makes workers work. Mrs. Zhang made students do the homework.

  make sb. sth. 为某人制作......(物)

  例:Mother makes her son model. I made him a birthday card. sb. is made to do 某人被迫去做某事

  例:I am made to do my homework. She is made to go home.

  5) give sb. sth 给(某人)......(东西) 例:Please give an apple. I gave his a glass of juice. give sth. to sb. 给某人.......(东西)

  例:Please give this ruler to Jim. Jim gave a cup of coffee to me.

  6) ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事

  例:Mother asked me to buy something.

  Jim asks me not to play with his computer.

  7) encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事

  例:They think of other way to encourage prople to return books. They encourage people to plant trees.

  8) I guess that 我猜想......

  例:I guess that somebody else has borrowed it.

  I guess that Jim has gone home..

  9) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

  例:Let’s go to school. Let’s do the homework.

  10) need to do sth. 需要做某事

  例:I need to drink some water now. She need to have a rest.

  11) be afraid that 害怕......

  例:I’m afraid that I can’t help you. He is afraid that his money is lost. show sb. wh- to do 展示给某人......

  例:They show him how to cook.

  She show her sister how to make the bed.

  know wh- to do 知道......

  例:He knows how to use the computer. I know what to do next. teach sb. wh- to do 教某人做某事

  例:I teach my brother how to swim. She taught her student what to do. tell sb. wh- to do 告诉某人去做某事

  例:She tells Jim how to search on the Internet.

  Mother tells me how to use the fax.


  1) all the year round 一年到头

  例:Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

  She is happy all the year round.

  2) work as 从事...(工作)

  例:In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  I have work as a student for nine years.

  3) have a day/night off 腾出......(时间)放松

  例:He has not had a night off for two months, but he still feels happy.

  She never has had a day off since I met her.

  4) pour...into... 向...(某处)倾倒...(某物)

  例:The factory was pouring waste water into the river.

  I poured the coke into the big bottle an hour ago.

  5) write...about… 写......关于....(某事)

  :I wrote a essay about English yesterday.

  She is writing sth. about her hobby.

  6) whenever..., you... 不管什么时候,你.....

  例:Whenever she begin speaking, you must listen to her carefully. Whenever I need help, you don’t help me.

  7) as soon as 一...就....

  例:I’ll call you as soon as I reached Shanghai.

  As soon as he was out of the room he turned back and knocked at the door again.

  8) It’s one’s duty to do... 这是某人的责任去做某事

  例:It’s our duty to study well.

  It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.

  It’s one’s way to do... 这是某人去做...(某事)方法 例:It’s her way to have dinner. It’s my way to sleep.

  9) keep...from doing 阻止某人做某事

  例:Parents must keep their children from playing near a river.

  The river smells terrible, people must be kept from throwing dirty things into it..

  10) make a contribution to 为.....做贡献

  例:We must make a contribution to protecting the environment..

  We should make a contribution to the Four Modernizations of our country.




  1. ~ down:

  put down放下 shut down把…关上 cut down砍掉 come down下来、落下 sit down坐下 write down写下 get down下来,降落

  2. after ~:

  day after day日复一日地

  the day after tomorrow后天

  3. ~ up (with):

  send up发射 open up开设、开办

  grow up长大 pick up拾起、捡起

  hands up举手 eat up吃光 clean up打扫干净


  =get to +n. (地方)

  =reach + n. (地方)

  =arrive / get +adv. (地方)

  5. ~ back:

  come back回来 at the back of在…的后面

  6. at~ :

  at breakfast早餐时 at desk在桌前 at the doctor’s在医务室 at work在工作 at night在晚上 at noon中午


  at Christmas在圣诞节 at the foot of在…脚下

  7. for~ :

  for ever永远

  for short 简称 be short for是…的简称

  8. come ~ :

  come down下来

  come from=be from来自,出生于

  come in/into进入,进来 come over过来 come along走吧,过来,快点 come and go来来去去 come up上来

  9. even ~ :

  10. be ~ with/ ~ of :

  be covered with被…覆盖

  of cause=certainly当然可以

  11.by ~ :

  one by one依次 by air/plane乘飞机

  by bus/train/car乘公共汽车/火车/轿车 相关:catch a bus赶公交车 上/下车

  take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去…


  1. do well in做得很好,成功,成绩很好

  2. Don’t mention it. 别提它。

  3. dress (oneself ) 穿衣服

  4. dress up 穿上盛装

  5. drink up 喝完

  6. drop off 放下(某物),下车

  7. each other 互相

  8. eat up 吃完,吃光

  9. either „or 不是„就是,或者„或者

  10. enjoy + V-ing 喜欢做某事

  11. enjoy oneself / have funhave a good time 过得愉快

  12. enough to do „ 足够做„„

  13. ever since 从那时起,此后一直

  14. even so 即使如此

  15. even though 即使

  16. every day / morning 每天/ 每天早上

  17. every minutes 每分钟,每隔分钟

  18. exercise book 练习簿

  19. fall asleep 入睡

  20. fall behind 落后,跟不上

  21. fall ill 生病

  22. fall off 跌落,掉下,(质或量)下降


  1. forget to do sth. 忘记做„„

  2. from door to door 挨家挨户

  3. from morning to (till ) night 从早到晚

  4. from now on 从今以后,今后

  5. from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方

  6. from that time on 从那时起

  7. from then on 从那时起

  8. come roundcome around (走)过来(绕行而来)

  9. come to 变成

  10. come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉

  11. come true 实现

  12. come up 过来

  13. coral reef 珊瑚礁

  14. cut down 砍倒,切断

  15. day after day 日复一日地,天天

  16. day by day 一天天地,逐日

  17. deserve to do sth. 值得做,理应„.

  18. do morning exercise 运动,做早操

  19. do not have to do 没必要做

  20. There’s no need to do„It’s not necessary for sb. to do„

  21. do one’s best (to do )尽最大努力,竭尽全力

  22. do one’s homework 做作业

  23. do one’s lessons 做功课

  24. do some cleaning / cooking / shopping 扫除/ 做饭 / 买东西

  25. do sport 运动,参加(体育)活动





  1. Teachers’ Day 教师节

  2. tell the story of„.讲„..的故事

  3. Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

  4. telephone sb. 给某人打电话

  5. telephone number 电话号码

  6. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于

  7. set out 出发

  8. set one’s mind to do 一心想做„.

  9. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物

  10. shouldn’t do sth. 不应该做某事

  11. show sb. round somewhere 领某人参观某地

  12. show sb. that „.做给某人看

  13. shout to 对„„大声叫喊

  14. shoot at 对准某人/物射击

  15. shut down 把„„关上

  16. sit down 坐下

  17. slow down 放慢,下降

  18. snow man 雪人

  19. so far 到目前为止

  20. so „ that 如此„.以致于

  21. so „that „.can „= enough to

  22. so „that „ couldn’t 太„.以至于无法

  23. so„ that „ can’t...= too„to 太„.以至于不能

  24. some day 未来的某日

  25. something wrong with 出了毛病/ 有问题


  1. South Africa 南非

  2. speak to sb. 与„讲话

  3. speak highly of 高度赞扬

  4. spare time 业余时间,

  5. spend some time on 在„. 花费时间

  6. spend time in doing sth. 在„上花费时间

  7. spend time on sth. 在„.上花费时间

  8. stand up 站起,起立

  9. stand in (a) line 站队,排队

  10. start for 从某地出发去某地

  11. start out 出发

  12. start with 以„„开始

  13. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  14. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

  15. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

  16. such„.that 如此„以致

  17. such as 诸如此类的;像„„一样的

  18. summer holiday 暑假

  19. such an exciting match 一场如此激动人心的比赛 T

  20. take a bath 洗个澡(沐浴)

  21. take a boat 乘轮船

  22. take a bus 坐公共汽车

  23. take a look (at sth.) 看一看,看一眼

  24. put away 把„.收拾起来

  25. put down 放下


  1. take place 发生

  2. take it easy 放心好了;别着急

  3. take / have(the)medicine 服药

  4. take off 脱掉衣物

  5. take out 拿出来

  6. take one’s time 不急,慢慢干,用去(某人)时间

  7. take one’s place/seat 坐某人的座位, 代替某人的职位

  8. take one’s temperature 量体温

  9. take one’s time doing 不慌不忙地做

  10. take„ out of„ 取出,把(某物)拿出来;把(某人)带出来

  11. take part in 参加

  12. take some medicine 服药

  13. take the train 坐火车

  14. take sb. to 把某人带往某地

  15. take sth. with sb. 把某物带在某人身边

  16. take time 费时,慢慢地

  17. take turns 轮流

  18. take the first turning on the right 第一个路口右拐弯

  19. take your time 不急,慢慢干,用去你的时间,慢走

  20. take-away 外卖的;买回去的

  21. talk about 谈论

  22. talk with/to sb. 与„. 谈话

  23. taste like 尝起来像

  24. teach „ not to 教某人不要做某事

  25. teach oneself 自学




