

  • 七年级上册英语重点短语归纳
  • 七年级上册的英语主要内容是什么
  • 七年级英语上册各单元知识点
  • 七年级上册英语书单词表
  • 七年级英语上册单元测试卷及答案
  • 仁爱版七年级英语上册教学工作计划
  • 七年级英语上册教学工作总结
  • 人民教育出版社初中七年级英语上册第三单元sectionA学案和教案


   英语 短语 是贯穿 英语学习 的第二法宝,必须熟练掌握英语短语的使用。下面我为大家带来七年级上册英语重点短语归纳,欢迎大家学习!


  重点短语Module 1

  1. come from来自 be from 来自

  2. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你

  3.Welcome to 欢迎来到

  4. Class One Grade Seven 七年级一班

  5. the capital of …的首都.省会

  6. family name 姓 given name 名 first name 名 last name 姓

  重点短语Module 2

  1.on the left 在左边

  2. on the right 在右边

  3. next to 在…隔壁

  4. in front of 在…前面

  5. behind 在…后面

  6.at the same hospital 在同一家医院

  7.What a big family! 好大的家庭啊!

  8.What’s your father’s job?= What does your father do? 你父亲的职业是什么?

  9. a photo of sb. 某人的照片

  重点短语Module 3

  1.there be 某地有某物

  2. a lot of = lots of = many = much 许多 (后跟可数名词复数及不可数名词)

  3. at\in the front of在…内部的前面

  4. a map of the world 世界地图

  5. how many 多少 (后跟可数名词复数)

  6. between ~ and 在~与~之间

  7. in the middle of 在~中间

  8. a building with twenty-four classrooms 一幢有24间教室的建筑物


  重点短语Module 1

  1. have / has got 有

  2. Let’s + 动词原形 让我们~

  3. too much 太多(后跟不可数名词)

  4. be good for 对~ 有益

  5. kind of 种类

  6. how about / what about doing sth. ~~怎么样?

  7. be bad for 对~~有害

  8. a bit 一些 (后跟可数名词复数及不可数名词)

  9. It’s important to remember: 记住这些很重要:

  10. stay healthy 保持健康

  11. get fat 变胖

  12. have a good breakfast 吃一顿丰富的早餐

  重点短语Module 2

  1.half past seven 七点半

  2.five to nine 八点五十分

  3.on Monday afternoon 在星期一下午

  4. be good at doing = do well in doing 擅长做某事

  5.favorite subject 喜爱的科目

  6. talk with sb= talk to sb. 与某人交谈

  7. on weekdays 在工作日

  8. get up 起床

  9. have breakfast / have lunch / have dinner 吃早餐/ 午餐/晚餐

  10. start to do = begin to do 开始做

  11. watch TV 看电视

  12. do one’s homework 做作业

  13. go to bed 去睡觉

  14. go to sleep 去睡觉

  15. have a break / have a rest 休息片刻

  16. have classes / lessons 上课

  重点短语Module 3

  1. Welcome to Beijing Zoo. 欢迎到北京动物园。

  2. such as = like 例如

  3. There she is ! 她在那里!

  4. a panda called Lingling 一只叫玲玲的熊猫

  5. be called 被称为, 叫做

  6. Shall we go and ~~? 我们去~~,好么?

  7. in Europe / Africa / Asia 在欧洲/非洲/亚洲

  8. as well as 并且, 还

  9. all over the world 全世界

  10. live alone 独居

  11. 30 kilos of bamboo 30公斤竹子

  12. in fact 事实上

  13. many kinds of 许多种类


  重点短语Module 1

  1. connect the screen to the computer 把 显示器 连接到主机

  2. turn on the computer 开电脑

  3. open a new document打开新文档

  4. use the keyboard 用鼠标

  5. first,next,finally 首先,然后,最后

  6. of course 当然

  7. share a computer 公用电脑

  8. go on the Internet 上网

  9. check the time 核对时间

  10. make travel plans 制定旅行计划

  11. listen to music 听音乐

  12. watch movies 看电影

  13. every Friday night 每周五晚上

  14. search for information 搜索信息

  15. check my email 查收邮件

  16. send emails 发送邮件

  重点短语Module 2

  1. would you like to ~~? 你想要~~?

  2. I’d love to . 是的,我想。

  3. get birthday presents 收到生日礼物

  4. have a birthday party 举行生日晚会

  5. get some exercise 做锻炼

  6. watch football =watch a football match 看 足球 比赛

  7. go to concerts 去听音乐会

  8. go to the cinema 去看电影

  9. on television 通过电视

  10. at weekends 在周末

  11. a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力

  12. Sb. spends time/ money on sth.某人花费时间、金钱做某事。

  Sb. spends time/money in doing sth.

  It takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花费时间做某事。

  重点短语Module 3

  1. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事

  2. enjoy oneself =have a good/ great time 玩的开心

  3. a lot = very much 非常, 很

  4. on a school trip 参加学校的旅游

  5. right now 现在

  6. take lots of photos 照许多照片

  7. on sale 出售

  8. lie in the sun 躺在太阳下

  9. a few 一些 (后跟可数名词复数) a little 一些(后跟不可数名词)

  10. send by email 通过邮件方式发送

  11. It’s time to do ~是时候做某事了

  12. go back home / go back to school 回家/ 回学校

  13. wait for 等候

  14. get on / get off 上车/ 下车

  15. at this moment 此刻

  16. leave work 下班at work 上班

  17. have a drink 喝一杯

  18. most of them 他们中的大多数

  19. drive home 开车回家

  20. the others 其他人

  21. buy some presents = shop for presents 买礼物

  22. in different places 在不同的地方

  23. do different things 做不同的事情

  重点短语Module 4

  1. clean the house 打扫房子

  2. sweep the floor 打扫地板

  3. make lanterns 做灯笼

  4. learn a dragon dance 学舞龙

  5. cook the meal 做饭

  6. What’s happening? 发生了什么事?

  7. get ready for 为~ 做准备

  8. at the moment 目前

  9. put things away 收拾东西

  10. so hard 如此勤奋

  11. join Sb. 加入某人 join in the basketball team 加入 篮球 队

  12. hurry up 快点

  13. quite busy 很忙

  14. sweep away bad luck 扫走霉运

  15. have a look at 看

  16. so much 这么多

  17. It means 它意味着…… What does it mean? 它有什么含义?

  18. the most important festival 最重要的节日

  19. on the same day 在同一天


1. 七年级英语上册第七单元重点短语及句子

2. 七年级英语上册第八单元重点短语及句子

3. 初一上英语知识点总结

4. 英语七年级上册重点句型

5. 人教版英语七年级上册知识点复习











九、助动词(do, does )的用法。






  七年级英语上册各单元知识点 1

  Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

  1. like 喜欢

  1)like sb. / sth.喜欢某人/某物

  2) like to do sth.喜欢/想要做某事(表一次性或特指的某一具体的动作)

  3) like doing sth喜欢做某事(表习惯性的动作或爱好)

  ①我喜欢每天打篮球。I like playing basketball every day.

  ②今天很冷,我喜欢呆在家里。Today is cold, I like to stay at home.

  2. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗。


  3. 名词的分类

  1)名词分为“专有名词”和“普通名词”两大类。专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点等专有的名称,如:Gina, China。专有名词的第一个字母要大写。


  ①个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体。如pen, student, apple。

  ②集体名词:表示若干个体组成的集合体。如family, class。

  ③物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。如water, broccoli等。

  ④抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、情感等。如work, happiness等。



  ①glass C. 杯子 U 玻璃 orange C 橘子 U. 橘汁


  chicken C 小鸡 U 鸡肉 fish C.鱼 U. 鱼肉

  ③salad, ice cream, food, fruit 作总称讲是不可数名词,作种类讲是可数名词

  She likes hamburgers, salad and apples.

  a salad of tomato

  4. good / well

  1) good adj “好的”,常用来修饰名词。a good student一位好学生 That sound good.(表语)

  2)well ①adj “好的”,“健康的”(指身体好)He doesn’t feel well.他感觉不舒服。②adv. “好”常用来修饰动词,放在动词之后。He learns English well.他英语学得好。

  5. 许多

  1) lots of = a lot of 修饰可数或不可数名词。lots of / a lot of bananas lots of / a lot of water

  2)many修饰可数名词 many boys many bananas

  3)much修饰不可数名词 much water much broccoli

  6. think about 思考;考虑

  7. Sports star 体育明星

  sport作修饰语时通常用复数形式。如:sports meeting 运动会sports shoes 运动鞋

  8. ask sb about sth .询问某人关于某事

  He asked me about the meeting.他问我关于运动会的一些情况。

  9. What do you like for breakfast? 你早餐喜欢(吃)什么?

  10. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples.= She likes eggs, bananas, and apples for breakfast.她早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果。

  sb like ....for + 某餐 = For + 某餐,sb. like....(某人某餐喜欢吃什么)

  11. one last question 最后一个问题

  12. I don’t want to be fat. 我不想变胖。

  want to be… “想要成为……;想要变得……”,动词be后接形容词或名词。

  Do you want to be a teacher? 你想成为一名老师吗?

  I don’t want to be old! 我可不想变老!

  七年级英语上册各单元知识点 2

  Unit 7 How much are these socks?

  1. 询问价格

  1) How much is + 单数商品? How much are + 复数商品?

  It’s + 钱 They’re + 钱



  2) What’s the price of + 商品?

  It’s + 钱



  2. how many/how much

  询问数量how many + 可数名词,how much + 不可数名词

  1)你有多少苹果?How many apples do you have?

  2)你想要多少水?How much water do you want?

  3. socks袜子, shoes鞋, shortts裤子,trousers裤子等都是成双成对的物品,一般以复数形式出现,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。但它们和a pair of (一双、一副或一对)连用作主语时,谓语动词要与pair在数上一致。

  The shorts are Tom’s. 这条短裤是汤姆的。

  The pair of shorts is Tom’s. 这条短裤是汤姆的。

  4. 英美等西方国家的货币单位像dollar(美元)、cent(美分)、pound(英镑)、penny(便士)、shilling(先令)等有单复数变化。我国的’货币单位元(yuan)、角(jiao)、分(fen)单复数一样。


  100 dollars is quite a lot of money for him. 100美元对他来说是相当多的钱。

  5. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?


  肯定回答:Yes, please. …

  否定回答:No, thanks. (…)

  与Can I help you?同义的常用表达还有:What can I do for you?/ May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you?

  6. want sth 想要某物 1)我想要个苹果。

  want to do sth. 想要做某事 2)他想打篮球

  want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 3)我想要他帮助我

  7. Here you are.给你。

  8. It looks nice.它看起来很漂亮。Look“看起来;看上去”,连系动词,后接形容词作表语。

  9. I’ll take it.我买了。

  10.表感谢的用语:Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks.

  回答感谢的用语:That’s all right / That’s OK. Not at all. You’re welcome.

  11.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服!

  1)come and do sth 来做某事

  Come and see us. 来拜访 / 看看我们吧。

  Please come and have dinner with us. 请来跟我们吃顿饭吧。

  2)on sale 出售;廉价出售 for sale待售



  12.We sell all our clothes at very good prices.我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。

  at very good prices 以合理/优惠的价格

  七年级英语上册各单元知识点 3

  Unit 8 When is your birthday?

  1. months: 月份:

  January 一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月

  2. 基数词变序数词口诀:


  一、二、三,特殊记,first, second, third;

  八去t,九去e,ve要用f替 (eight—eighth, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth)

  遇到整十来结尾,一定将y变ie再加th; (twenty—twentieth, thirty—thirtieth)

  若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以 (twenty-one---twenty-first, thirty-four—thirty-fourth)

  3. date of birth(出生日期)= birthday

  4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

  5. 问年龄用how old +be + 主语?答:主语 + be + 基数词(years old)

  1) How old are you?=What’s your age? I’m fifteen(years old) 你多大了?我15岁。

  2) How old is the baby? He is 10 months old.这个婴儿多大了?他10个月大。

  6. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?=What’s the date of your birth?

  7. at / on / in 表时间“在……”

  1)at 通常表在某个点时间。at 8:00 在8:00 at 9:25 在9:25

  2) on通常表在某一天或某一天的上/下午、晚上。

  on September 1st 在9月1日 on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的上午


  in 1979 在1979年 in September 在9月份 in spring在春天

  △ 表时间at 《 on 《 in

  4) 固定词组

  at dawn在黎明at noon在中午 at night在晚上 at sunrise在黎明/日出时at Christmas在圣诞节 at lunch time在吃中饭时 at this / that time在这/那时 at the age of 20在20岁时

  on weekend(s)在周末 in the morning / afternoon / evening在上午/下午/晚上

  8. see you./ Goodbye / Bye/ Bye-bye再见

  see you later回头见;过一会儿见。

  see you tomorrow/next week. 明天见 / 下周见

  see you then. 到时见。

  9. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself要随主语的变化而变化) = have fun

  They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun.他们正玩得高兴。


  1月1日元旦(New Year’s Day)

  2月14日情人节(Valentine’s Day)

  3月8日国际妇女节(International Women’s Day)

  3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)

  4月1日愚人节(April Fools’ Day)

  4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

  5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)

  5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)

  6月1日 国际儿童节(International Children’s Day)

  8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)

  8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)

  9月10日中国教师节(Teachers’ Day)

  10月1日国庆节(National Day)


  12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)

  5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother’s Day)

  6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father’s Day)

  10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

  11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)


  农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

  农历正月十五元宵节(the Lantern Festival)

  农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)

  农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

  七年级英语上册各单元知识点 4

  Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.

  1. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?=What subject do you like best?

  My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的学科是数学。= I like math best.

  1)What’s your favorite....? = What....do you like best?

  My favorite.... is …. = I like .... best.

  2) favorite前一定要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。不可根据汉语意思而用人称代词如I, He 等。

  What’s Gina’s favorite subject? Gina最喜欢的学科是什么?

  Her favorite subject is math. 她最喜欢的学科是数学。


  4)favorite n. 最喜欢的人或物(复数形式是favorites)

  These clothes are my favorites.这些衣服是我最喜欢的。

  Which color is your favorite? 哪种颜色是你最喜爱的?

  2. Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学?

  Because it’s interesting. 因为它很有趣。

  3. How’s your day? 今天过得如何? It’s OK.还行。 Great! 棒极了!

  4. have + 学科:上某一学科的课。 have English 上英语课

  have a class / lesson 上课

  have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭 / 中饭/ 晚饭

  have a soccer game 举行足球比赛

  have a school trip 开展校外活动

  have a party 举行派对;举办聚会

  5. That’s for sure.的确如此。

  6. be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

  I’m busy with my homework = I’m busy doing my homework 我在忙着做家庭作业。

  He is busy writing a letter. 他在忙着写信。

  7. interesting / funny


  English is interesting.英语很有趣。

  I find this book interesting. 我发现这本书很有意思。

  This is a funny movie.这是一部搞笑的影片。

  This game looks fun. 这个游戏看起来好玩。

  8. from … to … “从……到……”,用来表述时间、地点等范围。

  from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五

  from Beijing to Shanghai 从北京到上海

  9. for + 一段时间:表(某个动作)持续了多长时间。

  I played with him for two hours. 我和他玩了两个小时。

  10.Is that OK with you?那对你来说合适吗?


  1. It’s Tuesday, November 11. 今天是11月11日,星期二。



  2. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

  be strict in sth. 对某事(在某方面)要求严格

  1)Our English teacher is very strict with us.我们的英语老师对我们要求很严格。

  2)Our English teacher is very strict in our homework.


  3. play with....和……一起玩

  4. look, see, watch, read


  2)see 用作及物动词。后面直接接宾语。“看见,看到”强调看的结果。“看医生”“看电影”常用这个词。

  ①He looks at the blackboard, but can’t see the words.他看了看黑板,但看不见这个词。

  ②see the doctor看医生

  ③see a film/movie看电影


  ①watch TV看电视

  ②watch the football game看足球比赛


  read a book看书 read the e-mail 读这封电子邮件 read a newspaper看报纸

  5. 辨析interesting与interested

  1) interesting可作表语,指某人/事/物本身有趣;也可作定语修饰人或物

  ① The book is interesting. 这书很有趣。 (作表语)

  ②I have an interesting book.我有本有趣的书。(作定语)

  2) interested用于be/get/become interested in…(对……感兴趣)这一结构中。

  He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣。

  6. on weekends在周末

  7. play the guitar 弹吉他 play erhu拉二胡 play chess 下国际象棋 play soccer 踢足球



  8. join / take part in 参加

  join多指参加某个团体或组织,成为其中的一员。take part in多指参加某项活动,并在其中起一定的作用。

  join the Party入党 join the army参军

  take part in the meeting参加会议

  join in(参加某项活动) = take part in

  join sb.加入到某人当中 join us加入到我们当中

  9. 辨析speak,say, talk, tell

  1) speak“说”,“讲话”。强调说的能力。

  ①作及物动词,只能接某种语言作宾语:speak + 语言 “说某种语言”。

  ②作不及物动词,“讲话,发言” She is speaking.她正在讲话/发言。

  2)say“说”,后面跟说的内容。 I can say ABC.我会说ABC. say hello to sb.向某人问好。 say sorry to sb.向某人道歉。 say it in English用英语说(它)。


  ①talk to sb.对某人说话 ② talk with sb同某人交谈 ③ talk about/on… 谈论……

  4) tell“告诉,讲述”。

  ① tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 ② tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事

  ③ tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事

  tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事

  ④ tell a story 讲故事 tell a lie 撒谎 tell the truth讲实话

  10. Help Wanted寻求帮助


  Teachers Wanted招聘教师 Waiters Wanted招聘服务员

  11. be good with sb 和某人相处得好(同义get on well with sb.)

  be good to sb对某人好 My teacher is good to me.

  be good for....对……有益 Learning English well is good for us.

  be good at....擅长…… Lucy is good at English.

  12. help

  1) n. 帮助 U Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

  2) v. 帮助

  ①help with sth. 帮着做某事 Please help with my homework.

  ②help sb. with sth.帮助某人(做)某事 Could you help me with my English?

  ③help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事Could you help me (to) learn English?

  13.选择疑问句:用or 连接的可供选择的疑问句。回答选择疑问句不能用yes 和no ,选择什么答什么。读选择疑问句时,or前用升调,or后用降调。若选择疑问句中有三个火三个以上并列部分,or用来连接最后一部分,前面并列部分用逗号隔开。

  Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?


  I can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。

  Which is the smallest, the sun, the moon or the earth? 哪一个是最小的,太阳,月亮还是地球?

  14. 辨析little, a little, few, a few

  1) little, a little修饰不可数名词;few, a few修饰可数名词。

  2) little, few表否定含义“几乎没有”,a little, a few表肯定含义“一点儿,少量”

  There is_________water in the cup. 杯子里有点水。

  I know________English. 我几乎不懂英语。

  There are________apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。

  The stone is too heavy,________people can move it.

  15. go to school 去上学 in hospital 在住院

  go to the school去学校 in the hospital在医院里

  16. get up起床 go to bed 睡觉

  17. what time / when

  都可对时间进行提问,表示“什么时候”。what time用来询问具体的时间点;when既可用来询问具体的时间点,还可用于询问时间段。


  What time / When do you usually go to school? 你通常几点去上学?

  2)询问钟表示的具体时间时,只能用what time, 不能用when。

  What time is it?几点了?=What’s the time?

  3)询问年份、月份、日期等非点时间时,只能用when,不能用what time。

  When is the Music Festival? 音乐节是什么时候?




  have v. 有

  soccer n. 英式足球

  ball n. 球

  soccer ball 英式足球

  tennis n. 网球

  racket n. 球拍(网球、羽毛球的)

  tennis racket 网球拍

  ping-pong n. 乒乓球

  volleyball n. 排球

  basketball n. 篮球

  bat n. 球拍(乒乓球等的)

  does v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词(动词do的第三人称单数形式

  doesn’t = does not 不

  let v. 允许;让

  us pron. 我们(we的宾格)

  let’s = let us 让我们;让咱们

  play v. 玩;打(球)

  well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个

  sound v. 听起来

  good adj. 良好的;令人满意的

  sport n. 运动

  we pron. 我们

  many adj. 大量的

  club n. 社团;俱乐部

  more pron. 更多的;更大的

  class n. 班级;(一节)课

  interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的

  boring adj. 无聊的;令人生厌的

  fun adj. 令人愉快的

  difficult adj. 困难的

  relaxing adj. 轻松的

  watch v. 观看;注视

  watch TV 看电视

  has v. (have的第三人单数形式)有

  great adj. 美妙的;大的

  collection n. 收藏品;收集物

  but conj. 但是

  play sports 参加体育运动或比赛

  only adv. 只;仅仅

  them pron. (they的宾格)他(她,它)们

  every adj. 每一;每个

  day n. 天;日间;白天;一日


  like v. 喜欢

  banana n. 香蕉

  hamburger n. 汉堡包

  tomato n. 西红柿

  broccoli n. 花椰菜

  French fries 炸马铃薯条;薯条

  orange n. 橙子

  ice n. 冰

  cream n. 奶油;乳脂

  ice cream 冰淇淋

  salad n. 沙拉

  strawberry n. 草莓

  pear n. 梨

  have v. 吃;饮

  oh interj. 啊;噢;呀(表示惊讶等)

  countable noun 可数名词

  uncountable noun 不可数名词

  food n. 食物

  egg n. 蛋;鸡蛋

  apple n. 苹果

  carrot n. 胡萝卜

  chicken n. 鸡;鸡肉

  breakfast n. 早餐

  lunch n. 午餐

  dinner n. 晚餐;正餐

  fruit n. 水果

  vegetable n. 蔬菜;植物

  runner n. 奔跑者

  eat v. 吃

  well adv. 好;对;满意地

  run v. 跑;奔跑

  star n. 星星;明星

  lot adv. 许多;很多

  lots of 大量;许多

  healthy adj. 健康的;强健的

  dessert n. (饭后的)甜食

  list n. 清单


  how much (价钱)多少

  pants n. (pl.)裤子

  sock n. 短袜

  shirt n. 男衬衣;衬衫

  T-shirt n. T恤衫

  shorts n. (pl.)短裤

  sweater n. 毛衣

  shoe n. 鞋

  skirt n. 裙子

  sale n. 出售;廉价销售

  dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$)

  color n. 色;颜色

  black adj. & n. 黑色(的)

  white adj. & n. 白色(的)

  red adj. & n. 红色(的)

  green adj. & n. 绿色(的)

  blue adj. & n. 蓝色(的)

  yellow adj. & n. 黄色(的)

  big adj. 广大的;重大的

  small adj. 小的;小号的

  short adj. 短的;矮的

  long adj. 长的

  clerk n. (银行、办公室、商店等的)职员;办事员

  help v. 帮助;援助

  want v. 需要;想要

  Here you are. 给你。

  welcome adj. 不必客气的

  You’re welcome. 不客气。

  example n. 例子;实例

  ten num. 十

  eleven num. 十一

  twelve num. 十二

  thirteen num. 十三

  fourteen num. 十四

  fifteen num. 十五

  sixteen num. 十六

  seventeen num. 十七

  eighteen num. 十八

  nineteen num. 十九

  twenty num. 二十

  thirty num. 三十

  clothes n. (pl.)衣服;服装

  store n. 商店

  come v. 来;来到

  buy v. 购买;买

  very adv. 很;非常;颇

  price n. 价格

  each pron. 每个

  anybody pron. 任何人

  afford v. 负担得起;买得起

  our pron. 我们的

  see v. 看见

  yourself pron. 你自己(反身代词)

  Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼)

  sell v. 卖;销售

  from prep. 从;从……起

  Zig Zag 文中指服装店名

  have a look 看一看;看一眼

  on sale 廉价出售;出售




  ( )1. A. It’s under the bed . B. They’re under the bed . C. They are balls.

  ( )2. A. My name’s Gina. B. Her name is Gina. C. His name is Bob.

  ( )3. A. It’s a book. B. They are books. C. They are under the bed.

  ( )4 A. Yes, she isn’t. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, it is .

  ( )5. A. It’s 5266987 . B. It’s a book . C. It’s red.


  ( )6. Where’s the computer game?

  A. Behind the door. B. On the sofa. C. Behind the sofa.

  ( )7. Is it under the table ?

  A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.

  ( )8. What color is the eraser?

  A. It’s black. B. It’s white. C. It’s red.

  ( )9. What’s on the bookcase ?

  A. An English book. B. A math book C. A set of keys.

  ( )10. Is Li Ming his cousin?

  A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t.


  ( )11. is under the bed.

  A. The backpack. B. The baseball. C. The hat.

  ( )12. The keys are .

  A. on the dresser. B. under the sofa. C. in the table.

  ( )13. The computer game is .

  A. under the bed. B. next to book case. C. on the table.


  ( )14.The books are .

  A. on the sofa. B. on the bed. C. under the table.

  ( )15.The pencil case are_______.

  A. in the backpack. B. on the bed. C. on the table.


  Things my quilt my computer 17 my jacket 19 20

  Where on the bed 16 on the bookcase 18 in the drawer on the floor


  A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

  ( )21. I have aunt. name is Linda.

  A. a , Her B. an, Her C. an, She

  ( )22. Thanks your notebook.

  A. of B. for C. in

  ( )23. Draw a picture your family.

  A. of B. for C. in

  ( )24 . my parents.

  A. This is B. These are C. That is

  ( )25.Can you some photos here tomorrow?

  A. take B. bring C. get

  ( )26. Is this your sister?

  A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, it is C. Yes, they are.

  ( )27. Bob is not my brother. my cousin.

  A. He’s B. She’s C. They are

  ( )28. ——Where are my books? —— .

  A. They are on your bed. B. It’s on your bed C. They are books

  ( )29. Can you see the bird(鸟) the apple tree?

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( )30. That’s chair. A cat is under chair .

  A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

  ( )31.This my brother. And those my grandparents.

  A. is , is B. is , are C. are , is

  ( )32.My uncle’s son is my .

  A. brother B. sister C. cousin

  ( )33.Tom and I good friends. He ten.

  A. am, is B. are, is C. am, are

  ( )34. —— your books? —— They’re at school.

  A. Where are B. Where is C. Where’s

  ( )35.—— ? —— They are our English books.

  A. What’s this ? B. What are those? C. Where are they ?

  B) 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

  Look, this 36 Jim’s room. 37 is an old house(旧房子), but it’s very nice. There are(有)some 38 and a clock 39 the wall(墙). There is a set of keys on the desk. 40 backpack is 41 the chair. His coat is on the bed. 42 is the baseball? It is 43 the door. 44 that under the bed? It’s 45 English book.

  ( )36. A. am B. is C. are

  ( )37. A. It is B. It C. It’s

  ( )38. A. pictures B. picture C. a picture

  ( )39. A. at B. on C. in

  ( )40. A. He B. His C. him

  ( )41. A. on B. at C. of

  ( )42. A. How B. What C. Where

  ( )43. A. behind B. under C. in

  ( )44. A. Where’s B. What’s C. It’s

  ( )45. A. a B. an C. the


  A) 选择(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,从每题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。

  This is Jack’s room. His bed is near the door. His math book is on the bed. His table is near the bed. His TV set is on it. The telephone is on the table too. His backpack is on the chair. The baseball is under it. His dog is under the sofa. The dog’s photo is on the wall(墙). Oh! Who’s under the bed? It’s Jack.

  ( )46. What’s on the table?

  A. The TV B. The telephone C. The TV and telephone

  ( )47. Where’s Jack’s dog ?

  A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the sofa. C. It’s under the sofa.

  ( )48. Is Jack’s backpack on the bed ?

  A. Yes, it is . B. No, they aren’t. C. No, it isn’t.

  ( )49. Where’s Jack’s baseball ?

  A. Under the table. B. Under the chair. C. On the chair

  ( )50. Is Jack in his room ?

  A. No, he isn’t . B. Yes, he is . C. I don’t know.

  B) 判断(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的写T,不符合的写F。

  Mike: Mother, this my friend, Paul.

  Paul: Nice to meet you, Mrs Brown.

  Mrs Brown: It’s nice to meet you, Paul .

  Mike: And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother , Bob, and this is my cousin, Tim.

  Paul: Hello! And is this your sister ?

  Mike: Yes, this is Jenny.

  ( )51. Paul and Mike are brothers .

  ( )52. Mike and Tim are cousins.

  ( )53. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents.

  ( )54. Jenny is Mike’s sister .

  ( )55. Mrs Brown is Jenny’s mother.

  C) 摘要信息(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(每空最多填写三个词)

  These are Lucy and Lily. They’re twins(双胞胎).They’re twelve. This is their room. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is yellow and Lily’s chair is red. Lucy’s jacket is on her bed and Lily’s jacket is on the chair. A clock, some books, an eraser and some flowers are on the desk. Lucy’s backpack is on the dresser. A soccer ball is under the bed. A black cat is under Lily’s chair.

  Things Where

  Lucy’s jacket on the bed

  Lily’s jacket 56

  a clock, some books, 57 and some flowers on the desk

  58 under Lily’s chair

  Lucy’s backpack 59

  a soccer ball 60



  A: Mom, 61.

  B: I don’t know. 62.

  A: No, they aren’t.

  B: Are they in your backpack?

  A: 63. Thank you.64.

  B: Your baseball ? 65.

  B) 翻译(共5小题,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

  My name is Han Mei. I’m an Chinese girl. 66.My English name is Alice. And my English teacher is Mr Li. His telephone number is 8965325. 67.This red jacket is Mr Li’s. Oh, 68.where is my black jacket? It’s on the chair. An English book is on the desk. 69.It’s not my English book . 70.My English book is in my backpack. Oh, my telephone number is 8695369.






  C) 作文(10分)


  Dear Li Ping,

  Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs.


  Li Ming
  Ⅰ、1-5. BBBBA 6-10. CABBA 11-15. BBABC

  16. on the table 17. my books 18. on the chair 19. my keys 20. my pencil

  Ⅱ、21-25. BBABB 26-30. AAABA 31-35. BCBAB 36-40. BBABB 41-45. ACABB

  Ⅲ、46-50. CCCBB 51-55. FTTTT

  56. on the chair 57. an eraser 58. a black cat 59. on the dresser 60. under the bed

  Ⅳ、A) AECDB B) 66. 我的英文名字叫艾丽斯。67. 这件红色夹克是李老师的。68. 我的黑色夹克在哪里?69. 那不是我的英语书。70. 我的英语书在我的背包里。

  C)Dear Li Ping,

  Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs. The English book is on the dresser. The ruler is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer .


  Li Ming

1. 七年级英语上册综合复习题及答案

2. 初二上册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案

3. 七年级英语测试题及答案

4. 七年级上册英语期中考试试题及答案

5. 七年级上期末英语试题及答案







































































初中初一英语 Unit3 This is my sister.教案
Unit 3 This is my sister
3、通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those 的用法。包括一般疑问句和否定句式。
分类 学 习 内 容

汇 sister , parent , brother , grandmother , grandfather , grandparent , these , those , she , he’s =he is , son , cousin , daughter , uncle , aunt , thank for , here , love , much , very much , soon , see you soon , pen friend , they , aren’t =are not




Is this your pencil ? Yes , it is .
Is this my pen ? No , it isn’t .
Is that his book ? Yes , it is .
Is that her eraser ? No , it isn’t .
Is this your sister ? No , it isn’t .
This is my friend . These are my friends .
Is that your brother ? Yes , it is .
That is my brother .
Those are my brothers .

能 Introduce people , identify people
sister n. 姐;妹
parent n. 父或母
brother n. 兄;弟
grandmother n. 祖母;外祖母
grandfather n. 祖父;外祖父
grandparent n. 祖父/ 母;外祖父/母
these pron . & adj.这些
those pron . & adj.那些
she pron .她
he’s =he is
son n.儿子
cousin n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
daughter n. 女儿
uncle n.叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑夫
aunt n. 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母
thank for为……而感谢
here adv.在这里;向这里
love v.爱;热爱
much adv. 很;非常
very much 很;非常
soon adv.不久
see you soon ,再见。
pen friend 笔友
they pron. 他(她;它)们
aren’t =are not 
Show the Ss some pictures , point at the pictures and tell them like this :
This is my father / mother / brother / sister ……
That’s my sister / grandmother / grandfather ……
Then ask the Ss to bring their families’ pictures and introduce people in this way .
2、听录音:Section A 1b, 2a, 和2b
预习Section A 1c
U3 This is my sister 第二课时
Sample One:(出示教师自己的家庭照片)
T:This is my grandmother. This is my grandfather. That’s my father. That’s my mother. That’s my husband. That’s my son.
Pairs work, then report to the class.
请看书,P47的图,假如你是图中的人物Dave ,你该如何向朋友介绍你的家庭呢?
Sample Two
T:These are his grandparents. That’s his father. That’s his mother. That’s his sister.
请看书P47 的图,给小组其他成员介绍Dave的一家,再完成1c,轮流汇报Dave一家的情况。
请看书P48 2b-2d的图,通过相互问答:Is this…? Yes, it is. 或No, it isn’t. 来了解图中的人物。
介绍别人用句型:This is…. That’s ….。 辨认某人用句型:Is this…? Is that…? 还有其它句型吗?
These are my friends. Those are my parents.
注意:these是this的复数, 指“这些”, those是that的复数, 指“那些”。 These、those作主语时, 后面的谓语动词用复数形式are。
完成p47 1b。
完成p48 2a,你还知道家庭成员的其它称呼吗?
cousin, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece…
3. 完成p50 2b, 翻出老照片, 描述一下, 看同学能否知道你说的是哪一张?
T: These are my parents. This is my uncle. That’s me.
4. 完成p50 2c, 画一张你家人

Unit 3 This is my sister 第三课时
name age occupation Characteristic
These are my parents. This is my grandmother. She is a worker. She is 53. She is thin. This is my friend, Jin Fang. She is a shop assistant. She is 24…
二 阅读并做练习
1)Section A 3a
keys : 1.sister 2. is 3. brother 4. isn’t
三 小游戏
用到的句型: Is…your…?
Yes, he/she is.
No, he/she isn’t.
四 任务示范及讲解
Is this your…? Yes, it is.
Is she …? No, she isn’t.
五 作业
Unit 3 This is my sister. (第四课时)
读P51 ,3a,Emma的信,假设你就是Emma,你能画一张怎样的家庭照呢?
1.Thanks for…意为“谢谢、、、、、、”后接名词。例如
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the beautiful card.
称呼(Dear…,)顶格写; 正文; 结束语; 署名(Yours…)

3、指示代词this, these
these是this的复数形式, 例如
This is my father’s book.
These are my father’s books.
Answers: grandparents, parents, uncle and aunt, cousins



